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Posts posted by Deathtopi4

  1. Puns are "ART DRAWN BY VOMIT," and this thread needs to disappear  "without a trace."

    Whenever I find myself in an awkward social situation I experience a "PEOPLE ERROR"

    If my top 5 least favorite politicians formed a club it would be called the "beautiful 5 [shit]ers"

    I accidentally summoned a demon in my sleep, now it's "MY DEVIL ON THE BED."

    The Illuminati is a "SLUDGY CULT," so everyone should join my mine instead. 

    (what am I doing, I don't even know)

  2. I can take them or leave them. If I understand the lyrics and they mean something to me then great, but they are lame it won't affect whether I like the song or not. The sound is the more important thing. I do quite enjoy laughing at lyrics that are bad or just plain silly though. However, if a song sounds bad and has terrible lyrics on top if that, I never hesitate to bash them lol. 

  3. Hmm, what to say... Perhaps that most Visual Kei bands lack the spirit that older bands used to have. The creation of a character oR certain personality that distinguised members in a band, the weird and playful personalities, etc.


    Look at Lareine, every member was a character and they deliberately played with femininity. Mana-sama, a mysterious silent being who communicates via a middleman and all Malice Mizer members also being weird and elegant, etc. Missalina Rei's vocal ARISU ARISUGAWA who was something like a weird crazy little girl having some fun around. Kyouka (Aliene Ma'riage) conceived by Mast and Ray, "menatlly asolated".


    All that playfulness, those characters, those personalities are pretty much something of the past. 

    Meto, Izumi, and Kamijo the emo vampire cry in a corner, whimpering "notice me senpai..."

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