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Everything posted by Mihenno

  1. so I started playing LoL....

    1. Rize


      ohmyohmy. Which server? :D If you play on EU-W, add me: ShiroxKitsune

  2. Same Saw them once in April and now again in September
  3. Mihenno

  4. I like this one song a lot more than their entire mini-album :/
  5. Mihenno

    Thanks for the response! I ended up giving Miro Video Converter a try and it ended up working.
  6. This is going to be a shot in the dark. Long story short, my place of work got broken into and our safe was stolen. A food warehouse down the street has security cameras in the alley and they gave us the footage which shows a guy walking through the alley into our lot and then out of the alley carrying the safe and our DVR recorder. I was given the footage so I could burn it and make copies, I wanted to trim down the videos though and see if I could zoom in and shit to get a better look at the fucker who robbed us but I don't know what I'm doing. I'm on a Mac I want to bring the video into Final Cut Pro or even QuickTime, but it only seems to be able to play through VLC. The file format for the videos says .mp4 but I feel like that's a lie. Is there a way to transcode(?) it or something so that it'll open in QuickTime or Final Cut so I can mess around with the footage? I don't know what to do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. Mihenno

    I'd do it..... but it probably won't look anything like this
  8. I wish they sounded like how they did in 2012 Vocalist's look kinda gives me Ryuuji vibes
  9. it was a mistake to take claritin. x_x I can't sleep and its almost 4am already fml

    1. Tetora
    2. yakihiko


      OMG XD I used to took this medicine when I was younger.

  10. Mihenno

    My first little series shot in studio
  11. someone see OOR with me in september when they come to chicago ;_;

    1. Tetora


      Okay, but I get to sit on your shoulders during the whole show.

    2. Mihenno


      I'm fine with that!

  12. will Dark Cloud 3 be shown at E3 tho???

    1. Tetora


      Right after a new Earthbound game and Shenmue 3!

  13. my erection for Fallout 4 is out of this world

    1. Lestat


      I cancelled my regular preorder as soon as I saw that PipBoy and preordered the collector's edition. I am sold. Bethesda has my heart forever.

    2. Mihenno


      I still have to buy a next gen console :'(

    3. Tetora


      I thought you had WiiU?

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  14. Mihenno

    I love them, they're one of my new favorites. I honestly wasn't expecting much when I gave Providence of BIONIC a listen but I was blown away. All 4 tracks were so catchy and awesome that I decided to buy their first mini album, however, that wasn't really on par with BIONIC. Not to say Causality is bad, it was just OK. When the preview for A.P.O was uploaded, I caught myself listening to it on repeat for days. When I listened to the full version however, it was totally not what I was expecting the rest of the song to sound like. I still like it, but part of me was expecting a bit more from A.P.O. Now when the preview for Last Song... got uploaded, I also played that on repeat forever and it made me hyped for Providence of LUV because it has that catchy/upbeat feel to it like Providence of BIONIC has. LUV was what I thought it would be, which is good. Clarity is such a banger. I think it's cool that they were able to show different sides(?) of their music through the 3 Eyes of Providence mini albums. I don't think heavy songs are their forte, but that's just my opinion. I can't wait to hear what they release next.
  15. Mihenno

    Started watching Magi and I'm in love.
  17. I think it's pretty cool how they kinda change up style for each of the Providence of... mini-albums.
  18. Mihenno

    Since I can't draw or paint, I force my friends to model for me at gunpoint. I mainly do portraiture since I like shooting people. I have a Nikon D7000 and a couple lenses --- I will post more later~
  19. Mihenno

    Damn... that really sucks D:
  20. Mihenno

    Tetora I love you. You manage to write my exact thoughts when I have difficulty putting them into words. Like everything you mentioned I agree with 100%.
  21. music: Nao、コウ lyrics: コウ programming: Nao 今宵は月 部屋を染め 秒針(はり)の音だけ 響く 私は シーツに残る貴方の香りに身を埋め(うずめ)てるの ヒトリアソビ 重ねた夜 思い出して 月が照らす 濡れた指 きら きら きら 廻れ 廻れ 愛の唄 叶わない距離嘆いて 泪の河を渡れば 貴方の声聞こえたの 帰り待つ女性(ひと) いること わかっているの それでも 胸の炎 焦がし 嗚呼 愛してる 命尽きるまで 『染み付いた その映り香 彼女へ届けばいいわ…』 背伸びした一人酒も 妬み 溢れて もう どうにかなりそう ヒトリアソビ 火照る身体 虚しさ抱き くちびるがもう 覚えてる くら くら くら 廻れ 廻れ 夢の唄 鈍色の愛 かざして 愛しい肌 この爪を たてる事が出来たなら… 帰る場所がある貴方 さよなら も辛くないのね 胸の炎 今も 嗚呼 燃えてるわ 哀しい程に 廻れ 廻れ 愛の唄 叶わない距離嘆いて 泪の河を渡れば 貴方の声聞こえたの 帰り待つ人 いること わかっているの それでも 胸の炎 焦がし 嗚呼 愛してる 命尽きるまで 愛してる 命尽きるまで
  22. Mihenno

    does the bassist have a neck brace on.....
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