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Posts posted by YuyoDrift

  1. ^^^^


    Don't let it get to you Lestat. As previously stated by emmny, it may just be a phase.


     But Oh man, do I love talking about this stuff.


    I have this fascination with understanding people with the psychological side of androgyny, and how they've grown as a person. I realized that this obsession arose because I have these psychologically androgynous thoughts myself.


    I feel no one can compare in this thought process, so it's easy to notice an androgynous person from others. Good and bad because it makes you more interesting as a person, but very intimidating or unappealing to the both sexes in terms of relationships.

  2. Oh I can see the online news articles


    "RedTube sues YouTube"

    "Children find porn site RedTube"


    As far as this new service goes, It's going to be the beginning of the end for YouTube. Why even need to compete with online video streaming services?


    What they should have done is take off the region block with this "extra service", and do away with ads.

    Sucks for the YouTube Stars, I guess?

  3. Alright I am going to get this over with. It's been long enough. This is more of a review for myself, as I am conflicted, so to speak and I need to get this off my mind.
    Before any hint of the release date, I had only listened to OMINOUS beforehand as a teaser and thought that if the overall album were to sound exactly like this, then they've come back to that gifted sound, which seperates them from the rest of the scene.
    Expecting something new and true to them, I drove around listening to the album once it released.
    The minute I heard NIHIL and DOGMA, I had some questions already starting to arise, but settled down remembering that DIM started somewhat similarly with 13-STAIRS.
    When I got to RAGE, I skipped the track about a minute in, no big deal. I'm not gonna like every track right off the bat.
    It wasn't until I skipped the next 5 tracks that I realized something was wrong here.
    DEUX had something that made me somewhat enjoy it, but going on from there it was nothing but skipping of the tracks until I arrived at OMNINOUS, the track that gave everyone hope that the GazettE finally stopped with all this experimentation and is finally composing what acquired them this acclaimed status in the VK scene. No doubt a track that should have defined them by now.
    After hearing that and to my utter surprise, that was the last track on the album, and it was over.
    I can't tell you how many times I uttered the words "what the fuck? What the fuck was that? That's it?!?!?
    I played the album over a couple more times and disliking the tracks even more the second and third time.
    At first, the tracks felt so generic, monotonous, and lacked any feeling or emotion. Something you'd hear from the mainstream hard rock bands here in the States. Something was missing and I was not in the right mindset to assess and determine what it was. I decided to push this album on the backburner for a couple weeks, as I was highly disappointed and did not feel this album deserved a review.
    After that time passed, I played it once more, determined to figure out what it lacked. Kai and Reita were very on point, carrying the entire burden of playing with such versatility and precision that I was blown away, it was overwhelming if anything. Ruki matches them with more aggressive vocalization (growls and screams), but could tone it down a bit with his english singing and stick with japanese.
    It was OMINOUS that laid out the fault in the rest of the tracks. Where is the awesome Aoi/Uruha collaboration? Where are the passionate solos that this band is known for?
    I can barely make out some of Aoi's signature guitar play, and Uruha's guitar melodies are almost non-existent. What gives?!? The album sounds completely thrown off-balance. Usually it's Reita and Kai following the guitar riffs, but its apparent who dominated this album.
    The approach with this entirely hard sound it seems, has taken many by surprise. Some are for it, and others aren't. I leaned towards being against it, but after listening to the album over and over, listening to every aspect and detail as to why the GazettE chose this direction for the album, it makes sense. It's for the purpose of showing us this conflict (perhaps theirs).
    You can hear it in GRUDGE, DEUX and especially in OMINOUS. Its a taste of what you know to be, their capabilities as of right now.
    Yet, they struggle with this newer sound, that they have yet to work out themselves. Ruki's vocals are falling behind or not meeting their requirements (or at least, I'm beginning to notice) and Aoi and Uruha may be having sync issues, but it's beautifully masked within the album with harder basslines and drumming.
    The GazettE really gave us something to think about with DOGMA, as it wasn't as apparent with BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY.
    Now overall, the album itself is a great comeback after 2 years of teasers, with something to give the average Gazerock fan to feed on until the next release, but as far as those who wanted an album with OMINOUS all over it (including myself), we were left with disappointment (I was left with confusion, if anything).

    So my review of it is as simple as this: The album did very well to please the masses, and overshadow any faults with harder Basslines/Drumming, but the faults are still there to be noticed.

  4. I was hoping someone would create this thread haha.

    A while back (maybe 6 years ago) we had a fan made compilation CD for VK Halloween on another forum. I'll see if I can find it.

