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Posts posted by Muma

  1. Thanks for the recommendations guys > < and Coheed and Cambria is one band I've never been able to get into...I think it might be something in his voice? It's better than I remember it being, but still


    Karnivool on the other hand, that song has me hooked! I think I might be buying Sound Awake because of this ^_^

    And definitely will check out their new album too! I've just been a little busy recently > . <

  2. Checked out both bands and they’re post-hardcore with influences borrowed from other genres. Old Gray has some indie and post-rock influence in their music in addition to the post-hardcore. I thought they were okay. Vocals didn’t really do it for me. Both the cleans and screams are really rough. The lyrics are little bit better. They did have some interesting lines, but overall they still need polishing. Their songs had interesting sections I did enjoy. It’s always good to hear post-hardcore bands that don’t sound bland and completely weak. It’s the same problem that plagues metalcore.

    If you like this type of sound you might like Alexisonfire. They are what post-hardcore should be.


    I know what you mean about the vocals in Old Gray anyway, but i've grown to love that kind of unpolished screaming xP La Dispute are a lot more listener friendly imo, and 'Such Small Hands' is probably one of my favorite songs tbh, but I always end up listening to the whole album as everything just flows into one nicely.

    On another note YESSSS BRAND NEW ARE AWESOME and thank you, because I don't listen to them half as much as I should do, so hopefully I will ACTUALLY get some of their music to listen to, because I always seem to forget them. Also alexisnotonfire really caught my attention there. Another name i've heard thrown around but never really listened to. And his voice sounds rEALLY similar to someone and I can't put my finger on it :(


    F4AF are not for everybody and since most of you arent British you wont really understand what ive really said about this band setting standards as you guys probably have a lot better bands in your country. When it comes to British music - we dont have that many decent heavy metal bands compared to most other countries and thats something we've always struggled with since we left the 80s behind.


    and I will listen to that album in due time :P but FELLOW BRIT! And I kind of feel you about the British music scene, but I never used to pay much attention to music growing up, so Visual Kei was the first kind of music I really got into > <


    And speaking of British music, these guys are from the UK and were a supporting act for The Amity Afliction, and for being relatively unknown imo they REALLY BLEW ME AWAY, not so mention all the dudes are cool guys as we got to speak with them after. I think they would probably be post-hardcore/melodic hordcore?? I'm trying to get to grips with genres okay guys :P and their lyrics really speak to me, and their album 'Life Gone Wrong' is a really solid first album and I had it on repeat for a few days after I got it (which is impressive for me as my temperament regarding music changes frequently and i'm not really one for playing the same song over and over). Their lyrics loosely remind me of Northlane, an Australian hardcore band whose lyrics particularly on their Discoveries album, tends to reflect a lot of the things in my head and just allow me to become lost in thought and take a break from everything.


    I don't know how to put videos in posts but here's a link to where you can listen to the whole album by Landscapes



    UPDATE: ohh, so you just post the whole link to get the video to show up?? Now how to get the spoiler things.... xD

  3. I guess, I don't really know what else to call it though. And i'm pretty sure it's not metal so...
    Skramz? I've heard that being thrown around a lot too and it seems to all come back to 'screamo'. I'm kind of confused but I was at a loss at what to call this topic tbh. If you have any other suggestions though, or you feel something else suits it better then PLEASE let me know

    Like I said i'm at a bit of a loss... > < I was just really feeling this album and I kind of wanted to share it I guess, for better or for worse...


    >>another band which seem to have tagged themselves as screamo but are AWESOME anyway<<


    @digi: La Dispute seem to have noted themselves as screamo too, what genre would you call them?

  4. I was reluctant to make a post along these lines because I feel they're such obscure and strange 'genres', but they're also something a fair few of the bands I listen to have in common and associate themselves with. I feel I also made it to share one specific release, and if you happen to be in this scene at all then i'm sure you will have heard of it. I'm admittedly late on the bandwagon but before I delay it anymore the release it by Old Gray and it's their newest album, An Autobiography.


    Their bandcamp is >>here<< and they've been so kind as to put it up for free! (no excuses)


    For a lot of English music I tend to focus a lot more on the lyrics (um, maybe because I can actually understand them) but that aside, these guys had me with their first song and there was no going back for me after that

    I've been digging a grave with the parts of my brain that still work.
    They're burying me with my dead dreams, my dead dreams.

    cue depressing shit ahead -_-


    That aside, i'm not great at describing music and selling it from that point of view, musically I have no clue what i'm talking about and with this kind of music I feel it's a little like marmite for a lot of people. You either love it, or hate it. This is clearly for those of the former. All I can say is have a listen and you'll probably know where you fall.


