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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. Axkey new single トゥエンティーフォーセブン("Twenty four seven") will be released on 2017/07/24. A type (limited edition) 01. 24/7 02.ロストワン 03.D.I.D B type 01. 24/7 02. ジャパニィズ・マジョリテイ They will hold their one-man live at Ikebukuro Ruido K3 on 2017/08/08 and at Osaka Ruido on 2017/08/23.
  2. Probably already an overstated point for some of us, but just in case we get the inevitable "BUT... did the writer/lyricist mean/intend this??" objection (thankfully we haven't) - there's a landmark essay called "The Intentional Fallacy" by Wimsatt and Beardsley that has argued quite persuasively that it's immaterial what the author had meant to say. All we have at our disposal is the text, and what matters are the various readings the text opens itself to and makes possible as it circulates across different times, spaces, languages. We're not interested in (and can never be) plumbing the depths of the author's consciousness, so that's not the point of exercises like this But if we really want to, we can satisfy ourselves with knowing that the band had knowingly alluded to Jean-Jacques Rousseau As for the song itself: while I generally don’t have much of an intuition for this kind of lyrics (I’m sure most MH people have more meaningful things to say on the lyrics directly), I found a ton of interesting ideas in the previous posts that I feel I can say something about so allow me to briefly chip in with some of my thoughts. More than a detailed reading of the lyrics per se it's kind of a running “commentary” with some indications along the way (hopefully) on why/how these ideas might hook on to the lyrics. I'll limit myself to making one longer comment and a shorter one. My longer point reads more like an extended footnote to @chemicalpictures's post so I'll put it under spoiler tags: And the shorter remark: I was going to comment on the ‘doppelganger’ effect in the lyrics (everyone who has said something so far has noticed a kind of echo, repetition, or doubling that takes place in the lyrics) but this post is long enough so I'll keep it to a few words: In Rousseau’s philosophy, he makes a distinction between what he calls amour de soi (love of the self) and amour-propre (self-love). “Love of the self” is a regard for self-preservation independent of what other people might think or feel about me, while “self-love” is a ‘corrupted’ version which arose because we desire other people to see us in a particular way. This is related to the whole "passage from savagery to civilization" narrative that the Enlightenment was obsessed with (for Rousseau, “self-love” only emerged in a “civilized” society where we're compelled to enter into social/political relationships with other people) – but more important for our purposes is how this “self-love” operates on the basis of a kind of split subjectivity. What I mean is that Rousseau’s “self-love” assumes not one but two “I”, one that other people see and we want to make look good, and a more interior/primitive “I” behind the screen that’s making this judgment in advance and dressing up the first "I", as it were. In Chiaki’s lyrics we find a series of echoes: “デキタ。” (in Katakana) becoming “できた。” (Hiragana) – a repetition but in a different script – almost like a different (/same?) person repeating the same words. Also, the line “僕は「僕」と君とディナー” is precisely this doubling of the self that Rousseau’s “self-love” gestures towards: an (authentic) I, and a (spectral) “I” that exists as a second-order construction in language, set typographically here in quotation marks.
  3. that's so awful to hear. i hope he recovers soon T_T
  4. omg!! that's such huge loss for them T______T
  5. hiroki

    Haven't updated in a while, but the band has been touring extensively. Hopefully there will soon be news of new music as well!! Here are some interesting events coming up: 2017.05.21 - Kansai Rock Summit, the biggest VK 'festival' in Kansai. Purple Stone will be up at JANUS, from 14.30~15.00 2017.05.30 - Purple Stone oneman live at RUIDO K4. This is also keiya's birthday's live and it's so rare that they're doing it in Tokyo so pls go see them if you can!! 2017.06.20 - A two man live with Megalo (a non-vk rock band) at Osaka Muse. I think Megalo's members are Fuma's close friends that's why they're doing this! Regardless, it's pretty unusual to have a two-man like this so I'm sure it'll be fun! 2017.07.10 - A special '6-man' event at Nagoya's Club Quattro, featuring 3 from Osaka and 3 from Nagoya. Purple Stone is part of the Osaka 'team' together with Fest and RiR 2017.07.22 - Kamijo's birthday live Apart from these they're on the stylish wave '17 Circuit tour with some other really good bands in the lineup!
  6. hiroki

