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Everything posted by keyinjpop

  1. keyinjpop

    I might upgrade to the New 3DS after I see some more game but that Xenoblade game is tempting. Also, I would like to see more images. I want to see those shoulder buttons. Also, Bravely Second. Looks like it will play like the first. No release date yet.
  2. keyinjpop

    Meh, preview sounds like a safe track.
  3. keyinjpop

    Freedom Wars sounds interesting but I've tried God Eater and one of the things that turned me off from that game was the camera, you have to adjust it constantly. I was considering trying Monster Hunter for the 3DS (it doesn't suffer from difficult camera does it?) but I heard it's really hard. Neither problems I want to put up with when playing an action-RPG. Speaking of difficult RPGs. Persona Q aka Etrian Odyssey with Persona skin. From what I've seen it really does look like a combination of both games. There's the first person dungeon crawling, map drawing, F.O.E and boost system from EO and the press turn system and social links from Persona. I have a feeling I'm going to like this game more than the main Persona games since Q won't have constantly changing rooms and everyone can change personas, not just the main protagonist. I've played both EO Untold and P4 so I mostly know what to expect. Persona Q for the 3DS comes out November 25, 2014 in the US, 28 in the EU.
  4. keyinjpop

    Tales of Hearts R for the PS Vita. Developed and published by Namco. If you're familiar with the Tales series, you already know what to expect (Tales never really strays far from its core formula). For those unfamiliar, this game is an action-RPG that's basically a shounen anime in game form (cliches included). The battle mechanics feel like a fighting game, actions done through button input rather than menu selection, although you could change the settings mid-battle. You're in control of one character while the others are handle by A.I. which can also be adjusted mid-battle. Usually the focus is on character development but the plots are pretty interesting too when you break it down piece by piece. US release is November 11, 2014. It will probably go for $39.99.
  5. keyinjpop

    The instrumental and vocals are nice.
  6. keyinjpop

    I don't have a Vita, but if it gets ported to English then I'd def consider getting one for it as well as Re:Digitize. Also, I'm up to the part in FFX where you fight Seymour for the 3rd time. Fucking fuck this is just as hard as the first time I played it. Guess I need to grind since I don't know any 3rd-tier black magic / white magic spells yet. About the Seymour fight, I beat him by spamming the Aeon's Overdrive. After five Overdrives, it's just a quick beating and the battle is over. Of course that's the cheap way to win. I've been thinking about getting a Castlevania game or Megaman ZX since I heard those play like a Metroid game.
  7. Action packed and in your face songs, atmospheric and emotional songs, haunting and tense songs, experimental and unique songs. Really, I just like music that feels complete, solid, where everything in the track works and compliments each other. As for vocals, meh, I can tolerate a lot but I prioritize the instrumental over vocals since even the best singer out there can still bore me with a textbook ballad.
  8. keyinjpop

    Good stuff.
  9. keyinjpop

    I've noticed that as well that non-VK bands are getting more recognition from foreign fans (those same bands too and a few others like SPYAIR and sakanaction). There is a shift in what people are looking for, the teens of the 10s aren't into what the teens of the 00s were into (some exceptions of course).
  10. keyinjpop

    Speaking of RPGs from that era (kinda), I just got Final Fantasy VII for the Vita. Sigh, I need more memory cards.
  11. keyinjpop

    I just bought Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy Tactics A2, both for the DS. I'm liking CT so far but it will be awhile before I get the hype behind this game.
  12. I'm obsessed with robots.

    1. digi


      boop boop beep ;o;

    2. colorful人生


      Domo arigato Mr. Roboto

  13. keyinjpop

    acid android, I've yet to hear one of their songs where yukihiro isn't buried under the instruments.
  14. keyinjpop

    Not feeling it, sad to say. The chorus seems weak.
  15. keyinjpop

    Industrial symphonic rock in a cozy pop package. I don't hate it but it could've been better.
  16. keyinjpop

    Sounds like a good idea, but how will the radio part work out?
  17. Going to work. I'll update when I get back.

  18. I work full-time and barely make 10 USD hourly. I honestly would wear a school uniform for that pay.
  19. More humans, less spam. ... Actually, just less spam.
  20. keyinjpop

    Does Count ZERO really need a Reboot so soon? He's also bringing back the OBTs. Not bad.
  21. keyinjpop

    Cool, I guess.
  22. keyinjpop

    I do. I'm just waiting for more info to be released, like the tracklist.
  23. keyinjpop

    Courtesy of Victor Entertainment (so it won't get taken down). I like it.
  24. keyinjpop

    I love JRPGs, does that count as a good thing? I like the fact that Japanese has ways of writing; kanji, katakana, hiragana, and romanji. I find this to be very helpful and creative and it helps that some cases like manga and video games, kanji have furigana attached to them so you can pronounce that kana without going through a whole book of kanji.
  25. keyinjpop

    Freya was a decent track.
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