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Everything posted by keyinjpop

  1. keyinjpop

    Tracklist looks sweet. Would have preferred the original versions to some of those tracks.
  2. keyinjpop

    Train molestation. Check. Censored porn. Check. Rape simulation games/manga. Check. No paid overtime. Check. There's also microaggresion. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/community/2012/05/01/issues/yes-i-can-use-chopsticks-the-everyday-microaggressions-that-grind-us-down/ Every country is guilty of this though. And the hikkikomori thing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hikikomori And some other ethnic issues in Japan. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_issues_in_Japan
  3. keyinjpop

    Yeah, this is one of those albums that's best listened to in pieces rather than as a whole. And someone/anyone needs to tell Asagi he can't pull off harsh vocals.
  4. keyinjpop

    SPYAIR, what's the deal? They sound like a lot of pop-rock bands in Japan and they don't change up their sound much. IKE's vocals are alright but there are better rock vocalists out there.
  5. keyinjpop

    One of the best albums Diru has ever made. Still listen to about half the album even now.
  6. keyinjpop

    Playing Bravely Default and Rune Factory 4, might try to get some level-grinding done in Etrian Odyssey Untold today.
  7. keyinjpop

    I think that's what the title is suppose to be too.
  8. keyinjpop

    Welp. And you can't see it but there's an invisible hyperlink after the word 'bought'.
  9. keyinjpop

    I'm loving the title track. So beautiful.
  10. keyinjpop

    Album art looks cool, not so much their look. Can't judge the song yet.
  11. keyinjpop

    Rather than industrial concept, how about a steampunk concept?
  12. keyinjpop

    Time to SMASH! hasn't come out yet and he already has a new single lined up? Sweet.
  13. keyinjpop

    A damp bath towel.
  14. keyinjpop

    Ling, easily. The punch/kick in their music is what wins me over, plus I like 345's vocals more than TK's as evidenced by illusion is mine.
  15. keyinjpop

    I discovered Nightmare before the GazettE but I listened to the GazettE more. For that reason, I chose the GazettE. It's sad to see both bands fall to mediocrity but it's something I've come to expect from most bands I listen to.
  16. I'm a Taurus. I'm also a snake. A bullsnake.
  17. keyinjpop

    Born in California, US. Moved to Alabama when I turned 13. Moved to Texas when I turned 20 and still living in the big state.
  18. keyinjpop

    I guess I would be one. I've never felt sexually attracted to anyone, ever. I'm not sure if I'm afraid of sex but I never went out of my way to try it. I prefer watching others do the deed while I just act as an audience.
  19. keyinjpop

    BrainScratchComms https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7xVh97yNiVhZksbdGu7nag Very casual in tone but I enjoy their commentary. Also, JohneAwesome. https://www.youtube.com/user/JohneAwesome
  20. keyinjpop

    Will still headnod.
  21. keyinjpop

    I was a fan of sfp and I definitely hear indie sfp in ego-izm. Not a bad thing in my opinion.
  22. keyinjpop

    Kisou era Dir en grey and Mars era Gackt. Also, te'.
  23. keyinjpop

    Pre-ordered Omega Ruby.
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