    i really like this T____T
  7. hiroki

    cute!! i hope he's a good fit
  8. hiroki

    approx 80% of lives i've been to were in osaka cos i lived in northern kyoto, and most bands (even established ones) tend to skip over kyoto on their tours orz. i wouldn't exactly consider kyoto-osaka ensei cos it's only a 30-40 min ride each way and i've always enjoyed inter-city train rides. OP mentioned seishun18 ticket which is an excellent way of travelling between major cities if you're on a budget & have a lot of time to spare! my record was kyoto -> osaka -> himeji -> okayama -> hiroshima to see blesscode, which took 8 hours + 5-6 transfers iirc, but the savings were significant. otherwise whenever i go outside of kansai for lives, buses (either day buses or overnight) are almost always my preferred choice of transport. the only exception to this was flying to hokkaido to see some sapporo bands cos they don't ever play outside of hokkaido haha. i def recommend not ruling out this option because it's cheaper than before with even more budget domestic flights these days. also never forget to do some research in advance because usually there are tons of day passes for intra-city buses/train/etc, as well as other deals designed for tourists or people on short trips (the irony is that most of the time few are aware of this other than people living IN the city). i can't remember when the last time was i've taken a shinkansen - it's just ridiculously expensive as far as i'm concerned. i'd rather have a slightly less comfortable ride and use the extra money to buy merch and cheki lolol - but that's just me. on the topic of chekis... i think of it as just a way of giving money to the band short of getting their bank account number and transferring money over. most bangya probably buy these with full knowledge that they have absolutely zero use-value once you agaru.
  9. hiroki

    CLear had their 1-hour shopkeeper event at Takadanobaba ZEAL LINK today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! extra pic of kai just because <333333333333333 i wish i could have gone T_____T
  10. hiroki

    hahaha omg i love them
  11. Free Aqua Butterfly new single "LOST WORLD" will be released on 2017/06/21 [Tracklist] 1. LOST WORLD 2. コドクノナカ 3. Winter Fall
  12. hiroki

    Ok last post here probably (sorry not sorry) masaya's blog post today: http://ameblo.jp/blesscode-masaya/entry-12269792347.html
  13. hiroki

    Setlist of their last live: i will fucking love them forever.
  14. hiroki

    The reason Kazi supplied for his departure was musical differences and that he feels he can't continue as a FEST member.
  15. hiroki

    kinda late to say hi, but welcome to MH! i love purple stone too!! oh and there's an purple stone artist thread here on MH so feel free to drop by sometimes!
  16. hiroki

    ^ omg i want to like your post 1000000000000000000000000 times! T_______________T KAIKAIKAIKAIKAI <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 i still cannot believe he DM'd me @__________@ can they pls do a oneman soon or something???
  17. hiroki

    i've been following XIX-nineteen- for a while and they're really good!!! hopefully they can get more fans as LAVANS will def continue supporting them <333 edit: btw their CD "LOVELESS" will be released nationwide on 6/14.
  18. hiroki

    tonight CLear held their shusai at Shibuya REX to celebrate the birthdays of Ryota (24/4) and Kai (25/4)!!! solo pics: group shot: birthday boys: KAI STOP KILLING ME FUHHHH for today they were also selling special lightsticks imprinted with the band logo (they only stocked 15 in all, but 2 of them belong to @echo and i yay!!) and they also released their new cd 夢うつつ!! the acoustic demo version of this song has been released some time last year so i'm really excited to hear the new version oh and for the encore today they changed to their new look!!!!! which looks like this: anyway i'm soooo excited! hopefully they announce a cd or something soon? maybe even a oneman?? <33333333333333
  19. hiroki

    by the way if anyone living outside Japan wants to get LOVELESS without going through a shopping service, you can order it on CDJapan as well: A Type: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/DAKLUX-2 B Type: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/DAKLUX-3 Or Brand-X A Type: http://www.brand-x.jp/product/11218 B Type: http://www.brand-x.jp/product/11217
  20. hiroki

    i'm so happy you like them!!!! and yes i do! PM me with your address
  21. hiroki

    their 1st single (and only officially released song so far) is here they started off as the session band "Code:「L」" which has released two songs that they're still performing at their lives now
  22. hiroki

    i'm so excited too!! i was chatting with haruka just now and he said he wrote the title track!! <3 <3 <3
  23. hiroki

    By the way vistlip will be having their 10th year anniversary oneman at Zepp Tokyo on 2017/07/07! Ticket reservation for fanclub starts today, 16:00 JST.
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