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Posts posted by Mihenno

  1. OK, I definitely like CORE more than I liked Tears. Between CORE and Revolution to New AGE, I can't decide which I like better. 

    I was a bit surprised by the new songs, but not in a bad way. I would have liked for there to be something similar to RISK_144000 because that song is hot as fuck but oh well. 

    I'm not going to go track by track but I'm really into 疾風迅雷. I also like イデア but still prefer Aerial cord over it.  I feel like I get lost during 囁姫遊女 and 洗礼. They're not bad songs...I just..idk like they don't really stand out to me or I haven't listened to them enough. I'm just "whatever" about them. I was into Real world upon first listen but now I don't really know how I feel about it. Not a fan of the "Dancing Dancing fly Dancing Dancing cry" parts. Feels like I'm being attacked. EGOIST still slays and will always slay. That's their best song in my opinion. 


    This album is a 4/5 stars for me. 



    I have to bitch about this too, but the poster.... I haven't gotten mine yet, but wow, not into it. There's a lot of things that irk me about it, one being that Kazuki isn't in it. He definitely played a part in the album but ok.  Another thing is that I was expecting something "cool" not for 3 of them to be cheesing and then Koudai looking serious... like what? ughhhhhhhhh it's just too silly for my taste. 

  2. Currently obsessed with: 少年記 - ガゼルバベル

    I'm actually obsessed with this band in general, but I'll just talk about their newest single.


    It was love at first listen. When I watched the 40 second PV preview, I had to play it another 30 times. I'm terrible with wording, but just those 40 seconds made me realize that this was essentially something I wanted to hear for the longest time. It felt familiar, but new; generic but unique all at the same time. The buildup to the chorus is just beautiful and the actual chorus is just WOW. I never bought anything so fast. It was like 20 mins after first hearing the preview, I went on CDJapan and bought that shit asap.


    So as soon as I started listening to the full version of the song, I was like "lolwhatisthis?" The intro is:



    I go to the top of the Tower of BABEL with my GAZELLE.

    It have two pairs of horns with "emotion".

    Sleep in my mind...

    I go to the top of the Tower of BABEL with my GAZELLE


    in my fate.




    I felt awkward for like 5 seconds and I was over it. I kinda feel like it doesn't fit with the rest of the song but it's used to end the song as well so...idk. It sounds like some weird Engrish pop intro and upon my first listen, I wasn't into it. As of right now, It doesn't really bother me but I think the song could do without that but then again, I don't know shit so
    Rest of the song is breathtaking. The guitar play and the solo makes me sweat. I wasn't expecting there to be screams/growls because the preview sounded so beautiful and angelic but I'm totally into them so it doesn't really matter. THAT CHORUS THOUGH UGH
    I don't really know what the concept is for the song since I don't know Japanese but in the PV, there's a gazelle, the tower of Babel, and the vocalist and his clone(?) which is a shadow of himself I'm guessing. Basically, I feel like it's about inner conflict and battling with "yourself" which is hot. Biblical references in songs are hot too.
    This band doesn't have a drummer so it makes me think "What would they sound like with an actual drummer? Better? Worse?"  I like how they sound now without one.  

  3. Yes! I just started it a couple weeks ago and my friend and I watch it together. I feel like a lot of people overhyped it, but then again, I'm only 8 episodes in (I think). I enjoy it and it's funny but I'm not like "WOW THIS IS SO GOOD OMG." I'll finish season 1 and most likely season 2 as well.  


    Laura Prepon's voice breathes new life into me.

  4. My friend and I got into VK bands in like 2007/2008 and It's been all I've listened to since then. I just can't get into what's popular with everyone else and what's played on the radio. In 2010, my friend totally fell off from the scene and I don't know why. I think he said "It's dead." and I was like "Oh. Same." This kinda affected our friendship because a majority of the time that we'd talk, it would be sharing music with each other. Maybe he was never really into it  as much as I thought he was? 


    In regards to my parents, they don't say anything. It's constantly playing throughout the house and in my car and my dad actually taps his foot to the beat of some songs. For awhile though, I was scared to let them know that I listen to Japanese music, but over time I was like "fuck it, Y0LO" because why should you have to hide what you like from your parents? My dad actually told me that he liked the song Zero Crysis by DaizyStripper. LOL


    I'm in the process of converting 2 others right now. One friend who listens to VK bands occasionally and one friend who pretty much only listens to anime OSTs and knows about the songs because they're anime OP/EDs. Maybe in time they'll join me....

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