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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    Rape Squad - Great, fun early 70's rape & revenge exploitation flick. The film has this stupid "feminist message" telling us how all men are stupid pigs and should not be trusted, and then you have these sexy chicks walking around in clothes revealing nearly everything and shit. It's like two opposites meeting to be honest. But this is a fun exploitation flick. The rapist is awfully funny by the way. Jesus, I couldn't stop laughing every single time he opened up his mouth. Yeah, good trash cinema. Hilarious!
  2. Bear

    The Dead Lands - A a new zealand action-adventure in the vein of Apocalypto, focusing on maorian tribes. The film offers nothing new to the action-adventure genre, but it's a nice, violent and bloody adventure about honor loyalty, revenge and ancient tribal warfare. It's straight-forward, but the action, while cut too rapidly for my taste, makes up for it with its sheer brutality, it's visually stunning the cast is superb, especially Lawrence Makoare and Te Kohe Tuhaka are impressive here. I see no reason why you should not check out this epic action-adventure if you like Apocalypto, or hell, maybe even Valhalla Rising or The New World. Bounty Killer - A modern grindhouse film that is nothing more than that: a grindhouse film made to entertain, enterain some more and entertain even more. It's a very cool film too, even though some moments of CGI here and there drags it a bit down. But it's bloody, comic-book visual style is awesome and the cast is cool too, althought not great actors. I was impressed by Christian Pitre though, but that might have had something to do with her looks and clothes. Incredibly sexy! This is trash cinema, but it's good trash cinema in the vein of Hobo with a Shotgun, Machete, Nude Nuns with Big Guns and more. Sleazy fun.
  3. Damn, this was a lovely surprise. Easily Kampfar's best track since Kvass, if not since Fra underverdenen. Simply a damn good song!
  4. Been playing the Abbath track a few more times and it gets better, but the drumming is poor as fuck. Foley just isn't a natural black metal drummer at all. And just seeing King ov Hell involved in another band makes me sad, but it gets better and it sounds a lot like Damned in Black. Sounds like a leftover track from the Damned in Black sessions IMO.
  5. Meh. Sounds like newer Immortal, just far weaker and Kevin Foley sure as fuck ain't no Horgh. He's pretty boring to be quite honest. Just doesn't fit the overall sound at all IMO.
  6. Bear

    The Suicide Theory - A nice enough drama by Dru Brown with some excellent performances by Steve Mouzakis and Leon Cain. The premise is lovely in my eyes, as a suicidal man hires a hitman to kill him as he has this this theory he can't die, as he miraculously has survived his previous suicide attempts. As soon as you get to know the mens background it gets very predictable, but it was an enjoyable film despite that. Very enjoyable. The One I Love - Superb psychological thriller with standout performances by Mark Duplass and Elisabeth Moss. The concept is cool and the entie film is very playful and surprising. It felt fresh and both me and my girl enjoyed this film equally much. It fels very much The Twilight Zone-inspired, and this could easily have been an episode of The Twilight Zone. The Way Back OK adventure drama by Peter Weir, but when you think that his last three films before this was Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, The Truman Show and Fearless it's hard not to feel disappointed by a man you know can do so much better. While I do like Colin Farrell quite a lot, casting him as a polak was not a wise decision at all. Quite a stupid decision to be honest, and probably the weakest aspect of the film. The strongest being the gloomy atmosphere of the film. It was ok for what it was, but it both could and should have been so much more than what it actually is.
  7. Bear

    Shaolin Martial Arts - Another one of Chang Cheh's shaolin-themed films, and another stunning film. This mid-70's film is epic, but it's got that classic raw and powerful Chang Cheh-feeling to it. It's got a fairly standard story as far as martial arts films goes. Good guys takes a beating from bad guys, good guys goes into training and so on. Standard as fuck, but executed with enough flair and entusiasm fromdirector Chang Cheh and everyone involved, so it works very fine. The fights are superb, the characters are cool and the cast is immense. And the training segments are superb as well. Top class shit! The cast is great and features people like Gordon Liu, Billy Tang, Alexander Fu Sheng, Chi Kuan Chun, Simon Yuen, Leung Kar Yan, Wang Lung Wei and more, so it's another Chang CHeh all-star film, which is always great. It's the type of film I'd watch based on the cast alone. Superb stuff! Also, one of the deaths is among the most unexpected deaths I've ever seen on screen. Or, not the death itself, but the way the person did. I was seriously shocked at how he died and just jumped out of my sofa. Jesus, it was that good. Genius from Chang Cheh! There's also a shitload of cool refrences to Pai Mei/White eyebrow. Loved that! Anyway, perfection from Chang Cheh, this. Kung Fu Killer - Standard, but very cool martial arts action-thriller with Donnie Yen, Charlie Yeung and Baoqiang Wang. It's good, and most fights are well-choreographed and executed, but a few of them are cut too rapidly. The film is also a bit too glossy at times, looking too polished. And the under-the-truck scenes were awful. Looked so bad. But I am a massive Donnie Yen fan, and this works really well for me.
  8. Bear

