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Everything posted by keyinjpop

  1. keyinjpop

    Was about to say "Wait! When did ViViD disband?" I love the fact that two bands in Japan can have the same name as long as the caps are different.
  2. keyinjpop

    I enjoyed it.
  3. keyinjpop

    SID's Koi ni Ochite Hot colors and lousy posing and the song title in a weird angle. It could've been worse though, they could've had crappy font and ugly hairstyles. Example:http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=AVCK-79034
  4. keyinjpop

    SID's Uso Nice gradient background contrasts nicely with the white artwork.
  5. keyinjpop

    Plastic Tree's Ink covers. The other two are good too but I'll just post one cover. This is a lovely Rorscach test. Also, I see a bouquet of flowers .
  6. keyinjpop

    the GazettE's Shiver covers. Both of them. Night-vision googles, oxygen mask, monochrome, a background with nothing going on and you got something any college, high-school, or even middle-school student could pull off. The jewel studded oxygen mask is pretty cool though.
  7. keyinjpop

    coldrain's Chandler and a.b.s Dress are my favorite cover songs.
  8. keyinjpop

    Sorry for the lousy quality. The cover looks hand-drawn, kind of like something you'd see in a manga.
  9. keyinjpop

    MUCC's Falling Down is amateristic. Just a boring background color and copy-pasted lollipops with radioactive symbols.
  10. keyinjpop

    Dang, forgot about the black scratch marks on his neck. The arrow is kind of hot.
  11. keyinjpop

    Replayed Doukou about four times. Definitely a good song.
  12. keyinjpop

    No comment on the song preview (too short), but their look is interesting. I like Ruki's lipstick color and Reita's perm.
  13. keyinjpop

    Has anyone seen the full PV for Dizzy? I thought the song was just okay.
  14. keyinjpop

    Awesome list OP, pretty much what I would've listed. Speaking of abs, here Shibasaki doing his solo live.
  15. keyinjpop

    See you later I hope.
  16. keyinjpop

    Suzuku's avatar is colorful.
  17. keyinjpop

    Current read list: Assassination Classroom Ao no Exorcist Seikon no Qwaser Bleach The World God Only Knows Soul Eater Waiting for these to resume: D.Gray-man Oniichan Control
  18. keyinjpop

    Jaejoong's Mine sounds like it ripped off L'Arc~en~Ciel's Daybreak's Bell (and some other rock bands). Jaejoong's Mine L'Arc~en~Ciel's Daybreak's Bell
  19. keyinjpop

    It's alright. Not great but not bad.
  20. keyinjpop

    but they'll make the boners appear.
  21. keyinjpop

    Anticipating. Also, this will be in their major release
  22. 'Sup. I'm keyinjpop and I've been listening to Japanese music since 2005 thanks to L'Arc~en~Ciel and T.M.Revolution singing the theme songs for my favorite anime. I listen to all genres of music from pop to rock to electronica to urban to traditional. Some of my favorite rock bands are abingdon boys school, Dir en grey, D, SID, MUCC, D'espairsRay, the GazettE, Ling tosite sigure, UVERworld, Plastic Tree, Boom Boom Satellites, and Nightmare. Outside of Japanese music, I'm a regular joe working in retail and learning how to make music. I hope to have a lot of fun on this forum.
  23. keyinjpop

    Yo hablo un poco espanol, entiendo mucho espanol. Soy de Estados Unidos pero mi familia es de Nicaragua. Disculpeme por mi palabras, no se las acentos en mi keyboard.
  24. keyinjpop

    It was alright. Only cared about Droid, Ame Ochite..., mimic, and Deus ex machina.
  25. Crossing my fingers hoping it's not L'Arc.
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