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Everything posted by Deathtopi4

  1. Deathtopi4

    Coolness! Maybe there's some reward for saving the box because it's like a proof of purchase or something... and then they give you whatever the 5th movement is for free~~ wishful thinking I'm sure, but that would be hella.
  2. Deathtopi4

    Experienced the joy of petty revenge today Today my school had our class officer elections, and though I don't particularly care about such things I decided to vote against a person I very strongly dislike for various reasons, just out of quiet spite. As luck had it, said person asked me if I was going to vote for them later on in the day. "nope." I replied. "Aww come on, how long have you known me?" He whines. "A long time. But I've known [other candidates name] just as long." "Well, I've done you favors..." He sputters. The statement shocks me, seeing as the only interaction I've had with him over the past several years in which he was at least somewhat friendly was when he attempted to tell me some disgusting holocaust joke. He's a rude person. So I ask him what favors exactly he's done for me. After hemming and hawing for several minutes he says "Well one time in middle school you knocked me into the goal during soccer and then the other team scored on us." "How is that a favor?? And I don't even remember this anyway." "Well I rEMEMBER IT AND IT STILL BOTHERS ME TO THIS DAY D:" He says aggressively. "Welp, everyone makes mistakes, soooo sorry I traumatized you during middle school soccer." (FYI, our team sucked so bad we only won a single game in two years. If this actually happened it didn't make any difference ultimately lol.) He literally broods for several minutes more before finally saying, "You're going to vote for [other candidates name], aren't you?" "I already did :D" at this point I was unable to hold back my laughter. He got another negative response when he asked the kid behind me, and the disappointment was a beautiful thing to witness. This is probably a lot funnier if you actually know this person but yeah, I felt like sharing xD
  3. Deathtopi4

    Oomph! - Die Geister die ich rief
  4. Deathtopi4

    Loving that band name!
  5. A few years back that one song Paradise that has the mv with the elephant suit people was constantly playing on the radio. And it was one of my favorite songs to make fun of because it just sounds so dumb. Well my dad somehow thought I liked it and bought me the CD it was on... After explaining that this was not the case I immediately banished the CD to the giant CD collection in the kitchen instead of allowing it into my personal collection, but technically I still own it and it saddens me...
  6. Hope he'll be okay v.v I was thinking it would be because of mental health issues too ^
  7. Trading cards? That's odd lol. As for the fashion brand... "Brand Concept: Fuck the Operate Rock" So edgy.
  8. Deathtopi4

    Thanks for uncensored version ^^
  9. Deathtopi4

    Doubt I'll be able to afford this but really really hope I'm wrong, looks awesome!
  10. Only one song is super lame, but oh well. Good news! Love that eyeball design!
  11. Deathtopi4

    I was too busy to watch the pv until today and it's already been taken down... I regret my life choices... so much regret....
  12. Deathtopi4

    Guess it's cool for people who like and can read that sort of thing, but I too want a new release...
  13. Deathtopi4

    Kind of a bummer, but I can't feel too upset honestly...
  14. Deathtopi4

    Wow, these all look gorgeous!
  15. Deathtopi4

    lmao that show is so mean spirited xD but the end is definitely cute.
  16. Deathtopi4

    Sounds awesome! hopefully the sharing on youtube is just them taking pity on us since it's a live limited...
  17. I'm so happy to hear his voice again!
  18. Deathtopi4

    Great interview! I was wondering if kagune was a tg reference, so awesome to have it confirmed <3
  19. Good news about Byou! Live limiteds are meh but it's better than nothing, so sorta yay for that too.
  20. Deathtopi4

    Wow, a band I like is actually going to be in my state on a weekend.... I might actually be willing to suffer through other icky bands just for that...maybe, just maybe....
  21. Deathtopi4

    cool ^^
  22. lol that twitter video is cute
  23. Deathtopi4

    Awesome news, I'm excited!
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