    The only tracks I can recommend are off the top of my head: (all Japanese VK btw)

    Versailles - Zombie
    Malice Mizer - Transylvania
    Malice Mizer - Beast of Blood
    The Candy Spooky Theatre - This is Halloween
    The GazettE - Nakigahara (IMO is pretty creepy)

    I'll update when I go through my HDD.


    Update: Here's some more I found going through my phone.


    I've always found Aristocratic/Symphonic/Gothic VK kinda creepy.


    Art Cube - 鏡の涙

    Moi Dix Moi - Vestige

    Lacroix Despheres - 古の刻より舞い降りし者たち (Inishie no Koku Yori Mai Ori Shi Mono Tachi)

    Malice Mizer - Saikai no chi to bara

    Malice Mizer - Seinaru koku eien no inori


    ***NOT VK, but adds to the theme***


    Kanon Wakeshima - Suna no Oshiro

  5. After skimming through 3 pages of mostly "childrens squabble", I figured I'd add some input on the album since this was shown to me a while back by another member on here.


    I've listened to Lycaon for quite some time (singles here and there), and to this day, I still can't feel out the style of music this band is trying to go for. There seems to be a high interest in incorporating electronic music and with SE's that keep the tracks somewhat relative from them. Their vocalist just doesn't do it for me in terms of performance, but I'm just picky.


    As for the review itself, I mostly agree with jduv86 points, and would say that the only tracks that I somewhat enjoyed listening to were:


    2. 追憶 (Tsuioku)

    3. Dark NIght

    5. Shadow **probably the best track IMO, since their signature sound is most notable here**

    11. 馬鹿ね。(baka ne)

    14. アネモネ (Anemone)


    Then there was 15. ILLUSION, that reminded me why I listened to them in the first place. The track itself could use some work, but the dubstep they mix in is pretty much what defined the band in its earlier time.


    16.  メランコリック (Merankorikku) I'll admit was a great attempt into something harder by the band. Again, his vocals just don't add any oomph to the track, so it falls a bit short of anything memorable.


    Overall I'd say the album is worth a listen if you haven't yet sampled it, but unless you are a Lycaon fan or have listened to their previous work, their overall sound here won't make too much of an impact.


    No rating

  6. Well, reading their IG and FB posts, it seems like they'll play music similar to that of 2 years ago. Throw in a few ARCHE tracks and KISOU tracks , and I'll be happy.


    Edit: Albeit, those aren't my favorite albums, but asking for them to play anything from GAUZE era is a dream.

  7. For those of us in the USA: Any idea what their tracklisting is yet for the tour?


    My guess is that they'll play most of the ARCHE album, but some oldies here and there would be nice.

  8. As much as I agree with praising the album, if I were to hand out fuck-you's to every review I clash with... Oh boy..


    People who listen to something and automatically decide that it's shit do deserve it.



    YuyoDrift - While I agree wholeheartedly with your points and applaud your zeal, I think "FUCK YOU" s aren't in order here. Everyone is entitled to an opinion  :)


    They are entitled to their opinion, but an opinion is formed from a perspective, taken from careful observation. A lot of users on here only compare it to older music or music they like. What kind of mindset is that?


    You don't go tasting food and say "this tastes like shit" unless your an asshole. 


    I appreciate you two not bashing. You guys will be the only ones that I respond to because from the sound of it, you thought about what I said before responding. 


    You shouldn't be afraid to argue. It's a forum. :cheers:

  9. Having not listened to 12012 since SEVEN, I felt that I should have caught up with the previous releases before listening to this last one.

    But I couldn't resist.


    1. Vicious of Absolution

    • That guitar was introduced at such a precise time, kind of like it said "let me take you in and show you the last fruits of our labor, something great set forth for your mind/ears to grasp."
    • That damn voice of Wataru drew me again in after a few years of absence. I don't remember Wataru sounding so great as he does now. I had to look at my iPod and make sure that this was 12012 haha.
    • You can feel the raw talent that has not withered in all his years as he began to sing, like he he's letting us know that this is it.
    • The overall song was nice and calm, the buildup to its highest point in the song was great, although when they hit the chorus, I felt he could've done so much more to make it a much more memorable first track.

    2. Story of a Different Dimension

    • Fast-paced and the guitar play didn't overshadow the drums.
    • Wataru's singing again is so well defined since I last heard him.

    Other J-Rock aficionados (friends) say that this track may have defined the album in a more positive direction had it been the first track. I feel the track was placed just right at #2.

    3. The Red

    • Since I first started listening to 12012, I've never really gotten used to the growling. Seem so out of place for the style of rock that they play. Yet, they seem to have improved their growls too.
    • Wataru shows us the limitless talent of his vocal abilities that just leaves you astounded. In my opinion, he rivals Kyo (Dir En Grey) at this point.
    • You can't ignore the rest of the band members who help accentuate his vocals even more.