    Rinkaku is among my favourite Dir en grey songs too. Easily top 5, if not top 3.
  9. Bear

    S, as well as the rest of Missa, are easily among the best Dir en grey songs IMO. As for Jesus Christ R'n'R it's a decent song. Easily the worst of WtD, but the pre-chorus (is it? long time since I heard the track) just makes up for the rest of the song. So catchy and cool.
  10. metalhammer.teamrock.com/features/2015-09-21/we-took-abbath-for-a-day-trip-round-london Jesus, that's just sad. I've been a huge fan of Immortal and especially Abbath and his ridicolous personality for ages now, but that's awful.. If it was only Abbath walking around it would've been cool and worked out well because he's got this cool vibe which makes him capable of pulling off that kind of things, but with King ov Hell and that dumb-looking Kevin Foley it just gets fucking stupid and embarrassing. It's weird how two simple human beings can so easily ruin someone's vibe. Weird isn't it? It also sucks that Abbath got King of Suckers on his team for this project. I can't think of someone more boring than him as far as black metal goes. The guy's got no personality or aura. Such a pointless figure.
  11. Bear

    Explorers - Really nice mid-80's children's sci-fi/fantasy flick with a lovely adventure feeling to it in the vein of The Goonies, directed by the then fantastic Joe Dante. It's just a really nice film and especially the first half is incredible. It does lose some of it's impact during the third act and drags on a bit at places, but it's still a very enjoyable ride from A to Z. And the three young kids, Ethan Hawke, River Phoenix and Jason Presson were all great here. River Phoenix stood out among them. He just nails his role. Fantastic performance! It's a shame Joe Dante never got to actually finish this film properly. I wonder what it could've actually been if he did.
  12. Bear

    Discussed Event Horizon not too mane pages back. 100 Bloody Acres - Lovely low-budget horror-comedy much in the vein of Tucker & Dale vs. Evil. Not as good, but still a very good and fun film with some excellent performances by Damon Herriman and Angus Sampson. It's also a bit slower than Tucker Dale, but well-worth seeing. Fun and gory! If you enjoy Tucker & Dale, Shaun of the Dead and the like I reckon you'll enjoy this quite a lot as well, even though it doesn't offer quite as many laughs. But when it does offer a laugh it's bloody hilarious. Highly recommended!
  13. First band that comes to mind is Sear Bliss who's had both trumpet and trombone players in the band. Their current trombonist Zoltan Pal played on Sigh's Scenes From Hell as well. I consider everything up until Glory and Perdition very good. The band gets much more mellom and atmospheric the further back in their discography you go. But the horns always were a rather big part of the band's sound.
  14. Lies. I'm not too familiar with Japanese beer, but Asahi, Kirin and Kiuchi offers some to notch beer. Just superb stuff.
  15. If you like earlier albums it'll please you for sure. Mgla keep evolving with every single album, but M. manage to kee his unique style intact. He's absolutely perfected this style of black metal. I love it! Also, I'm not sure if you're familiar with these bands, but if you like Mgla I highly recommend the following bands: Plaga Started out as a Mgla clone of their demo, but evolved into something else with each release. The EP was a disappointment, but both the demo and album are neat. Album sounds a bit darker and more depressive than the EP. Kriegsmaschine Another band of M. (main man of Mgla), and while the band is quite different. the quality is almost up there with Mgla. Nowadays the band also features Mgla drummer Darkside. The earlier outputs of the band focuses a bit more on brutality and rawness, while their latest album, Enemy of Man, is slower and more disharmonic. The drumming is IMMENSE! Szron More black metal in the vein of Kriegsmaschine and Mgla, close to the first one though. These guys doesn't have as much focus on melody as Mgla and is more mid-tempo and hypnotic than Kriegsmaschine. Their second album, Zeal, are among my black metal favourites of the 2000's. It's perfect, and as good as Mgla at their best IMO. Death Camp Earth isn't too far behind Zeal either, and it's a bit more oriented on melodies rather than groove. The debut isn't all that, though. Decent, but nothing to write home about.
  16. Bear

