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Posts posted by coffee000

  1. Do you mean music should be shocking for the sake of being shocking? I for one am against this kind of idea. To me, music should be interesting, entertaining and creative. The "shock value" sometimes happens to come with it because it is challenging certain repressive values in a society like someone said. For example, you can't deny that visual kei aesthetics old or new are challenging conservative or gender images in Japan's society, to fulfil certain audience's and musicians' wishes. I know it's not shocking anymore. And it doesn't have to be. Visual kei as well as some of today's pop stars' fashion and styling (look at Kyary Pamyu Pamyu), which have become far more flashy and bold than ever, are not shocking anymore. It doesn't mean they are not interesting and entertaining to audience at all. Why can't audience just appreciates what they see and hear for what it is - appreciating its aesthetics, not just image, but in music as well.  


    I believe 'shock value" can be part of certain music's creativity, but shouldn't be the sole reason why the music exists. And sometimes when it's poorly done (like those old bad PVs mentioned above), I'd rather they not do it anymore. If you want to do it, do it well. There can be clichés in your PV, but you can do it in an interesting and well-produced way. Like I l said, it doesn't have to be shocking and if you aim for that, more often than not you will fail.


    Have you ever asked your self as a member of the audience, is crap like shitting on stage and similar stuff what you really want? I mean, any random fool can do that. If you do that, you will only make yourself look like an idiot - nothing else. It doesn't represent any creativity and musicianship. But if that's what you really want, I am sure more entertainers will be happy to do such on stage for you.


    Of course you can do a lot of things to shock people. Yes, I can be shocked. But you will only be a five-minute fool and quickly ignored by the audience after "wtf". Yes, you probably get the attention you want. I, as a member of music audience will not give you any attention and will keep looking for music with real value to me.

  2. ^

    I happen to like Shin's voice very much and am happy with their second album. I am actually glad that he was headhunted by those PSC guys, left that terrible old band and ViViD have ditched their terrible old style since signing to a major label. I get the music I am listening to and like now - that's what matters.

  3. Some people seem to believe that creating (commercial) music is solely the work of the band members. But in reality this is not the case. They have ignored how many people have worked behind the scenes of an album that are put into the market. Music is a product to make money, it would be crazy if labels didn't treat it seriously. They can accept that movies are made by a huge team of crew but not music? That said, some bands might have more control over the end product while some have less, depending on their label. It's probably the practice of the music industry, a lot of team members they hire are not credited as writers?


    A lot of bands and artists, even including the big name ones, still produce mediocre releases even if they are given a lot of help and budget, be it ghost writers, producers or vocal trainers/music teachers. I can say that the success of their music relies on clever marketing more than the actual quality of the music.

  4. I am not really into classic rock. I am usually a fan of alternative/indie rock types (1990s to 2000s). Don't get me wrong, I don't like those dull Grunge or Nu-Metal bands. lol


    I am OK with any emotion, happy, sad, etc. as long as I like the music. Most of the J-rock bands I like actually sound similar to the Western alternative/indie rock bands I like. What I like about Japanese rock is that it sometimes has more complex melodies and song structures, and solos that a lot of modern Western alternative/pop rock bands don't bother to try/have. Just because you belong to some sort of pop, it doesn't mean you shouldn't try something a little surprising and complex. J-rock bands has done this better. Of course there are simple J-rock bands, but some of them probably can make up for it with better melodies compared to Western bands. But it will depend on the band.


    I think I should probably put it this way: I am not a fan of most pop rock bands that do anime openings. Most of them belong to the "simple song" type. But I would rather listen to those anime opening bands than mainstream Western pop rock bands like Nickelback and Green Day if I really had to waste my ears on either, because I absolutely cannot stand the latter while a lot of J-pop rock bands at least sound OK to me. I don't know why. Maybe it's because the Japanese have better melodies and less annoying vocals.

  5. while for example in rock everyone has a rock style. but they can critique very hardly people who copy. it's not really acceptable in the same way.

     they support &  promote more uniqueness as a way of thinking and acting ,nomatter what they do.


    I think in the West a lot of mainstream or not so mainstream (I mean mostly one hit wonders or so) rock bands have similar sounds to other bands from the same time period or same scene. I don't think they are criticized that much. In fact, some of those bands are even considered good. I think the problem is that, once you become well-known and mainstream, a lot of people will dislike and criticize you (that's how you get the impression that bands are criticized for copying or something), while at the same time more people will like and remember you. That's very rewarding so the criticism is nothing over time. In 15, 20 or 30 years, nobody will probably remember the criticism anymore.

