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Posts posted by Deathtopi4

  1. ^Super jealous of that desk/cabinet thing you've got there!


    My room is weird, I've accumulated so many posters that they fill up basically all the wall space, and instead of being cool it just causes sensory overload... I still like it though.

  2. 1: Don`t worry about others, is Visual Kei a genre, or a scene, or something else, to you?

    A scene or style, the range of bands that are vk is just too broad for me to consider it a genre. 


    2: Most of the time can you tell the genre, or if you will like a band based on their look?

    No, usually not. Sometimes I can kinda tell if a band is gonna be too poppy for me based on how they look, but I generally give them a chance anyway because I could easily be wrong lol.


    3: Do the looks matter to you? If the same band dressed in Jeans and T-shirts with short hair, would you be as interested?

    Nope. Sometimes a unique look will pique my interest, but if I try them and they suck then that's that. And of course, regardless of what they wear if they sound good that's all that matters.


    4: Do you search for music by sub-genre, such as Nu-Metal, Alt. Rock, etc?

    No, I'm not good at identifying those really specific genres at all... I just try various music I encounter.


    5: Do you get annoyed when others label your favorite music as genres which you don`t agree with?

    Nope, again I'm terrible about identifying genres. I might be a little disturbed if it was wayyy out of the ballpark, for example saying that a band like HNIB is country pop or something, but that's about it XD


    Bonus: If a band starts as Visual Kei, even if they change, are they Visual Kei 4 Lyfe?

    If I started out thinking of them as vk I'll probably keep that association, like with Dir en Grey. 

  3. Whatever is cheapest is usually what I go for, unless there's some sort of bonus song or item or whatever coming with a physical copy. Vinyl takes some extra work to convert to digital format though, so they aren't my first choice.

  4. Yes.... Unless the people you send it to have a poo fetish or something and they like it lol.


    I can have a really hard time emphasizing with people as well as interpreting their actions and words. I spend excessive amounts of time dwelling on my interactions with others and trying to understand them. Weird? 

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