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Status Replies posted by Shmilly

  1. Is it only me or Grisaille's vocalist is too much similiar to Matenrou Opera's Sono, but with screamos and no vibrato?

  2. now zayn's left 1D can we change the lycaon mourning thread into one about something worth mourning

  3. got an awful flat tire / can't even make it to the tire shop safely / have no idea how to put on the spare. #whatdo

  4. Tonight is going to kick so much @ss, first the last RAW before WM, then 45 minutes later: BLOODBORNE!

  5. Just finished translating the DADAROMA mini album! Check it out if you're interested :P

  6. So my parcel from Japan, that arrived last Friday but was held in customs, that they said would arrive yesterday after I paid, is still not here... not impressed.

  7. So I may have just bought nearly 600 things for RarezHut... whoops :v

  8. Does Lycaon's Pierrot PV exist in DVD form anywhere?

  9. what is a lycaon

  10. Got a 20.5 TB upload bounty on JPS from filling a request, but I think the guy who made the request has been cheating upload ratio, so he can make requests with extremely huge rewards.

  11. Got a 20.5 TB upload bounty on JPS from filling a request, but I think the guy who made the request has been cheating upload ratio, so he can make requests with extremely huge rewards.

  12. #MH conspiracy theories: frypan evolved into blackdoll

  13. artist i like didnt release anything since nov 2013, yesterday i thought about wanting a comeback so much and today she posts #comeback at facebook, lol.

  14. Any ameba peeps tell me what this post says? Cba to make an account >> http://ameblo.jp/alsdead-nikky

  15. i just discovered a secret talent: fixing bent pins on a CPU. and i gotta say, i'm pretty damn good in it.

  16. 2 release of three, just miss Lily [通常盤] and it will be ship ! ^^

  17. Did someone here just add me on Steam? Because panda, beni and kyoselflove are all friends...

  18. Did someone here just add me on Steam? Because panda, beni and kyoselflove are all friends...

  19. Japan Codes LOWERED THEIR PRICES!! Best iTunes JP card prices I've ever seen. http://bit.ly/1yo09vY

  20. Accidentally dropped my ext 2TB hard drive to the hard floor. It split in two, the drive and base, but was not broken physically. So, I tried to plugged them into one piece and turned it on. Luckily, it still worked. I'll keep it powered off until I can get another drive so that I can make a mirror of my music library. So many close calls have happened to me within a few days this year. :<

  21. Start your morning off right. Nice and Smooth.

  22. 95% of j-metal and j-core bands need to watch and learn from this

    so they can stop being a stick in the mud.
  23. Going to see Arlequin, grieva and Dezert on my birthday 8) yay

  24. If someone called you by your username across a crowded room, would you notice/respond?

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