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Everything posted by Deathtopi4

  1. No preference. I sometimes look at what their most recent releases are like, or watch their pvs on youtube, or I just try out random things I come across.
  2. Deathtopi4

    I gave myself a sidecut because of Uta from TG and because Meto wears it to the side sometimes in the same manner... It was an inspiration combo.
  3. That was so awkward. But hilarious xD
  4. Deathtopi4

    Yayy they finally announced! And it comes out practically on my bday, awesome.
  5. Deathtopi4

    Super tempted to claim something but I won't... I strongly approve of this thread though!!
  6. Deathtopi4

    ^ I'm glad I didn't quit watching that halfway through lol
  7. Deathtopi4

    Anoice - memories of you
  8. Deathtopi4

    Ryo's Fantastic Baby cover
  9. Deathtopi4

  10. Deathtopi4

    *excitement intensifies*
  11. Deathtopi4

    Halloween music afiejrgoiargagasg I can't wait eitherrrrrrrr!
  12. Love Mao's floppy-looking hat lol
  13. Deathtopi4

    Yayyy, this is great! Very excited!
  14. Deathtopi4

    Mejibray - Venoms
  15. Koichi is hardcore, I bet that bunny head is really heavy and uncomfortable... Love this look, glad Tsuzuku is back to having dark hair!
  16. Deathtopi4

    Dogma ft. Seidou
  17. Deathtopi4

    Dir en Grey - Lotus
  18. Deathtopi4

    I'm just meaning most bands that are/have been with PSC in general. To me there's a general trend of some of them showing promise at the beginning and then falling flat after joining PSC, The Gazette being an exception. This is just my personal opinion though, I know lots of people like those bands ^^
  19. Deathtopi4

    Aww bummer T.T hope he recovers soon as well.
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