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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hiroki

  2. hiroki

    he finally uploaded a demo song! i love it!!
  3. hiroki


    3rd part of their Sendai live with footages of Kizuna and Destiny 4th part: Supeoki Pain and Scarred
  4. hiroki

    Updated my list: Also will buy every single cheki of LAGLESS's DOG that you have at 500 yen each... no question asked! <333
  5. hiroki

    nope it means as of 2/4 they're working towards the release of their 1st full album
  6. hiroki

    and obviously i love them
  7. hiroki

    HELLO EVERYONE i have some extra copies of Lux's EXIST that i'm giving away for free (exclusive of international shipping). the only thing i'm asking in return is that if/when the band makes their future releases easier to obtain internationally you'll try to support them if you like what you hear. basically i just want these to end up with people who are at least slightly interested in the band so that's all i'm asking tbh i'm not sure if shipping is at all worth it if you live outside of Asia but feel free to ask if you're interested
  8. hiroki


    i love wataru so much i'm dying X_X ughhhhhhhhh i think when they upload their final otsubibu i'll just download it and never watch it T_T
  9. CLear たろ。(taro) piano solo single "CLear Piano Selection~Reposer~" will be released through Closet Child and from their live at Shinjuku CLUB SCIENCE on 2017/03/08 (1,000yen), at which たろ。(taro) will "graduate" [track list] 01.星流る夜に(hoshifuru yoru ni) 02.妄想クローゼット(mousou closet) 03.Surround
  10. Smileberry live-limited one-coin single "LUCKY DAY" will be released from their live at Sendai HooK on 2017/03/07 (500yen)
  11. hiroki

    Ricky will be on hiatus after DASEIN live tour final at Shinjuku ReNY on 2017/05/13 due to his vocal cord polyp
  12. Project【混乱】(Project konran) has changed to new band "マゼラン(mazeran)" on 2017/02/05, and they will hold their first presents live "貴方の脳に寄生します。" at HOLIDAY SHINJUKU on 2017/04/03 "マゼラン(mazeran)" members: Vo.繭(mayu) (ex-つなぎ(tsunagi)-->BRAST(レオ/reo)) Gt.さな(sana)(f.k.a. Nao) Ba.瀧(taki) (ex-スナフキン(snufkin)(ス≠ズ/suzu)) Dr.千夜(senya) (ex-Dicreyt-->Weather.bell(support)-->つなぎ(tsunagi)-->uni-ユニ-, BRAST(support)-->スナフキン(snufkin)(support)(らむ/LaM), now ZAKLIA(support)) http://mazeran.main.jp/
  13. hiroki

    omg about time <3333
  14. hiroki

    NeruNeru will disband after their live at Ikebukuro CYBER on 2017/03/31
  15. hiroki

  16. CLØWD new single "バタフライ・エフェクト(butterfly effect)" (3 types) will be released on 2017/04/12. Limited Edition A <CD> 1. バタフライ・エフェクト 2. NEVER ENDING STORY <DVD> 1.RUDENESS RESORT(LIVE at 日本武道館「JACK IN THE BOX 2016」) 2.CLØWD 1st ONEMAN TOUR 「Happy Birthday 2 You」 FINAL at Zirco Tokyo密着ドキュメント Limited Edition B <CD> 1. バタフライ・エフェクト 2. 息吹 <DVD> 1.CLØWD Theater Regular Edition <CD> 1. バタフライ・エフェクト 2. エルゴ領域 3. バタフライ・エフェクト(KØULess Ver.)
  17. hiroki

    i cook a lot for my family.. here are some stuff we had for lunch/dinner this past week
  18. hiroki

