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    nullmoon got a reaction from Gesu in Single People Thread   
    I hear you. You could always try something casual? You get that interaction but at the same time you get your own space?
  2. Thanks
    nullmoon got a reaction from Gesu in Single People Thread   
    Dude, not sure if it's your intention but you're coming across as mega hostile. It's almost as if you accidentally hit on your sister and you're trying to hide it XD 
    In all seriousness though, @Gesuwas just making an observation. She can't speak for the actions of other people. 
  3. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Euronymous in Single People Thread   
    Well,I guess I just haven't been lucky enough with that.i wouldn't mind spending my free time with some girl that appreciates being with me.Just couldn't find someone to make me that interested.
    Furthermore, it's kinda amusing this "type" thing,cuz every fuckin girl that wanted to "take me" wasn't my "type" and all the girls I wanted didn't give a shit about me. Lol 
    People say that I'm good looking but some times I get very pissed off bcuz of acne,they don't stop lol 
  4. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from Euronymous in Single People Thread   
    I hear you. You could always try something casual? You get that interaction but at the same time you get your own space?
  5. Like
    nullmoon reacted to suji in Single People Thread   
    hello i'm crushing on my sister's friend cuz she looks just like my type and i've barely spoken to her hELP
  6. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from suji in Single People Thread   
    Dude, not sure if it's your intention but you're coming across as mega hostile. It's almost as if you accidentally hit on your sister and you're trying to hide it XD 
    In all seriousness though, @Gesuwas just making an observation. She can't speak for the actions of other people. 
  7. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Gesu in Single People Thread   
    I think the fear comes from the fact that if you can find them, they can find you. No-one wants to be found by their relatives on some hook-up site. That's just embarrassing.
  8. I feel ya..
    nullmoon reacted to Euronymous in Single People Thread   
    never been in a long and serious relationship and i'm at my early 20's already
    it's been a while since i don't enjoy peoples company,i like to be in solitude,but...
    u know,humans weren't made to be completely alone forever.
  9. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Gesu in Single People Thread   
    Eh, I'm an adult and I'd get pretty embarrassed by it. That being said, I get embarrassed quite easily anyways. Granted, I am only just an adult (eighteen), but still. I'm a lot more bashful than most people my age.
  10. Like
    nullmoon reacted to ajisaii052 in Single People Thread   
    I cannot believe that none can find boyfriend (girlfriend) from Tinder 😔 I have to meet the person IRL.
  11. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from Gesu in What did you dream about last night?   
    Sounds like something straight out of a Junjo Ito manga O.O
  12. Yikes
    nullmoon reacted to Gesu in What did you dream about last night?   
    Not last night, but just now during my nap, I dreamt that there was this bright red bug in my flat. It wasn't huge, but it was bigger than most bugs I've encountered. Now, I don't like insects at the best of times, but as I mentioned, this one was bright red and considerably large, so I grabbed a dish towel and tried to hit it, but it seemed pretty resilient and kept jumping around (it moved like a flea but looked more like a big red roach). As I kept trying to hit it, I noticed that its face had morphed into this alien-like thing... it looked like ET. That scared the shite out of me, so I was just trying over and over again to kill this bastard, but it developed human facial expressions and sneered at me to taunt me. It cornered me (luckily against my door so I could have run out), but I didn't see what happened next as I just heard myself thinking "wake up, wake up, wake up". That was weird, but I'm glad my brain decided to wake me up at that point. I fucking hate insects!

  13. Interesting
    nullmoon reacted to Gesu in Single People Thread   
    Yup, seriously. Overheard a guy in my media class saying he matched with his sister not too long ago.
  14. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Gesu in Single People Thread   
    Maybe he worded it wrong? I think he meant she came up on his Tinder.
  15. Like
    nullmoon reacted to ajisaii052 in Single People Thread   
    I agree also totally. Too many bad experiences has teached me, that the most happiest times I have lived is non-relationship.
  16. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from Gesu in Single People Thread   
    I agree with 1 and 2... But 3? Seriously?!
  17. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Gesu in Single People Thread   
    I tried it once, but I never met up with anyone and hid my profile within about an hour because:
    1. None of the guys looked to be my type.
    2. There was this annoying habit of people setting pictures of them with their friends as their profile pics (how do I know which one's them? And have they ever considered that maybe their friends don't want to be on their Tinder profile? ).
    3. I've heard too many horror stories about people matching with their relatives.
  18. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from Gesu in Single People Thread   
    Ugh. Recently single and it's weird. I've been in long term relationships for over 10 years now and this is the first time I'm having a breather and well...I don't know how to single. Then again based on my track record I don't know how to be a keeper either 😂
    I need to focus on myself for a while as I keep giving my all in relationships and just tiring myself out emotionally. I've really neglected myself for a long time. I'm finally moving out of the family home soon though (fingers crossed!) so I think having my own space and my own time should really help. 
    However I crave that attention already so I'm inadvertently checking out the ladies, and due to the way I am I feel guilty and pervy for it. On the one hand I want to be with someone, on the other I think I should just have fun...and yet the latter isn't me at all. SO MUCH INTERNAL CONFLICT! 
    (brb gotta learn to function on my own XD) 
  19. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from Gesu in Single People Thread   
    I just joined Tinder. I hate it. That is all. 
  20. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from ShTon in random thoughts thread   
    Totally agree here. This is why I don't get people who spend more time working than with their family etc. Sure money is great for security, luxuries etc but if you can't be happy and enjoy life then what good is all that money? 
    If we truly get one shot at life, we may as well spend it doing what we love (providing it pays the bills!). 
  21. Like
    nullmoon reacted to plastic_rainbow in random thoughts thread   
    exactly. life isn't all about the money. there's more to it than that. my friend doesn't want to work at my job cuz she's worried about the 'stability' since it's a part time job (it does get busy during the summer tho so that practically makes up for the slow times). i think she just isn't willing to sacrifice all the luxuries she's been spending on, which makes me feel sad for her.
    couldn't agree more. i mean well, i'm an aspiring artist which i know does not pay very well but i'm okay with doing a job on the side while still doing what i love, haha.
  22. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to lichtlune in random thoughts thread   
  23. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from karai · ebi in random thoughts thread   
    Totally agree here. This is why I don't get people who spend more time working than with their family etc. Sure money is great for security, luxuries etc but if you can't be happy and enjoy life then what good is all that money? 
    If we truly get one shot at life, we may as well spend it doing what we love (providing it pays the bills!). 
  24. Like
    nullmoon reacted to sleepy coffee in Band that everyone hates but you adore?   
    Sadie and 12012 and that includes their dir en grey era's
  25. Like
    nullmoon reacted to psychonnect_rozen in Band that everyone hates but you adore?   
    Honestly, Rooftops is an amazing song. But again, I can never get into Lostprophets because of what Ian “Goes wild with your child” Watkins did. Then again, I like Phantamasigoria, even though their bassist is a complete shithead (Kisaki)
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