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Posts posted by Mihenno

  1. My goal is to get rid of the fat around my stomach.  

    I'm currently 167lbs and 5ft 11in. I have little to no muscle though. While I would love to pack on muscle, I'm more concerned about having a flat stomach. 

    I actually started my diet today. I was told that losing the fat around your stomach mainly comes from eating better so I went grocery shopping to get shit. I WAS going to the gym but then winter happened and it's like 0 degrees outside and the snow keeps piling up. So I was thinking of just doing situps and crunches at home. I don't really know if it'll do anything, but it's better than doing nothing at all. 


    ALSO, I have this problem with my face. Like it gets swollen and I don't understand why. It's so slight, but I notice it and so do other people when I point it out. It's the weirdest thing. I can't find anything about it online and I've been to this specialist but was told that my salivary glands are bigger than normal and the saliva gets trapped(?) and I need to massage my mouth periodically for it to drain. For some reason though I don't think that's it. Like there's gotta be something else because that only works occasionally. I've read things saying it's lack of vitamins, lack of water, etc. So I give these things a try but nothing fixes it. Then I read something online about it having to do with eating and the amount you eat and it mentioned something about an eating disorder - but I can't remember exactly what it said. It made me think though because I was 210lbs 2 years ago and I had stopped eating as much as I was due to medication I was on, so I dropped 40lbs or so which is kinda where I'm at now and I wonder if maybe that has to do with it? If anyone knows anything about swollen faces, please help me. LOL


    Anyways, I'm gonna look into this Fitocracy app and see how my diet goes for a week with abdominal exercises. 

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