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Everything posted by Deathtopi4

  1. Deathtopi4

    Ahhh tumblr, I hate it but can't bring myself to leave it... http://deathtopi4.tumblr.com/
  2. Whoops I totally missed that spot on Youtube, thanks! Can't wait for this!
  3. Deathtopi4

    I'm watching the Death Note drama and I'm ashamed of it lol
  4. Wow, the video is good but the song sounds awesome, really looking forward to this now.
  5. Deathtopi4

    Cool video, as usual Tatsuya was the most fun to watch!
  6. Deathtopi4

    Cool, it might be good!
  7. Looks and sounds awesome, this is gonna be good!
  8. sounds pretty decent.
  9. Sounds good! It's weird to have a release date but no title though lol
  10. Deathtopi4

    Very cool artwork, reminds me of Hans Bellmer
  11. Please don't disband please don't disband pleasseeee T.T
  12. Previews sound good overall, though I was also hoping for some heavier stuff.
  13. Deathtopi4

    Lol I consider anything later than August not summer, but I won't complain as long as we get the album soon!!
  14. Deathtopi4

    So far I'm loving them both equally. Dadaroma will most likely pull ahead once they've been around for a while, but for now they haven't released enough for me to firmly choose them over my beloved Crazy Shampoo....
  15. Wow such an amazing preview... Looking forward to the single though! And I love Aki's hair too lol, it's cute.
  16. Deathtopi4

    Wow...I could probably almost complete my collection of Mejibray releases and spend less than this...T.T
  17. Deathtopi4

    This is a very good review! I agree with all the sentiments that the constant releases from Mejibray are creating a very stale feeling. I've also had the whole "bored at first listen" feeling with this mini, but like you I'm sure I'll like it more in a few days after a few more listens, just like I have with many of Mejibray's other recent releases. Hopefully they'll realize that they need to chill out with all their releases soon....Then maybe I can finally be as excited as I used to be about hearing their new music.
  18. Looking forward to hearing the single of this ~new~ band.
  19. This is probably a long shot, but did anyone buy/ download "The Lucie EP" by Simplyd4rk when it was still available? I can't find it anymore....

  20. lame, why can't they at least release some crazy overpriced thing that's available for everyone if they want to obnoxious... oh well, hope it's good.
  21. Cool, interesting name
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