    The album name is has more truth to it than first meets the eye, click on each song and you get background from the person who wrote the song and you realize exactly how personal this is, and how much heart and soul has been put into the music. I like lyrics that are ambiguous a lot of the time and you can make that song personal to you. The first time I listened, I didn't realize it was an option and I warped the songs to what was going on in my head. But having that background feels more intimate and you can truly appreciate the song at its fullest.



    I'm not sure what else to say apart from this kind of hurt my chest while listening to some of it, but try it out! I haven't seen many people on this forum post much about music like this (or bands that I've heard of anyway), and I feel like it's going to be a release that sticks with me for a while so i'd love to know what you guys thought of it, even if you didn't like it.

  5. but at the same time...

    how to find a niche?! 


    Constantly stuck between wanting to be REALLY good at something and wanting to be good at ALL the things, but then the logical side of your brain takes over like 'yooooouuuu....suck. And are not being realistic in the slightest and go master one of your interests and become FUCKING AWESOME AT IT.'

    Then the short attention span kicks in... 'NEW SHINY THING OVER THERE! GO. TO. THE SHINY.'


    or that's at least how it is for me

  6. Would you just be sticking to a certain genre within Japanese bands? Like a few of the sites mentioned have visual kei as their main theme. Or will you start off with specific genres and then try to expand out to ALL Japanese music? *_*


    I'd love to help out with this as in putting the information in and updating bands etc etc, but I don't really have any clue when it comes to technical stuff >< so I'm not sure how much I could help, but if you need a few extra hands (two actually) i'd be happy to help, seeing as it is SUCH a large project.

    for looking up vk stuff i tend to use vkdb.jp not sure if you've heard of it, you probably have, but I've not seen it mentioned above so I thought it's probably worth mentioning, especially to start out because they tend to have good lists of all the members/past members of the band etc etc etc
    and even though it's in Japanese, I find it easier to navigate than some of the other sites (literally knowing zero Japanese though)

    I feel a little embarased now so...imma just... go... ><

  7. from what I've read, well especially on here, I have concluded that this may be an unpopular opinion


    I really liked The Gazettes Division, especially the second disc I think? Not 100% sure since I got the regular one so.... on that the first few tracks feat. GazeStep. Not a huge fan of the slower songs on the second half (or first disc??? so confusing man) II get halfway through the slower songs and then I just switch off. Some of them I really like but it begins to trail off towards the end
    And a lot of people have regained a tiny bit of hope in them since Beautiful Deformity, but I listened through it once and...not since. It just didn't catch my attention at all and I can't even remember how any of the songs went. I'll probably listen to it again to *ahem* confirm this >< or not... you never know


    actually that's a lie... I remember the guruguruguru bit in the notquitesurebutsomethngaboutaninsect song xD

  8. The music that really stuck with me from when I was younger was The Allman Brothers Band from my Dad specifically Ramblin' Man and Midnight Rider, then there's Jimmy Buffet with 'Cheeseburger in Paradise' ><

    Now...names I seem to recall are The Climax Blues Band and something to do with bluegrass banjos...


    My mum tends to be more open minded and I seem to have got her into Nightmare's anima album (specifically message) and she tends to be fine with a lot of my Japanese stuff as long as the vocals aren't too harsh. We also play a little game whenever I have my ipod on shuffle if a song by either DEG, Alice Nine or the Gazette comes on (as those were some of the first bands I got into) she tries to guess which one it is. Also Kaggra's Core album seems to have grown on most of my family, which is nice. Music seems better when you can share it with someone...
    And in terms of more modern stuff she seems to be really keen on The Black Keys. It was Mumford and Sons but she quickly grew bored of them...

    But in terms of background I wasn't that interested in music when I was younger so I didn't really pay attention to a lot of the things that were played but I do remember Madonna, Kylie, Pink and the Scissor Sisters being played on long car journeys. Now I clearly have more of an interest in music (no shit sherlock) I tend to associate my mum with Dire Straits and more classical stuff and I think she was more into softer rock??? Don't know the specifics. While my dad...more bluesy and country along with Kate Bush, All About Eve and some synthpop like New Order. When they married the only overlap they had in music was Simply Red and U2.

  9. A closed tagging system seems more...functional? Not the right word, something closer to 'useful'. At the moment a lot of the time I feel that it isn't really worth having tags due to the large variety and as you mentioned, tags like 'kote kei' and 'old school', within the context of MH anyway, seems to pretty much overlap. I also think that compulsory tagging would be a good idea, maybe more people will be inclined to read the rules then >< but I think more than one tag to be compulsory would be better, as visual kei is quite broad ><


    I do like the idea of tagging mood though! This is presuming that tags will be included representative of all the different subgenres such as oshare etc etc... It would probably be helpful to have a kind of guideline to them. Not really sure angura kei consists of tbh and it would probably be useful for and if anyone is unsure then it would be a good reference point.


