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Posts posted by Jun_

  1. This is what I did based on that DVD live they play sink and listening the original song a LOOOOOT of times. Standard 1/2 step down and 120 bpm.


    The tracks are Drums, Guitar 1, Guitar 2 and Guitar 3 (the one that plays with the piano. Couldn't print with the piano because it was too long D': )



  2. It's something funny, bUT EVERYTIME I say "Hi" to someone on the chat, they just leave. Every single time.


    Besides this, another EVERYTIME thing: People just talk to me when they need something. Editing videos, mixing/mastering covers...and they always use "friendship" for never wanting to give me something at least...oh well, continue doing this and I'll probably quit again and THEN they'll have to find another mixer e_e

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