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Everything posted by johnesh

  1. johnesh

    Just listened to Mimic. Holy shit! Now I see what all the fuss is about. Hope he does a full album and that his support bandmates are just as good as the old guys.
  2. johnesh

    These bands never f***ing play the UK (OK, Diru did)... if they'd played London I might actually have gone to see them, and I never go to gigs
  3. johnesh

    "New Improve Ansia" lol
  4. johnesh

    Aw, man. Could never really get into these guys but I know they've been around for years and have a lot of fans.
  5. That's the set list of their live.
  6. Never listened to these guys before but this has me really excite.
  7. Terrible title. Still, I'm stoked. Sure the music will be as good as ever.
  8. johnesh

    Love all the Lovecraft references.
  9. johnesh

    You're fucking kidding me
  10. Wow, that was quick! I thought he had some sort of agonizing, debilitating jaw condition that meant he would be out of action for possibly years, possibly forever. Glad they're back, but yeah, this new look is terrible.
  11. johnesh

    A bit sad, if altogether unsurprising. Their last album was a definite improvement on their first (if nowhere near their early releases) and it seemed they might be heading in the right direction. Ah well.
  12. Wow, I figured this album was going to be shit after the generic metalcore chug of the singles, but after listening to these previews I am now genuinely excited.
  13. Um... pot is a psychedelic drug.
  14. johnesh

    It's a classical guitar.
  15. johnesh

    They look kinda visual to me
  16. johnesh

    He did two great albums and then seems to have released nothing but best-ofs and cover versions for the last two years.
  17. johnesh

    Just had it from the horse's mouth that The End Records will be doing the US release of this album
  18. Have I missed something? I don't see any reference here to anything called "舞夢". If the title of the single were "舞夢" then it should indeed be transliterated "Maimu" (whatever that means), but it's not, it's "マイム", which should surely be transliterated "Mime".
  19. johnesh

    Amazing really – Screw are basically a boy band, but those last two singles were some of the most viciously raw and uncommercial stuff I've ever heard released as "pop" music on a major label.
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