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Status Updates posted by Jun_

  1. Recorded a Glamorous Sky cover with a friend and he sounds like Lareine's Kamijo...:'D



    1. IGM_Oficial


      "ft. Roberto"

      Melhor feat

    2. Jun_


      Falei pra ele botar um nick, ele n quis...lol

  2. HAHA 1K OF NOTIFICATIONS that will never see the sunlight c:

    1. IGM_Oficial
    2. yakihiko


      so, be sure to see it on moonlight C:

  3. Now that I've finished Ergo Proxy, I'm feeling that big empty space inside of me..............

    1. platy


      Vai ficar pensando na filosofia da existência humana... 

    2. Jun_


      @platyJá era. Cai no conto do Ergo Proxy fjkdhfjkshf


  4. Jun_

    AHA. MY TURN. HAPPY PLATYDAY. Tudo de bom pra você e que a gente continue assistindo animes que ninguém vê e pire na maionese por causa deles <3

    1. Jun_


      Cheguei atrasado MAS NÃO LIGO. EH ISTO.

    2. platy


      Valeuuu!! ✨ Muitos anos de anime pra nós. 

  5. I hate so much the fact that no one from -OZ- went to another band. I also miss Natsuki's voice so much, but I'm glad he's doing what he likes! :D

    1. Aferni


      Like @Elazmus always says, the wound is opened again, Sfsfdsssddaerrrrfff

    2. Elazmus
  6. Damn...dat rain @_@

    1. Minami


      yes ... and really cold.. hate..

  7. Yo, i created a page to post my covers on Facebook :3 If you could like this, i'll be very happy https://www.facebook.com/jiyunkun?fref=ts

  8. That sad moment when THE PROOF by -273.15°C doesn't exists on Internet...

  9. Oh my god...girugamesh's new pv is...is...holy shit, they're back D:

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Just saw it.....DAMN

  10. That moment when "Time Online" doesn't appears in my profile...

    1. nick


      lol, a bug in the facebook team detected.

  11. listening to lynch., Oz and another bands and speak with MH members makes me feel home again

    1. Elazmus


      :]] put your feet up - make yourself comfortable !

  12. I'm so excited for the contest, omg x___x

    1. beni


      Same! I'm just so excited in hearing everyone and voting.

  13. Happy b-day, Ender-ender! :3

    1. doombox


      Thank you! <3

  14. omg, 12012 is so good ;~; Cyclone ♥

  15. Happy b-day, Jig <3 I hope you don't wanna play a game pls :'D

    1. Jigsaw9


      Thanks! Hmmm, now that you mention it... :P

  16. It's just me or anyone else can listen to Hazuki singing any song of DOGMA? RAGE gives me this lynch. feeling.

    1. Elazmus


      Most of DOGMA is reminiscent of Lynch and yeah a few of the vocal sections are easy to picture Hazuki singing :)

  17. I just came back and everyone left Dub :'DDDD

  18. Meh, wanted to change my name to Jun or Junnie, but both are in use already u-u

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Deixa assim, mesmo

  19. It would be awesome to find musicians here and start the MH Online Band XD

    1. IGM_Oficial


      A mais nova banda não-japonesa de visual kei, com membros de todo o mundo

  20. Let's see if my internet helps so I can upload the DESTINY -THE LOVERS- Type A DVD :'D

    1. IGM_Oficial



  21. Jesus FAHKING Christ. I need to watch Elementa Alchemica's DVD.

    1. Biopanda


      You totally do, it's absolutely amazing <3

  22. 52 notifications. Wtf happened

    1. IGM_Oficial


      E eu aqui, feliz com as minhas 20

  23. Oh yeah! Finally bought a whammy bar to my guitar. Time to break my bridge, holy sh

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