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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. no it was never released
  2. DIEALO new maxi single "FRUSTRATION" will be released on 2017/04/05 (2 TYPE) TYPE A (1,944yen) will include CD (2 songs)+DVD (including "FRUSTRATION" PV), and TYPE B (1,620yen) will include CD (3 songs) only
  3. preview of their bonus dvd that you'll get when you purchase their new single haha omg i love them
  4. ソラ(sora)(ex-ALIVE) will be the new vocalist of LEZARD
  5. hiroki

    i will never be able to focus on work again OOPS SHOGOOOOOOOOOOO <33333333333333333333333
  6. hiroki

    idk why no one has commissioned @echo to write live reports so that we can get more stuff like LOLOL ok seriously though THAT WAS SO FUN TO READ <3333333333333333333333333
  7. hiroki

    it's not but it's only limited to little hearts' osaka shop and online shop! you can use a shopping service to order it from here: https://shop.littlehearts.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=8536
  8. hiroki

    as I promised @vanivani , some thoughts on glamhaze's last album : like many other glamhaze fans i was a little disappointed when i saw that the tracklist only has 5 studio recordings, 4 of which are title tracks from their previous singles. it's especially depressing since we all know that glamhaze has a ton of unreleased songs that they never pressed to disc. heck, i wouldn't even have minded if they had re-recorded some jilled ray songs. the only "new" track here was Ayatori - a super fun track that the band plays at every single oneman so far if i remember correctly. it's true that a "rough mix" of that track was distributed at their O-West oneman but it was quite badly produced even by demo standards, so it was nice to see them doing a proper recording for it. no complaints there! that said, i still bought their album really because of the PVs which they included after incessant requests from fans (like 20% of the questions fans fielded to them on the ZL tour were literally 'PVs plz??'). Last Scene PV was especially a beauty. i can't get over how gorgeous everyone is?? <33333 ok fangirling aside, it would be a hugeeee shame if they had never released the PVs officially. so yeah, that alone would have justified the purchase for me. BUT! the biggest surprise for me was actually the live recordings. to be honest i'm not a huge fan of live recordings in general because something just feels off listening to the tracks without the immediacy of the visuals. but somehow.. glamhaze's live recordings felt so real and warm as if i was right there. and, i know people always feel like i say this of every vocalist i love (which is like 1083571) but i feel quite strongly that Satoru is without doubt one of the best vk vocalists technically. he's just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good live like wtf. i remember how i was completely mind blown the very first time i heard him live in jilled ray, and he def only got better and better with time. ugh. Ray is one of my favorite guitarists in vk and he's sooo flashy both visually and sound-wise - just listen to yasashii machi, his lines were so tight and prominent compared to their studio recording! overall, the recording quality on Disc 2 was fantastic as far as i'm concerned. anyway, i'm thoroughly satisfied with their album, despite my initial misgivings. do yourself a favor and buy it and listen to it. and don't forget to support satoru on his solo project!!! here's the live recording of "Dirty Heaven" from the album, one of their numerous unreleased tracks:
  9. hiroki

    yeah and idk, that oversized scarf thing Tomo's draping over his shoulder isn't too attractive to me either lolol. agreed on Tohya though.. he's such a cutie always haha <3 i'm not sure what to expect for this album mainly cos COLD CASE is in it, but that's ok. their albums haven't disappointed me even in the rough patches of their career so i'm sure there will be stuff to love this time as well
  10. hiroki

