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Posts posted by Muma

  1. Hello again!!


    I used to frequent here quite a few years ago and have dropped off since. I've made a few "hello again" posts and have dipped in and out but im hoping I'm here to stay for good

    I wonder if any of our veterans on here remember me...


    I've not actively listened to VK in a long time but I rediscovered my old hard drive with all my music on it and fell in love yet again 


    Bands I have kept listening to despite falling out of touch with VK are Dir en Grey, MUCC, Plastic Tree, Buck-Tick, Kiryu, Awoi, Kagrra, DEZERT, Versailles and lynch to name a few (not much new stuff on there I realise!!)

    There are also a few non vk Japanese bands I love such as humbert humbert, kinoko teikoku, envy, MONCA URANGLASS, The Oral Cigarettes, LITE, Kenshi Yonezu, TK from Ling Toshite Sigure and amazarashi 


    Excited to delve into this world again 😊

  2. 4 minutes ago, jiji94 said:

    Oh no.. D: I've never been hit on or asked out that much, but once some guy tried to hit on me in the middle of a bookstore. He started going off about how popular his Naruto fanfiction was at the same time.


    Ahh I've not been asked out at all before that time and I just panicked....a little too much and too visibly xD

    Also God that sounds like one of the worst kinds of people to be hit on by :tw_confounded:

  3. 13 minutes ago, jiji94 said:

    One of my coworkers awkwardly asked me out on a date and I started laughing nervously and answered him with deafening silence.


    Am I doing rejection right? 

    If it makes you feel any better, once someone asked me out and I had a full blown panic attack right there and then....

    Fun times

  4. So I'm trying to be more active on here again in the hope to get back into my beloved VK bands as it's just been non stop post-rock/study music this past year

    I've been out of the scene for a while and now the news section all feels so foreign to me so I'll be a little slow in the beginning xD


    Either way it's good to be back and I've missed this community a lot <3

  5. I feel like i've done this so many times now but in case anyone remembers me I'M BACK (hopefully) for a while


    I've been on a stangnant music phase for a while so what better place than to look here

    (but also man, people have left staff have changed and need to get a grasp of the ropes again...)

  6. I'm happy with being ace. But I'm now leaning more towards the aro side. Everything indicates it but it's a little more complex and I feel I need to explain the intricacies of how I'm feeling.

    There is no one way to be aro. It doesn't invalidate it but people do and it's terrible (even worse with gender shit for me tho like ;__;;)

    I hate this society and I just want to live in peace without explaining every little thing when it doesn't fit with the norm)

  7. Do I believe in it?

    How do I believe in it?

    Do I believe it exists? Yes.
    Do I feel it? Do I KNOW it exists. Probably not...


    (I tend to overanalize things and get out of loop but I hope I can contribute)

    We have these words, "romantic" and "love". They're often associated with each other, and often not. These exist because someone at some point has had the need to try and describe this feeling, it becomes used and used until it's accepted in society and it's defined as 'x'.

    But with things such as these EVERYTHING IS SUBJECTIVE. People describe them differently and there is no right way to feel either of these things but we talk about them as if there is some sort of universal truth and understanding to them.


    So something like this must exist, it seems to logically follow right?

    However doesn't mean it's accessible to everyone, for example aromanticism (like Lestat mentioned above). Because you can't feel it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, because you can feel it and the concepts are so widely used in media (which just further strenghten you're feelings that this is desirable, correct, a goal and universal) doesn't mean that it is an absolute for everyone.


    It always seems to come down to whether someone feels it or not and then everything gets warped around personal experiences, which is usually not great to back up a point because you're the only one who has those specific emotions which are attached to an event.


    SO YEAH! To me it seems futile to discuss some things because it's just something that no one will evey agree on. Even if your beliefs overlap and in writing it seems the same, chances are you're talking about different things. We just use language to communicate through a set list of words and definitions with set meanings, but somehow contradictorily (cba seeing if that's a word) there seem to be infinite connotations within these.



    AHRG sorry for the long windedness but this is my view on the topic so :P(I tried to keep it as concise as possible, I hope it worked xD)

  8. So I found this thing on the world of the tumblblogrrrrrr and I thought it was p cool so...
    (excuse the lame ass topic title0


    Using only song names from one artist/band, cleverly answer these questions without repeating any songs


    Pick Your Artist/Band: La Dispute

    Are you a male or female: For Mayor In Splitsville

    Describe yourself: Nobody, Not Even the Rain

    How do you feel: Fall Down, Never Get Back Up Again

    Describe where you currently live: A Broken Jar

    If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: The Lost Last Continent

    Your favourite form of transportation: A Letter

    Your best friend is: You And I In Unison

    You and your best friends are: Damaged Goods

    What’s the weather like: New Storms For Older Lovers

    Favourite time of day: Stay Happy There

    If your life was a TV show, what would the title be?: Then Again, Maybe You Were Right

    What is life to you: The Most Beautiful Bitter Fruit

    Your Relationship: Bury Your Flame

    Your fear: He Is Here, He Is Not Afraid

  9. only problem is idk if there's really enough japanese drag music? why not widen it to lgbtq+ artists


    i don't think it's strictly limited to japanese drag artists, or at least if I can make it I won't stick to just Japanese. That's how it usually is with any plug session tho so unless I've missed anything I presume it will be as usual

  10. I don't listen to many of these artists, a little of meth. and vistip and I MAYBE know one ROGUE song but I really can't remember. However the album I have heard from OROCHI... I'm enjoying that at the moment so I guess that sond even though I don't really know it (I like MUCC but not that song and also remixes are usally a no for me so double no)


    The GazettE - People Error

    Plastic Tree - comic youth

    La Dispute - St. Paul Missionary Baptist Chrch Blues

    石濱翔(MONACA) - 王子アルフォンソ

    Finch - Three Simple Words

    NightingeiL - 12秒間

    In Flames - Metaphor

    七瀬光 - 悲しく痛い決意

    Float - 葬送の鎮魂歌 - Annabyss Coast

    auncia - -蜂-


    so the MONACA and 七瀬光 tracks are from the anime GARO and Kyoukai no Kanata respectively FYI :3

    A shoutout to Plastic Tree and NightingeiL, but the La Dispute track for sure is my favorite, maybe even my favorite from that album > < their lyrics are always flawless imo

  11. I boycotted these guys when they went major bc one of the previews sounded terrible and broke my heart and I used to love them tbh

    But I've just listened to their latest release and like....

    Byou's voice sounds so sad and devoid of emotion and I'm wondering if it's just me bc it's *cries*

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