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Posts posted by Deathtopi4

  1. Hmmm... during the process of transferring all my music to a new laptop I took the time to delete some music I've gotten sick of, and most of it was from vk bands I've listened to for years. Still listen to plenty though, so I guess it could be said that vk still does it for me. I've gotten bored with the visual aspects of most vk bands I listen to though. Meto is one of the only dudes who keep it interesting.   

    As for the question of more shitty bands forming, sure there are, but as it's already been pointed out shitty bands of all types pop in and out of existence all the time. However, I feel like the shittiness of new vk bands is a bit more noticeable. With all the various (and mostly pretty lame) jrock news sources I've followed/subscribed/whatever over the years I'm always seeing this or that about new bands forming, and on the rare occasion I bother to check them out they usually suck, because they're new. New bands sucking is not really unusual, it just seems more emphasized because these bands are brought to my attention with much more frequency than any other kind of new bands. Could be just me though. 

    And as for repetitiveness, I feel like I find more bands that sound similar to each other when I'm exploring the non-vk side of music. Again, could be just me :P still listen to plenty of them too of course.  

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