    Maybe this is slightly influenced by my obsessive nature and want to put things into little boxes :P
    But it'd be interesting to see what everyone else thinks

  10. For me anyway, that's one of the main reasons I joined MH I guess! Originally for Japanese music like most people, but there are so many opportunities to discuss non Japanese music too. If we smoosh everyone's music together there's such a large variety of music on here alone, I stay occupied for hours just browsing threads and listening to all your recommendations (or not when I recently uncovered 'VKPOOP' xD)

  11. Can I bring this thread back up? Or maybe hijack it....


    Anyone got any bands that are similar to Rishloo and Fair to Midland? I'm pretty sure they count as prog, but they seem to be a lot softer than a lot of the suggestions on here so far?? (not checked out all of them due to goddamn slow internet) But something with similar sounding vocals would be nice.


    I tend to listen to full albums so the albums i've been listening to are
    Rishloo - Eidolon

    Fair to Midland - Arrows & Anchors

    just in case anyone wants to check them out too >< or get a vague idea what i'm after

  12. N'aaaw thanks all you guys! And I will continue to enjoy my time here don't worry :P



    Also, yay for la dispute!

    I love them ugh


    YESSSS FOR LA DISPUTE -high fives-

    I think my first song was nine, and now Somewhere at the bottom of etc etc etc is probably one of my favorite albums all time tbh

    but I think 'ugh' accurately describes my love for them xD nice to see another fan on here!

  13. So this is an EXTREMELY belated introdution! I've decided to be more active on this forum (hopefully) but all you guys seem cool and awesome and I get intimidated easily, also i'm not the best at describing music when I want to introduce others to it, so I tend to keep quiet because you guys are so much better at it! >< so you may see me lurking around on the chat occasionally, most likely being that one person who never seems to know what's going on and having to repeatedly ask and be awkward

    I did come at first mostly because of the downloads section and I would love to upload stuff BUT I JUST DON'T HAVE MONEY GUYS :( hopefully a time will come when I can actually upload my own stuff and not just be a notorious leecher -sigh-


    Anyway onto music, I don't really have any bands that I stick to religiously as music tends to reflect my mood a lot/ or reflects what I want my mood to be/ I just like finding new bands so I become obsessed with them for really brief periods of time and then find something else. Or maybe that's just because MH introduces me to so much good music I just want to listen to all of it...

    Either way, a few bands that i've been listening to recently are

    • Plastic Tree
    • amber gris
    • Janne Da Arc
    • Dir en Grey
    • NightingeiL
    • Alice Nine
    • cocklobin
    • D
    • DELUHI

    Not sticking to VK i've been listening to

    • Kuroki Nagisa (due to MH THANKS GUYS!!!)
    • school food punishment
    • Asako Nasu
    • Kenshi Yonezu
    • GYZE

    Just in case you're interested, some English bands i've been listening to recently

    • Northlane
    • The Antlers
    • Rishloo
    • La Dispute
    • Ne Obliviscaris
    • Lydia

    I listen to a fairly wide variety of music and it tends to change up a lot, I also have a tendency to ramble on a lot, excuse the ridiculously long post and lists, so i'm just going to stop here and I hope I can pluck up the courage to get to know some of you guys better

    -flies away awkwardly-

  14. Yeah I guess to paraphrase it :P

    I think I phrased it like that because I have a terrible memory and I can't really remember specifics very well. So by the time I notice that something really had had an impact on my life, it's been there for a while

    But go ahead with the wall of text! It's nice to see someone wanting to post something on here

  15. From that list I only really listen to Versailles, A(ACE) and ALSDEAD. Not really a huge fan of SuG and I haven't actually heard that Gackt song before whoops. But i'd have to go with the A(ACE) song, SO DAMN CATCHY!! (plus i'm in that sort of mood)

    1. AvelCain - Hebi to Ubume
    2. LOST ASH - Soul of Liberty
    3. Kagrra, - 風の記憶 (Kaze no Kioku)
    4. Kagrra, - 運命の糸 (Unmei no Ito)
    5. Awoi - Zetsubou no Taiyou
    7. Amadeus - Kasumi
    8. Pity Sex - Smoke Screen
    9. MoNoLith - Future Travel [Mirai Tripper]
    10. Defeater - Hopeless Again

    I know people have a HUUGE varitey of music on here, but I linked a couple of them which i'd not heard people mention before on here, whether that's because they've not been brought to your attention or you just think there a lil shit, I don't know :P but I highly reccomend both of those albums anyway. Pity Sex being kind of shoegazey and Defeater being.... hardcore I guess?? I'm not very good at describing music/classifying by genre, so I guess just listen to them if you want to see for yourself ;)
    I'm going with LOST ASH for this one, as mentioned above, i'm in a more upbeat kind of mood. And LOST ASH is one of those bands I default to on those occasions. Them, on shuffle, on repeat >/////<

  16. I was tempted to put some of these songs in the -THE- song thread, but I felt i'd be throwing it off coures a little. Then again, some of these could go in the music and memories thread,  but I felt it was too general, thus...this atrocious pile of text was born...