    4. Alone

    • Haven't heard a good ballad from them in a while.
    • Very addicting sound that feels (not sounds) better the more you play it.
    • You are lying if you didn't sing this track to yourself.

    5. Aqua

    Oh my fucking god. This may be the BEST song of I've heard this year (maybe even a long time). Yes the lyrics are stuck on repeat, but if you had truly listened to it play, you'd know why.

    • This track tests the skill of all the band members in the very best way possible, a ballad. How much playing alongside each other for so many years has changed them.
    • 9 minutes felt like an eternity. By which I mean a lifetime, like someone's entire life has gone by in those 9 minutes. Seasons have come and gone by the further you have listened into the song. Life cut short in 9 minutes.
    • The song just pours out sorrow, you can feel it as they play and through Wataru's singing. A sense of regret and a sliver of hope.
    • I was not ready for him to sing louder towards the end. As he sang, fuuuck man, you could truly feel the sharp wails, the cracking in his voice that pierced your heart as much as he intended it to.
    • Every single ideal piece of instrument played in sync towards the end.
    • The entire song draws you in so far in that the louder play just sets you back like "fuuuuuu why u do dis to me?"
    • I felt goosebumps towards the end too, probably because the song was nearing its end and I didn't want it to.
    • Again, another ending song based off instrumentals. Makes the entire thing complete.

    A big FUCK YOU to those who have the audacity to say this song was trash. Go kiss (band you wont stfu about)'s ass somewhere else.

    This release proves that they are capable of pushing forward. To those saying it is a Dir en Grey Rip-off, you clearly haven't grasped the reality of J-rock music today. DEG and other groups of their time (early era for that matter) set the standard for most aspiring bands, just like those before who inspired them. There is no copying and no rip-offs, only influences or similarities. Learn the fucking difference. 12012 has incorporated DEG's style successfully into their own music. Fin.

  10. This album was well planned out. Kudos to Sadie.


    1. Mode of Gangsta was badass. Sounded Gangster themed to me.


    2. Dead End was Great. I like the incorporation of the Walkie-Talkie? sound that a lot of older J-rock groups had way back. 

        The Megaman reference made me lol. What in the fuck are you talking about?


    3. Welcome to the underground was very old sounding (not old Sadie). I'm talking more like an old musical with gangsters in New York running amuck. Like     Scat music. Bass felt on pace with the guitars and Mao's singing has improved. 


    4. Shoot the Targets, Hidden in your Mind - This is where they attempted the rapping. Albeit, not the best, it wasn't terrible. Everyone else is doing it, right?


    5. Gesshoku had a very nice Sadie feel, true sounding to the band. Mao's singing again, vast improvement from the last album.


    6. Tokyo Gypsy had this sound that I can't describe, like the bass from the Munsters song (yeah I watched that) and the guitar sound from that song from the first Scooby Doo movie (y'know, with the zombies). Anyway, the song suits the title.


    7. Rize a Flag sounded like the average Sadie track so I can't really complain here. Right rock pace along with Mao's growls? make for a good combo definitely.


    8. Howling was very pop-ish haha. Like nyappy (Antic Cafe)(Or is it An Cafe now? Idgaf). I can see a dance version in the works lol.


    9. Hate Me or Love Me just makes me hate them. (Irony?) Makes you wonder why they continue to do english singing.


    10. Bleach - I didn't know Tsurugi was in the band until now.He has an awesome guitar play from begining to end. Best thing of the entire song. Aside from the quirkyness this song has.


    11. The Never - Like the average Sadie track, it has a good intro, Mao's growls? and singing, followed by the climax. 


    12. Message from Here - Like every Sadie album before it, there is always that one song that is so calm and not like all the rest. Listening to this and all the other tracks like it make you wonder if the whole group could successfully move to a calmer sound/genre. 


    13. Phrase of Life - I think this is honestly the BEST way to end any rock album. Instrumentals man.


    Judging by the previous reviews, it sounds like a lot of you wanted "bang bang", and were less than satisfied when you got "pew pew." When for the most part, you wouldn't know what a "bang" sounds like.


    I'm tired now so I'll stop. Oh and I'm not rating shit since I already said it was good.


    I'm done being a dick for now. 

  11. Listening to this album and I have to say, its pretty good. 


    I like the vocalist's singing throughout the album. Very soothing to the ears. :)


    Very strange but I get the same feel as I did when I heard Ayabie a decade ago. 

  12. Reminds Me. Here in DuPage County Illinois USA we have a brewery called TWO BROTHERS. Their craft beer is to die for. Look it up and you can see that it is ranked very well amongst Beer aficionados lol.


    They have Seasonal beer. My favorite has gotta be Domaine DuPage, which is some french style country ale.

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