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Status Updates posted by Ito

  1. First time hitting a deer with my car....god damn that was scary >.<

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      oh dear/oh deer. how are you? and what about your car and the deer?

    2. Ito


      I'm fine, thankfully, but my car has seen better days. Initial report is surprisingly positive (if hitting a deer can be positive) with only my drivers side mirror being decimated and some minor scratches on the door, but I'll have to wait till it is light out for a real damage report.

    3. Tetora


      Good to see you are okay. Sad about the deer. I always see deer, geese, raccoons, foxes and one time a wolf when driving in the country. If I hit something I would be filled with emotional pain, hopefully you are okay in that respect.

  2. Fixed this Kuroyume single cover: http://i.imgur.com/jL1FRQ1.jpg

  3. For those who are celebrating it, what are you dressing up as for Halloween? I am going to be the ever sexy Bob Ross.

  4. Fuck today -____-

    1. Yasupon


      ikr maaaaaan

    2. CAT5


      Damn, Ito. You're rarely in a bad mood, what's the problem? =/

    3. Ito


      It's kind of a culmination of things...My car was frozen over this morning, it took me about an hour and a half to drive to work, I lost my work ID, smashed my hand in between my chair and my desk...These are just thing to add on top of this huge project I am working on that is refusing to go my way. My boss through me in blind to the project management role for this project...I have never done any project management (and never shadowed anyone on it) and am in over my head. My boss expect...

  5. Get to shoot with pro skiers: +1000 points

    1. Ito


      Get stomach bug: -2000 points

    2. Sakura Seven
    3. Ito


      I'm gunna live...though forcing myself to go out and take pictures in -10 degree (F) weather while recovering from being sick isn't one of my better ideas.

  6. God damn is my new job ever frustrating...this week has utterly drained me. Time to travel to the land without internet to recharge over the weekend.

  7. Going oldschool lol

    1. WhirlingBlack


      90% of the userbase won't get the reference, which I guess is the funny part.

    2. Ito



  8. Got a job as a Photo Retoucher and got in to Newschooler's Photographer Program...things seem to be looking up.

  9. Got called sexist for the first time in my life? Check that one off the list.

    1. TheBistroButcher666


      Oh dang, I wanted her to respond to me. I was ready to get the popcorn out and read her cray cray talk.

    2. Ito


      Yeah, I know, right? I was kind of wishing she would respond too so I could watch her dig herself deeper.

    3. Ito


      Yeah, I know, right? I was kind of wishing she would respond too so I could watch her dig herself deeper.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  10. Had a coworker tell me yesterday that he is a bit of an audiophile...he has expenisve Beats headphones. It took a lot of me not to just openly laugh at him.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      at least he didn't say pedophile

    2. Flame-X


      Please educate that person with this.

    3. colorful人生


      ^ love MKBHD's channel

    4. Show next comments  6 more
    1. Tetora


      Front A, maybe with a bit brighter text, and lots of nice backs but leaning toward A or C, and would consider adding a strapline, or desc. of what kind of photographer you are.

  11. Holy shit BLU-SWING is groovy as fuck.

  12. I accidentally closed my eyes for like 15 minutes...

    1. CAT5


      Get yourself some java, mang

    2. Ito


      I was trying to hold off on having a soda, but oh well XD

  13. I am beyond exhausted. This weekend was crazy and fun and now I am ready for bed.

    1. blackdoll


      similar weekend here

  14. I canceled my PS4 preorder, but man so I still want to play Octodad.

  15. I completely decimated my knee skiing...me and walking aren't going to get along very well anymore.

    1. beni


      D: Take care please! Are you okay? Can you not walk after recovering? You said 'anymore.' You'll be fine please, right?

    2. Ito


      I think I tore my mcl, so I don't really know what the outlook is going to be right now XD. Hopefully it will just be me sitting around and healing up.

    3. beni


      I'm hoping so too! Are you getting it checked soon? Please let it be a fast recovery and take care skiing!!

  16. I do tricks and stuff.

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      nice, didn't know rollerblades were still a thing, my brother used to do that a lot back in 2000'ish. cool camerashots!

    2. Ito


      Thanks! Yeah, I started rollerblading because I am a huge skier and I wanted to do something during the summer lol (that was, what, 7 years ago?)

  17. I got a huge spider bite on the back of my neck while sleeping...I feel like my head is going to explode >.<

    1. Kles


      spiderman transformation...

  18. I had a beer bottle that I did the label design for sitting on my shelf in my room. Well, it decided today that it wanted to explode. Glass shards and beer everywhere!

    1. Ito


      I'm fine, but it happened at around 6:00 AM and scared the shit out of me.

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      Damn... that blows xD

    3. bonsaijodelfisch


      that design was... explosive

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  19. I had a dream the other night that my old roommate through a birthday party for Molly. And then she beat us all in a fighting game.

  20. I had to put my dog down today...I can honestly say that this is the first time in my life I have ever been exhausted from crying.

    1. hiroki


      so sorry to hear that. :(

  21. I lost my job yesterday due to my company changing what the roll of my position is...I feel crushed. I am still in shock.

    1. Jigsaw9


      Damn, that sucks. Try to cheer up, man! A better day and a better job will come eventually! :)

    2. nick


      :< Be strong, Ito. We'll cheer you up!

    3. Ito


      Thanks guys, you all really know how to make me feel better :)

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  22. I love all of you guys! Thanks for making MH such an awesome place.

    1. Delkmiroph


      you're welcome :D

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      here, have some positive vibes right back at you :)

  23. I should get wrist braces for skiing...my right wrist kills right now.

  24. I think Keel's R'lyeh -might- be my favorite Japanese release of the year so far.

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