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Everything posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Cute design! I also like how his homepage has (more or less) detailed English info too.
  2. Metronome returns, the year is saved.

    1. Jigsaw9


      I guessssss... XD Let's hope all the alternate universes won't collapse on each other on September 19!

    2. tetsu_sama69


      world peace achieved

    3. Tokage


      2005=metronome was invented

    4. Show next comments  300 more
  3. Jigsaw9

    ffffffffffffffuck yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  4. ^ It's actually a Giger reproduction (Screaming Mad George recreated it for the cover).
  5. Jigsaw9

    lmao @ people already freaking out with literally 0 evidence on who the members are
  6. Jigsaw9

    Anyone digging the new project of Sean Lennon and Les Claypool, a.k.a. The Claypool Lennon Delirium? I'm only through my first listen, but I found it boring and almost completely worthless so far. Maybe I just need to get on the proper wavelength, but on first run these songs seem too same-y and repetitive... except for maybe a punchier number or two. Oh well, I might warm up to it after some time... On the other hand, I've been jammin' Claypool's various projects, (almost) all great stuff! I didn't listen to a couple of these before, and was pleasantly surprised, especially at Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains. Trippy & jam-tastic! Duo de Twang is also immensely fun if you just wanna bob your head to some chunky blues-y stuff. I've also started to appreciate the last Primus album (the Chocolate Factory one) a bit more. It's got some mighty weird atmosphere, that's for sure, haha.
  7. Jigsaw9

    Not too bad imo.
  8. Okay, it's finally come to the point where searching for threads on MH ~via Google~ is more effective than searching for it on MH itself. Wow.

    1. Jigsaw9


      ^ THIS, so much.

    2. paradoxal


      ^ TBQH, I don't miss that function that much. The search is overall so much better that I don't need it that much anymore.

    3. Jigsaw9


      "the search is overall so much better" ...not if you're looking for a particular news or download thread and have to wade through 10+ pages of irrelevant crap at times (even if 'tightening' the search criteria). ~__~

    4. Show next comments  300 more
  9. Cover art and band photo for the new single, LOOKIN' PRETTY AMAZING.
  10. dat weird moment when ur encores are actually as long as ur main set, lmao
  11. Jigsaw9

  12. Wow, THE THIRTEEN are so bad they broke MH! Damn.

    1. yakihiko


      Just arrived, what happened to MH?

    2. YuyoDrift


      Was taken back to Cali

    3. Tokage


      MOST LEGENDARY SHIT-KEI OF THE YEAR, what an achievement

  13. I come bearing links to random newish deathrock / goth-punk bands with free stuff: Totenwald have a pretty solid debut EP out, nice & punky~ https://thisistotenwald.bandcamp.com/releases Masses dropped a dark lil' album after a split and an EP~ http://massesmelbourne.bandcamp.com/
  14. Jigsaw9

    yay, welcome back! 8D
  15. Jigsaw9

    aww cool~
  16. Tragic, tho I gotta say that is the most metal way to go out. R.I.P.
  17. Might try to catch them in Budapest then!
  18. Nice! Also, GoodGuyDEZERT uploading live-only stuff in advance, I approve.
  19. Jigsaw9

    perfect lineup for such a session
  20. dat new …。【サイレンス】 is just mmm-mmm-mmm heavenly~

  21. He has so many soooongs already, lol.
  22. Jigsaw9

    The last single was kinda cool (heh), so looking forward to this one. Hopefully it'll deliver more than the previous album.
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