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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    Oh! Oh! Mr Heaven by NoGoD! I like this game
  2. nullmoon

    Thanks! Much appreciated
  3. nullmoon

    Thanks! I had to force myself to learn it to play Child Prey because it's a faster tempo but it seems too weird playing like that on slower songs! Thanks though, I feel energised to get some more videos done pronto!
  4. nullmoon

    Thanks guys, your support means a lot i never really know if i'm any good so your encouragement is...really encouraging! XD @Paradoxal - haha sorry, already taken! i found it really tricky at first but it just takes practice. Don't give up! @digitalbounce - mine too, I love how the bassline takes centre stage! Yeah, Toshiya most likely picks up and down but i'm not too good at this at present with mid-tempo songs so i down pick for the whole thing! It's just the way I play currently thanks, i've learned quite a few of their songs over the past year so hopefully i'll find time to record more soon!
  5. nullmoon

    I have a bass guitar. This is a video of me playing this bass guitar. Be gentle
  6. nullmoon

    It's hilarious; fans don't want to hear the same thing over and over again (e.g. Deathgaze), yet as soon as a band deviates from their sound the fans lose their minds (e.g. Dir En Grey following Kisou). Although I'm not a huge fan of change it can sometimes be for the better (or in the latter case a change which is just as powerful and industry-impacting as their previous sound, albeit completely different). I think bands that actually dig themselves out of that pit of stagnation should be praised for actually working hard to improve themselves instead of settling in their comfort zone... ...although with that said, bands that simply go for a flavour of the month approach are exempt from this ;D
  7. nullmoon

    Definitely agree with Loveless, what a song 1) Sink - 9Goats Black Out - This is one of those songs that explains a band's soundscape immediately. Really beautiful song. 2) Utakata - Kagrra, - Ditto. One of the first J-Rock songs I ever listened to and it's simply perfect. 3) Vinushka - Dir En Grey - If we're missing out intros, we can count the song after right? This song is brilliant; it quickly raised DEG's game from their previous album I feel. Furthermore, it's one of their best songs. 4) Utsushiyo Horror Show - NoGoD - http://youtu.be/0MQkj6CCES0 One of my very favourites. Riff-heavy and with an awesome solo, this is one of their better recent tracks.
  8. nullmoon

    I don't listen to Sadie much. But when I do, they sound EXACTLY THE SAME AS ALWAYS XD
  9. nullmoon

    The new song sounds cool! It's great to see that Akane is so good live...although I'm confused as to why the live footage was seemingly shot with the very first video camera in existence.
  10. ^ Agreed. I really enjoyed Monster but this sounds nom
  11. nullmoon

    Haha awesome, thanks guys It's nice to learn about the history as well
  12. I've noticed this before underneath people's profile pics...and now it's underneath mine! Although honoured (?), what on earth is this? Am I now in a clandestine group of SEXY ELITE MEMBERS? XD
  13. nullmoon

    Compared to the rest of the band Shinya looks old. So very old.
  14. nullmoon

    I didn't realise the lyrics to this song were so cute, thanks!
  15. nullmoon

    Haha he has such girly legs XD
  16. Sounds like pretty much any other Girugamesh song from the past few years....? It's like a slightly rearranged Zantetsuken.
  17. nullmoon

    Your goodbye has lasted for almost a month.
  18. nullmoon

    Why does everyone lump Uroboros with Dum Spiro Spero?! It's blasphemy I tell you!
  19. nullmoon

    I don't get these goodbyes...why make a big song and dance about it? If you don't want to come on the site anymore then don't...?
  20. nullmoon

    Really good stuff sai, keep them coming!
  21. nullmoon

    Pewdiepie is aggravating to listen to. For horror games check out Pyscadelicsnake on YouTube. His Silent Hill playthroughs are hilarious.
  22. nullmoon

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he
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