    Heh. I've been waiting for The Editor since forever now, atleast it feels like it. Thought it'd never get a proper release. It's one of those films I'm sure will end up in my small DVD-collection. It just looks so neat.
  17. Bear

    Manborg - One of the first films by the Canadian Astron-6 team, a team that focus on making cheap, cheesy 80's inspired filmmuch in the vein as Troma. Manborg is one big cheeseball of a film. A total cheese-o-rama from begining to end. This isn't good filmmaking in any way, but it's cool, pasionate filmmaking and a huge tribute to so-bad-it's-good films from the 70's and 80's. OK, the CGI is poor here, and I'd rather see it without CGI, but it is what it is. Everything else is great. Pure fun! The best parts of the film is the stop-motion animation. There's not much of it, but whenever there is it just melts my heart in an instant. It's beautiful, even though it's not Ray Harryhausen quality over it. Far from it. But stop-motion animation is for most part beautiful no matter how sloppy it is. I loe it! A lot better than Astron-6's Father's Day which was too long and was too much of a rollercoaster ride. But this one was great, and I have ever bigger expectations to The Editor which has finally leaked. I expect this to be an instant classic. A giallo-comedy? Oh dear! Will watch it during my annual october fest.
  18. Anyone heard the new Mgla? Fantastic album. The songwriting is nothing short of brilliant, and the drummer, Darkside, has outdone himself again. After the release of Kriegsmaschine's "Enemy of Man" i thought he had reached the top of what one could expect from a black metal drummer and that he would never reach that level again, but he's outdone himself. He just keeps on getting better and better with each album. What a drummer! Anyway, the entire album sounds nice. 9+/10 after 5-6 listens, and right now it's on the same level of With Hearts Towards None, but with time I do not doubt that this will grow on to be as goodas Groza, if not even better. Hail!
  19. Bear

    Maniac - The remake with Elijah Wood and Nora Arnezeder., directed by Franck Khalfoun. Lovely film, this. The atmosphere is great, and the choice of filming it POV makes it both challenging and fresh. A brutal, bleak and quite disturbing film, and Elijah Wood is excellent! I do prefer the original, though. It's just much more grimmer and feels even more sadistic and fucked up. However, despite all this the best part of this film is the soundtrack. It's like a beautiful mix of Goblin and John Carpenter or something. It's so god damn good!
  20. Yeah, very good band. I think both albums are worth a listen or ten. Misogi are kinda similar, but more progressive. And, if you ask me, better. And since Nile is mentioned I guess Lykathea Aflame is a fair mention as well. Progressive/technical death metal with a middle eastern twist. It's not folk metal per se, but it's more folky than e.g Nile, which is also a natural comparison. Nile, Gorguts, Cryptopsy and Demilich omes to mind when listening to their one and only release, which is fantastic.
  21. A few more I came to think of. Doesn't fit the whole oriental theme, though. These are all Mexican bands with aztec pagan vibe to them. Most are pretty poorly produced and raw as well, so unless you don't mind that type of production these might be interesting to you: Kukulcan Tezcatlipoca Tlillan Calmecac Tlillan Calmecac are my favourite, but I like all all three. When they did something they did nothing less than 100%. Tengger Cavalry is pretty nice too. They're at their best when they use throat-singing. There's not nearly enough throat-singing in metal. The band's a bit banal, though. I'll admit that.
  22. Check out Magane as well. Black metal band, but I'd say they have this traditional Japanese folk-thing going on at times. If you feel adventurous you may want to check out Quest for Blood. The flute tend to annoy the shit out of people though. It's a bit too much at times, but it's alright: And Rudra, which often gets called "verdic metal". Black/death/thrash metal with some elements of carnatic music:
  23. But music-wise it's pretty straight-forward epic black metal in the vein of Master's Hammer and Gehenna. There's no middle-eastern/oriental elements in the music itself. But it's a highly recommended band, and if you ever get the chance of catching the band live - for the love of god, do NOT hesitate to attend. Superb live band!
  24. Bear

    Blut aus Nord is a French atmospheric black metal/avant-garde/ambient band. Not sure why he/she would consider this the only place on the internet where people would discuss these bands, though.
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