  6. Why do you say that "visual kei in and of itself is very conformist"? I'm genuinely intrigued by this and not trying to be an ass :P


    The reason I asked is because you've been saying that visual kei resists definition (which I agree). My own take is quite similar to yours actually - that visual kei is kind of a negative definition, that can only be defined over and against the "other". But in saying that visual kei is conformist - does that not suggest that there's some kind of essential "core" (presumably some basic principles to which every or at least most bands conform) that can be incontestably pinned down and labelled "visual kei"?


    I think Zess means that a lot of bands sound and look similar to each other. That's truth. But it is also truth that a lot of bands within a scene or movement in pop/rock music history had similar sound. That's not limited to Japan actually. It happens a lot in the West. I wouldn't say that vk itself is conformist. Nowadays, it's all about who can market itself best (that's probably the "core" you talked about). Having a similar sound or look to someone successful is one of the ways of trying to market itself. If that's viewed not successful, some people will try something different. I think some people are thinking too deep about visual kei while it's actually not that much. It's similar to the (late night) anime and otaku subculture, with obvious escapism element for the audience. But at the same time that doesn't mean there aren't art, creativity and expression elements within these subcultures. These elements are mixed.

  7. Maybe some bands are alternative rock more than indie? If sounding like the Smashing Pumpkins and so on made one indie, and the Smashing Pumpkins were indie then a lot of 1990s mainstream rock bands would count as indie too. O_o Yet I understand that people still argue about the difference between indie and alternative rock. I get the general idea that, once a band becomes mainstream, it's no longer indie, especially when the band was from the 1990s.


    I was listening to Chanty the other day. They do have a lot of potential but I have problem with the lead singer. It takes some time to get used to. I will keep an eye on them.


    Nobody mentioned LIPHLICH, Yazzmad, Viru's and Scarlett? These bands' music can definitely be classfied as "indie" without having typical vk vocals or whatever. I dislike Yazzmad's vocals even more than Chanty's though. In fact, I can't stand the vocalist but that's just me.


    You can call some of DIV songs and a band like Nobady's sound indie too since some 2000s Western "indie" bands also play electro pop rock with a 1980s influence.


    I definitely see the start of a new trend from these indie-sounding vk bands. In fact, this trend has been going on for years, not that new but still not many bands do it. I am always happy to see more bands playing a different style of music than most. If they have a nice sound, it's good no matter they are vk or not. They probably get into vk to attract more audience or something. You can't deny that being visual kei can sometimes help them make good-looking and interesting music videos and it is a bonus.

  8. I actually don't care about the boyband covers. Am I the only one who thinks that the regular edition cover is worse? Type A cover is just lazy.


    I am quite happy with their newer sound and looking forward to the new album. And they definitely look much better than their ridiculous old "visual" days.

  9. Tokyo Jihen had a few interesting and highly entertaining PVs. The 女の子は誰でも one is inspired by old musicals. The ハンサム過ぎて PV looks like a 1950s/1960s black and white movie. The 今夜はから騒ぎ PV reminds you of China in the early 20th century. All of them have gorgeous and well-designed costumes and settings.

  10. I am sure "tsuki" (moon) or just "moon" if it's in English, "namida" (tears), "taiyou" (sun), and "hoshi" (star) or just "star" in English are pretty common in song titles, though "taiyou" is probably less common among them. Some bands have all of them even including both the same word in Japanese as well as English (e.g. Rentrer en Soi). I've seen "sun" and "sunset" in vk song titles so they are related to "taiyou". Not sure whether there's "sunrise" though.

  11. "Scarlet" has been used by Jupiter, Alice Nine and Screw. Nocturnal Bloodlust and Alsdead, who toured together, both have songs titled "Pandemic" and "Rebellion" - those songs were released all on their 2012/2013 albums. I rolled my eyes when I saw that. Other common words in vk (or J-rock) song/album titles include:

    "Apocalypse" (Megaromania, Alice Nine, Rose Noire),

    "Heaven" or something with heaven (Megaromania, Alsdead, Jupiter),

    "Xanadu" (Moi dix Mois, Screw, Asriel),

    "Masquerade" (not sure whether it was Versailles who started that and even Oshare-kei bands like to use it)...


    Just want to add: Scarlett had a song called "Ageha Shoujo".

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