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  1. Like
    Ito got a reaction from CAT5 in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    Bravo, sir, bravo
  2. Like
    Ito reacted to Zeus in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    Let's be ultra real for a second guys: the average anime is pretty fuckin terrible. They literally churn them out in droves per season in varying amounts of quality so it's bound to happen. The average anime viewer watches average anime so anything more than that looks absolutely amazing. In reality, I find myself in opposition to my anime watching friends when I point out flaws in the anime and they just roll their eyes and try to argue back. It can end in one of several ways but my points of contention are more QC than anything. I absolutely detest how the average anime confuses writing a mystery with not telling the viewer the story (aka Concrete Revolution, Gunslinger Stratos, Paranoia Agent, etc), or has pacing so terrible the last four episodes are where all the good action is (and should be where the anime starts aka Charlotte, Freezing, etc), or sometimes just forgets to fill in holes and then things conveniently happen just because (BLACK MOTHERFUCKIN BULLET, the last episode of Kekkai Sensen (although this is probably due to the 3+ month break between episodes)). I pay attention to no ratings on that website at all.
    I can't even tell you how many piss poor anime I've dropped in the last three seasons. One of my other friends who just got on the anime wave said that Owari no Seraph was better than Attack on Titan. I know people have been sipping on the AoT koolaid for a while but in comparison to that show, Owari no Seraph is a turd. That's not to say that Attack on Titan is bad - it's decent to good at its worst - or even that Owari no Seraph is bad (it's not but could be way better) but AoT is just the "standard" for anime. And that's kinda sad since I STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT'S IN THE FUCKING BASEMENT!
    Having said that, Rokka is a passable mystery (as in you know what's happening but not what's going to happen) with some action on the side. God Eater is just plain terrible.
  3. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Zeus in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    Man, I've watched several anime lately that just were so poor that I couldn't even get past the first episode of them. Ranked from terrible to worst.
    Rokka - "Oh hey, I'm a badass!" No you aren't, you are just obnoxious and OP. So much rule of cool with not enough substance to feed a starving orphan.
    God Eater - If you look at still frames, it's quite lovely. Too bad the it doesn't really hold up that well in the animation. All of that said, it's the piss poor story and pacing that kills it. Like I don't even understand the pacing, it's all together way too fast and makes -no- sense.
    Knights of Sidonia - I understand that this is the pilot episode BUT I have no idea how anyone would have approved this show after watching this utter trash. The writers wouldn't know tone if they were swimming in an ocean of it. The character are bad - from their designs to their interactions. The animation is crap 3D. The music is....wait, did they forget to put the music in this show? Like seriously? Even if the plot was decent, it would be too late to save this show, but never fear, that too is also a pile of steaming crap.
    And MAL has their average ratings at 7.7, 7.3, and 7.9 respectively. Unless these all have bigger surprises that Jesus rising from the grave, then then holy shit people must think that having a brain aneurysms is like at least a 6 out of 10.
  4. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Cupcakes in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    The best way to watch Code Geass is to not watch it.
  5. Like
    Ito got a reaction from NICKT in ex-4960. members new band "Orgy of Villains" has formed   
    We once had Bleeding Cowboy in a banner (back in TW days)
  6. Like
    Ito reacted to NICKT in ex-4960. members new band "Orgy of Villains" has formed   
    Oh hey, Bleeding Cowboys. How completely original.
  7. Like
    Ito reacted to Aferni in ex-4960. members new band "Orgy of Villains" has formed   
  8. Like
    Ito reacted to YuyoDrift in ex-4960. members new band "Orgy of Villains" has formed   
    C'mon man what's with the fucking names these days? Do they just draw words from a hat or something?
    x3 on the shittiest teaser I've heard. HAHA. Was that 5 seconds each track?
  9. Like
    Ito got a reaction from nick in Ito's Photography   
  10. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Zeus in the GazettE   
    Can we take a moment to pause and ask ourselves why this bothers bands? Like it's not like you are getting anything more than some shitty video with blown out sound - you can't sell it, you can post it on youtube and get like 10 views, or your could post it on facebook for your friends to like and your aunt to continue to think that your parents raised you wrong.
    Only reasons I can think of is that either the band is incredibly vain so they only want the best (i.e. high processed and edited) stuff of them to be put out in to the world OR they just suck so hard that they don't want people showing the proof of it.
  11. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Crube in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Just started watching One Punch Man with some friends - really enjoyed the first three episodes.
  12. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Kaye in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    The best way to watch Code Geass is to not watch it.
  13. Like
    Ito reacted to Chi in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    this is correct
  14. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Chi in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    The best way to watch Code Geass is to not watch it.
  15. Like
    Ito got a reaction from beni in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    The best way to watch Code Geass is to not watch it.
  16. Like
    Ito got a reaction from Original Saku in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Just started watching One Punch Man with some friends - really enjoyed the first three episodes.
  17. Like
    Ito got a reaction from CAT5 in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Just started watching One Punch Man with some friends - really enjoyed the first three episodes.
  18. Like
    Ito got a reaction from ghost in Last Thing You Bought   
    That looks sexy
  19. Like
    Ito reacted to ghost in Last Thing You Bought   
    Got this off a website called "vinyl loop". Never heard of them but I dig it. Some good punk/rock/garage band goodness in the 80's/90's style (on a cool clear vinyl to boot).

  20. Like
    Ito reacted to Pretsy in LUNA SEA   
    I am not really sure if I would call all of  their first albums as " masterpieces" xD but let's give it a roll once again:
    1. MOTHER (very obvious choice - Zess summed it up well when he described its unusual, brilliant cohesion (each song feels like it's in own right place))
    2. IMAGE (even with ultra-goofy songs a la IN MIND (it's not bad but weirdly unfitting context-wise) it has this nice "dark" vibe around it)
    3. EDEN (would have been okay if last songs showed much more effort instead of being, well, "post-punk pop leftovers" as mr. grumpy Gordon from jrocknyc would have put it)
    4. Self-titled (Rerec is way too clean and the original, while packing a huge punch of awesome live songs, has this annoying Extasy mastering value I cannot get over anymore)
    5. STYLE (I usually snore during "FOREEBA AN EEBBAA", but otherwise - very commercialized rendition of MOTHER...a follow-up but oh well, I liked lives anyway)
    6. LUNACY (Packs some good punches, e.g. Virgin Mary, White Out, KISS, FEEL, 4:00AM (awesome trip-hop experiment), but yeah, your good ol' LS in its palatable form...)
    7. SHINE (read my statements @earlier comment and add BREATHE (<3)...way too palatable)
    8. A WILL (nothing remarkable nor interesting if you are very familiar with their earlier output)
  21. Like
    Ito got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in Ito's Photography   
    Doesn't get much better than this
  22. Like
    Ito reacted to Ikna in Ikna's †Art Castle†   
    Long overdue update.



  23. Like
    Ito got a reaction from niivozombie in LUNA SEA   
    It's kind of interesting for me - Luna Sea is one of the few bands I can't really associate too much with specific albums but specific songs. They were one of the earliest Jrock bands I got into (maybe around 2004-2005?), and that was during the time period where a huge chunk of music sharing was with individual songs. it probably doesn't help that Period was the first full album of theirs that I downloaded.
  24. Like
    Ito reacted to Delkmiroph in Last Thing You Bought   
  25. Like
    Ito got a reaction from niivozombie in LUNA SEA   
    This thread has been dead for far too long
    Just wanted to say that 4:00 AM is such an under rated song on theirs. I love the dreamy vibe and the killer bassline. 
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