    promoting their free oneman on 2/11 vivarush-style LOLOLOL
  19. hiroki

    The album will also be released through Like an Edison on 2017/02/15, so you can grab a copy via a shopping service
  20. because sometimes technical proficiency isn't the most important reason, and definitely isn't the only reason, why people listen to the music they listen to and fall in love with the bands they fall in love with. this thing we call "taste" is nothing but an amorphous placeholder for an incredibly complex web of factors including instincts and temperament, environmental and psychological factors, linguistic/cultural affiliations, etc. that no amount of theoretical analysis can ever hope to untangle. even in the extremely rare instance that you can find another person who agrees with you on every single point you make about a band both of you mutually enjoy, i'm willing to bet that the basis for your value judgments about the band will still diverge, simply because, if nothing else, you are two different people. if i'm to push this even further: many people seem to think that 'technical proficiency' is a clear-cut term that requires no further explication. that's far from true. while it's the case that fans would be deeply relieved to find their favorite singers hitting the notes they're supposed to hit and their guitarists executing their tremolos and harmonics competently, it's too easy to name instances where artists who do things generally not recognized as 'proficient' actually making a difference. the pianist claudio arrau, when he was still alive, was constantly ridiculed by musicologists and critics for how slowly he plays his beethoven sonatas (check out his "walden" for starters), but he's now posthumously credited with reading beethoven insightfully with an introspection no beethoven specialist had possessed. likewise, in the realm of art, when henri matisse became bound to his wheelchair in the later part of his life and could no longer hold a paintbrush, he began making 'cut-outs' as art (hardly the pinnacle of artistic virtuosity, you would think...), yet on hindsight his technique directly spawned at least three different art movements in the mid-late 20th century. so if there isn't even a ahistorical standard of what qualifies as 'technical proficiency' in the realm of high art where you'd think experts would have come to some sort of agreement after centuries of bickering debate, attempting to hold it up as some governing authority that ought to adjudicate people's tastes in popular music seems to me rather presumptuous. but to quote you again: and with this you basically just answered your own question. even though music traverses linguistic boundaries, its cultural influences remain unique. musically that's definitely the case (just look at how prevalent the major 7th chord is in japanese pop, compared to western pop). then there's the issue of language that comes into play. it would take a separate long post for me to defend why some people find lyrics to be important, but suffice to say, a song by definition has words, so unless we are going to pretend that all songs are operatic arias in disguise, it's only to be expected that some prefer how meaning is communicated in one language to another (which again has to do with a whole bunch of linguistic features: syntax, structure of address, sociopragmatics, and so on). you might not find the words in the song to be particularly important to your enjoyment of the music (and ofc there's no reason why you should), but it shouldn't be alarming that there are people who attend to that aspect of the song because it's important to them. there's also the phonetic aspect that some people above have already mentioned.
  21. hiroki

    yesterday was guild's last live with ryuichi at akasaka blitz T______T ryuichi said that he still enjoys singing and hopes that one day he might have the opportunity to stand on the stage again. reading everyone's replies to ryuichi's tweet made me tear up badly. i can't remember when the last time was i saw THIS much love for a bandman T_T
  22. hiroki

    i'll only get my cds tmr so i haven't heard their new single... I CANNOT WAIT. and 素晴らしきこの世界へ is apparently fuma's favorite song off this single so i'm especially excited to hear that one i can totally understand why the change in their music direction (if you could call it that) wouldn't be palatable to some fans. to be fair that was a huge concern the band had as well. i remember keiya saying how torn he was when they decided to try something knew cos he wasn't sure if the fans can accept it. ultimately i think the main 'payoff' for their new sound comes through most clearly at lives, and it's difficult to judge songs like panic panic and poison chocolate without having seen them live, esp. with all the audience participation elements. i mean, even before panic panic, listening to Paradise Dance on record was NOTHING like experiencing it live. the energy of the entire livehouse moving in sync + how good keiya is at hyping the crowd up is quite mind blowing. the recent music only lifts that to a higher level. i'm not sure what i feel about the 2 recent PVs still, since ordinarily they would def be too cheesy for me (and like, the reason i actually love them is because of my ridiculously intense bias for the band LOL). but i found that if i listen without watching the pv, the sound actually doesn't deviate too much from some of the stuff they had before? it's still the same sound effects, the same catchy choruses, the same signature purple stone hooks etc. and then there's also the lyrics aspect. it's understandable that their recent output is easy to dismiss as 'non-serious' and 'playful' music but actually fuma kinda detests 'paripi' music (basically superficial, thoughtless party/clubbing music) lol. he's said time and again in interviews and talkshows that his job is to try and neutralize the capriciousness of their sound by writing lyrics that gives substantial depth to the songs. that doesn't mean that his lyrics are preachy or inscrutable - it just means there's more to their music than meets the eye so like, there's something for everyone, assuming you can access everything: recorded music, live experience, lyrics, interviews/blogs/tweets, and so on. anyway fuma just seems to be a super intelligent person from the stuff he writes/says haha. he twitcasts A LOT (almost every night) so pls just drop by and say hi even if you dunno what he's saying oh and a slight digression: their new single seems to be selling quite well! i ordered from 3 different shops for fun this time and both like an edison and jishuban have sold out their first press (so they're waiting on stock). i checked cdjapan and it seems to be the same there. little hearts and zeal link have limited stock left.
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