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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    Agreed. I actually really like I Believe In Me; there's some nice variety going on and the harder tracks are awesome. Greedy Dead Souls is my favourite mainly due to the whole range of sounds and atmospheres they create. This is probably blasphemy but I haven't sat through The Avoided Sun once. Every song on there sounds the same to me :/
  2. nullmoon

    I noticed in a previous post you wanted to build muscle; 50 reps is waaaaaay too high! Generally, people aim for 3-5 reps for strength, 8-12 reps for hypertrophy (muscle growth) and 15-20 for endurance/tone. It might be worth adjusting the weight in order to fall into the desired rep scheme. Your cocktail sounds incredible; you must be huge!
  3. nullmoon

    Still no Soshaku...?!?!
  4. nullmoon

    I would recommend trying HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) at home if you want to save some time and money. You can do it in the comfort of your own home and it usually takes less than half an hour. They're intense and you have to put in a lot of work, but due to the shock it gives your body, you will continue to burn calories even after you've worked out. This can sometimes last up to a day or two, so in conjunction with eating less crud you'll see results fairly swifty. In regards to food, maybe cook loads of things in advance? Maybe prepare loads of vegetables and distribute them evenly throughout the week with different types of carbs and protein? So Monday you could have vegetables with rice and tuna, Tuesday you could have vegetables with pasta and chicken etc. I highly recommend roasting the shit out of red peppers and courgettes; they taste incredible.
  5. nullmoon

    If you have any weights, or anything heavy for that matter, try doing weighted crunches. They'll work much better than tons of regular crunches and will help to train your abs as a muscle (if you want definition that is). The key to abs is mostly a good diet (lots of vegetables, lots of water, no/way less sugar). I've been eating fairly well over the past month (pretty much just cut out chocolate, artificial junk, and ate more vegetables) and now I actually have definition and the fat has reduced. Cardio also helps (you can do some killer HIIT exercises at home and they take up less than half an hour of your time) but diet is the key. Hope this helps!
  6. nullmoon

    This is a cool idea, and I'm not even in it for the free stuff! I was pretty scrawny at the start of last year so I started lifting weights. It's almost been a full year and since then I've actually developed pecs and muscle definition. In particular lighting, I have a 4 pack but I still have a bit of pooch My goal for this year is to grow stronger. I've been lifting weights mostly for hypertrophy but this year I just want to be able to lift heavy shit. At the same time I also want to be stronger in general, so I'm doing daily calesthenics to increase the amount of pull ups and push ups I can do. If anyone else is looking to do the same, I strongly recommend Greyskull LP. I've just started it and it pretty much enables hypertrophy and strength gains without working out for hours on end. Plus it's really convenient (I've just being doing it from home). I've done quite a bit of research over the past year on weight training, effective exercises and fat loss so if anyone wants any information or advice, I'll be more than happy to help.
  7. nullmoon

    New video for Kuukoku no Kyouon!
  8. Agreed, i'm disgusted it's behind DSS.
  9. nullmoon

  10. nullmoon

    Arche has all of this...?
  11. nullmoon

    benibana and eihrartx - thank you both for being so selfless in doing this and giving every single user a little bit of attention on their special day. I notice that it's always you guys doing this, and it just makes me really happy, so GOOD WORK
  12. nullmoon

    Tefu Tefu is awesome, especially the solo. Unfortunately I disagree with all comments regarding Sukekiyo's superiority. Personally I think the only song of theirs that has any significance is Aftermath because it's one of the most perfect songs I've ever heard. Oh and the opening to Hemimetabolism is beautiful.
  13. nullmoon

    ...why don't they play Soshaku? :/ Loving this encore though.
  14. nullmoon

    These are so off. How on earth does Vice sound like Redeemer for example? I definitely got D'espairsRay vibes but I wouldn't call it plagiarism.
  15. nullmoon

    I don't think anyone has mentioned the bonus tracks yet...? The Sustain The Untruth and Unraveling remixes are incredible! More so the latter for its thrashy new sound. Big fan.
  16. nullmoon

    Anyone else getting a 'more badass Toguro' vibe from 鱗? The opening sounds similar.
  17. nullmoon

    Boooooooo! They need to bring back the old version
  18. nullmoon

    Any idea if this is new or old Obscure?
  19. nullmoon

    Thanks guys!
  20. nullmoon

    My lil bro has done a load of speed drawing videos but this is my new favourite
  21. nullmoon

    Thanks so much! I'll be sure to let him know!
  22. nullmoon

    Thanks dude, make sure to check out his new one it's awesome!
  23. nullmoon

    Thanks for the heads up
  24. Hi guys! With the new Pokemon games coming up, I just wanted to big up my lil bro's artwork! He's been doing a ton of speed drawings and gameplay videos in the run up to the UK release of the games so please show him some love! He only started drawing properly this year and as you can see below, he's pretty damn good! This is a kickass speed drawing of the two legendaries in their primal forms. Make sure to like and subscribe!
  25. nullmoon

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