    This is more a stroll down memory lane for me, these songs don't necessarily have to represent the band as a whole, for me it's more a case of the songs which have managed to creep into your library. Creep in from where exactly? I don't even know myself sometimes, but now you actually think about it, they always bring a smile to your face. They're not necessarilly what the band is known for, but you occasionally think 'why does no one ever talk about this song!' Then you maybe think over it, maybe listen to the full album and start to doubt yourself, 'oh yeah, this one is more memorable' or 'I see why people like this one more' BUT IT'S STILL SO GODDAMN ANNOYING BECAUSE YOU WANT TO SCREAM THAT SONG AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS TO EVERYONE EVEN THE ONES THAT WON'T LISTEN

    (optional story to go along with them, don't mind my rambling ><)



    For me, my first introduction into the world of VK (or just music in general, but that's a different story) was Nightmare through...Death Note xD typical weeaboo answer I know, but can't change the facts. Before I digress, one of the songs I rarely see mentioned is Rakuu, it's one of those songs which I don't ever think i'll be able to delete from my life without deleting a part of my soul along with it. I never used to listen to musicfor the first 15/16 years of my life (basically my entire life okay), I used to do a lot of gymnastics and that basically was my life, but chronic fatigue happened and I had to quit. Then I found anime and hence 'music' and decided fuck the world and I let music touch me emotionally for the first time


    But yeah, that song just takes me back to just discovering what the world of music had to offer, it was basically the starting point for me finding an interest where I could make new friends and be a part of a community, rather than humiliated by my coach in a very much individual sport. And it also showed me just what I had been missing out on due to insecurities. I'm only 18 now, which probably seems like a baby to most of you guys ><


    Next up? Has to be about the Gazette, they normally manage to pop up somewhere. I got into the Gazette how many people did I think, mostly through their popularity in the VK scene, browsing through youtube videos and scrolling the comments and seeing this name popping up everywhere. Eventually I checked them out and I was kind of sucked into the whole fangirl wave (which i'm not sure when I left tbh). But that aside, i've not had much time to form many memories with music but Chizuru is one song that I can't see disappearing any time soon, being one of the few Gazette songs I still listen to... I still don't really know the translation or what Ruki is singing about, but I do know that that song  is what got me through a time where I wasn't really able to do much at all physically. I couldn't do much mentally either, but what I could do mentally just brought me further down the spiral of depression...<<dramatic elipses as I look thoughtfully into the sunset


    First time i've managed to build up enough courage to make a substantial post on here >__<

    I know i've rambled a bit but hope it's okay! in other words please be kind to me or i'll cry T___T

  17. I'm slightly intimidated by you guys giving descriptions/genres of the music you post >_< I just listen, if I like then I like, and i'm not very good with genres so, i'll just stick to what the band have tagged their music as, and you can listen for yourself (seeing as all of them are on bandcamp) well that could have gone better, they just tag them with everything or 'alternative' -sigh- 
    Take the tags with a pinch of salt I guess


    My Iron Lung: indie, punk. post-hardcore



    Anthony and the Second Verse: indie-rock, emo, memory map??? (anyone know what this is?)


    Cat City: rock, alt-country, experimental pop, indie pop, indie rock



    Circle Takes The Square: hardcore, punk, apocalyptic, grindcore, indie rock, prog metal, punk, screamo, skramz



    Per Aspera: hardcore, metal, punk



    Also Robotic Empire seem to have quite a lot of free music, I've only tried PG.99 which is skramz I guess (pssst I really like 'The Lonesome Waltz of Leonard Cohen') and YOUNG WIDOWS LIVE @ WMUC which is kind punky???//.S>?D/s?Z?D



    Soft Roars: shoegaze, depressive surf pop, ambient



    yeah, I recently went on a free music hunt, new and not sure if you guys will like it but HEY FREE MUSIC IS ALWAYS GOOD

    OH and before I forget -THIS- tumblr has quite a lot of more mainstream hardcore/metalcore bands (according to them) although they've not updated it for a while, if you've wanted to get into a few of these bands then....GO FOR IT! :3


    it's my first post uwaaah.....hope you enjoy and find something you like and all that shizz, ok i'll stop now >_<

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