    Goods for their 2nd anniversary one-man on 1/22
  11. hiroki

    gotta agree :/ why did he change his hairstyle which he had for like 8 years?? ._.
  12. hiroki

    umi is the name of their guitarist/leader lol...
  13. hiroki

    LOL.. i guess google translated umi as ocean?
  14. hiroki

    Purple Stone held their 2nd Tokyo oneman (4th overall) to celebrate GAK's birthday on 1/13! Some photos (i'm actually kinda surprised they got so many flowers!! <333) Set list on the night (which @CloudyTree has already posted on the news thread) Opening SE 「PαR@LyZ£ -Op.10-」 1. パラダイス・ダンス 2. 歌舞伎町バタフライ 3. アオイヤミ 4. 回転木馬 5. Dark Insanity 6. Hysteric Lady -SE- prelude re:vir 7. RIVER 8. 絵空事 9. 嘘つきピエロ 10. Scar 11. ポイズンチョコレート 12. 甘酸っぱいマンゴー 13. アドレナリンBANG! 14. パニックパニック! Encore 1. キャットウォーク 2. BLAME and pics from their Jishuban instore the very next day because why not? btw today is GAK's actual birthday! here's his twitter if you wanna wish him happy birthday
  15. hiroki

    yesterday was glamhaze's last live at Shibuya rex i'll probably use this same thread to post updates on satoru's solo project if thats ok?
  16. vistlip new album "BitterSweet" (4 types) will be released on 2017/03/29
  17. oops i forgot to post their setlist. i'll make it up with some photos on the purple stone thread later. anyway, what a setlist!! hopefully one day they will release a DVD
  18. hiroki

    !!!!! were you drunk when you wrote your list? lololol anyway, nice list a little surprised you chose Snowman over CONTRAST for vistlip though. but i agree that everything vistlip did in 2016 (EXCEPT aya rebirth) was wayyy better than disasters like COLD CASE. so that's a relief. i'm also surprised how many people REALLY liked anfiel's aqua. i mean, yeah i love it (obviously) but was it markedly better than the other stuff they did in 2016?? i'm probably too biased to tell though haha.. also loved everything Axkey did, especially Fantasia, which placed just outside my top 10 singles. RAINDIA was a nice surprise too... never thought i'd buy their stuff when they first started out.
  19. iNSOMNiA will disband after their oneman live "閃光の刻" on 2017.03.13 at Ikebukuro EDGE. Their new album "ARCANA" (13 tracks, 2980 yen) will be released on 2017.02.01 [tracklist] 1. 狼煙-introduction- 2. Fanatic Parade 3. Lost Emotion 4. アフロディジー 5. BULLET 6. 咎 7. THE WORST-interlude- 8. JOKER 9. ゴシックワンダーランド 10. Haunted Orchestra 11. Snow Caller 12. REM 13. REVELATE
  20. hiroki

    masaya singing GLAY's Winter,again
  21. hiroki

    i've heard unpleasant things about some members of the kerberos staff as well, but since i'm not an "insider" of the industry i'd rather suspend judgment. what's more, at the rate indie bands are generally breaking up these days it's kinda hard to say whose fault exactly it's down to (short of dramatic exposés like what happened with rockstar records). what i can say though, is that kerberos seems to be a pretty damn good job of supporting vivarush - everything from promotion/distribution to conceptual work to photos is pretty much flawless. i'd never thought a band like them (basically newcomers to the kansai scene as they were previously based in fukuoka) would sell out ruido. of course, a good bit of credit is def due to the member themselves. anyway i can't say i follow kerberos as a label anywhere as much as i follow vivarush haha, but my impression of them is pretty positive for the above reasons.
  22. hiroki

    i think the confusion arises from the fact that Kerberos supports sessions in an ad-hoc fashion. they used to have bands they support regularly through contractual agreement (FoLLoW and Shellmy were examples) but i'm not sure if that's still the case now if they are supporting everyone from Zigzag to SHIVA to ルクス (basically... a great deal of active Kansai bands). it's also unclear if 'supporting them' just means 'inviting a band to play for our label live'. Vivarush is the only formal band that has signed to Kerberos atm, so that's 50% of the reason why i'm keeping an eye on Kerberos. the other 50% is because their label's director Keita was from EVE and i'm a hugeeeeeeee fan of him
  23. Masqued Liar live-limited CD "21313" will be released at their live from their free one-man live "ポワソン・ダブリル~最後の嘘~" at Ikebukuro RUIDO K3 on 2017/04/01. It will be provided for fans who enter under premium ticket (2,000yen) for that live and will come with member autographs
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