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Everything posted by inartistic

  1. LIN recently put new, rare items at their web shop, and I'm ordering a sort of shopping service to help anyone buy them. If you want to order the new bootleg DVDs or photosets, let me know, and I'll add those items to my own order. I'll pay the shopping service fee + shipping from Japan to the service + shipping from the service to USA. All you have to pay is shipping from USA to your house (+ cost of the item, of course). All I ask in return is that you share a rip/scan at weloveucp.com. So hopefully you'll save some money and I'll get to see some of the bootleg lives that I can't afford on my own Here's a list of bootleg live DVDs that no one's purchased yet (and a more complete list of items here). If you'd like to take me up on the offer, just comment below or send me a message. I'll be ordering in the next couple of days, so decide quickly♪
  2. inartistic

    Just fyi, looked into it a little more, and Bloody Mary and 残像 are old songs. 残像 is a ballad, played since at least 2011, supposedly released as a dist CD in 2012. No evidence of BLOODY MARY ever being released, but I guess it's a rush song (you can hear some of it on ×月×日、×××××). So 3 newly recorded old songs + 1 new song, probably. I'd say that fits the theme of 輪廻転生
  3. inartistic

    Was Bloody Mary also an old song of theirs?
  4. I believe it says sold at lives & via mail-order. So you'll be able order it online via shopping service, I think
  5. I think you're confusing an old (incorrect) news story that said they were leaving Ains to form a new label called yamikakumei. The story was incorrect--yamikakumei had been a sublabel of Ains the entire time
  6. I'm guessing they've just made a deal to take the yamikakumei label name with them (eg. they'll continue to call that their label, but behind-the-scenes staff will change).
  7. inartistic

    DOAK just sounds so bad to me :x Not just the vocals, but the music... Maybe it just comes down to liking one bad vocalist over another?
    1. inartistic


      THANK YOU! I knew I saw it somewhere on my Twitter recently (I guess for their revival) but couldn't find it

    2. saishuu


      second guy is oddly familiar (made me think of Dreqi x Rudra or that Lilith band one of the Vidoll guitarrists used to be part of), but I can't confirm it and it's kinda bugging me now

    3. inartistic


      Someone else said Lilith too, and I thought that might be it, but I can't find a shoot of them that looks like that. I thought too maybe some random VISUNAVI band like dystopia or something, but doesn't seem to be them either. Swear I recognize it tho ><

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  8. inartistic

    They lasted a LOT longer than I expected them to. I hope their last live goes well~ Anyone know what their mobilization is like? I always assumed they weren't very popular
  9. No, that was a mistranslation by someone on this forum, iirc I only ever saw the band say (*only*) TRIPPER had re-recorded bass (and something else, guitar I think--can't recall off the top of my head), and the change is evident if you listen to both versions.
  10. ⬆️ Further info: Ryuusei (...) is co-composed by JIN & MAKOTO. ASMODEUS (...) is composed by RENA. Ushinai guitar & bass (ONLY) is re-recorded (different from -dispersed- ver, I think). Souhaku (...) is composed by ITSUKI.
  11. inartistic

    Erm, I think "meeting" only means "themed party"... RAZZLE DAZZLE holds theme nights where they play a bands videos, etc, but it's unofficial. So I don't think KISAKI or any Matina/UCP people showed up (except some RAZZLE DAZZLE staff which are ex-Matina/UCP) So prob no photos of old band mates or discussions of a new label ^^;
  12. inartistic

    Agreed, super weird to bother getting a drummer if they had an idea that they were disbanding soon. (And lol) Just saying: Lycaon was with Shimizuya for their entire career of 7/8 years. Avel will have been there 3/4 years. I haven't talked to Karma or Yuuki lately, so I can't say whether they were overworked, but I assume the bands had good experiences if they stayed that long. lol their best album is already out, it's called AvelCain . Seriously though, their best work is that or Jiseki no Mushiro, so if you don't like either of those, you just don't like AvelCain. That's basically my opinion. I'm sad that they're disbanding, because I enjoyed their work. But at the same time, what are any of those members going to do without Eve? None of them can compose well. And I don't recall liking any early Lycaon stuff, so I wonder if Eve's compositions even sound good with other bands. I'm interested to see if anyone involved in AvelCain ends up in a better situation--right now, I can't imagine that being the case!
  13. Eh? You really expected that these two guys would be fired from this band?
  14. inartistic

    LOL I can sorta see it One thing about Bob, she definitely does her homework. Like she is in on all the podcasts, Reddit, etc.--I really appreciate that. Who do you want to win? (as of now)
  15. inartistic

    My attempt at being psychic: - Thorgy, Bob, & Acid Betty will be top three - Acid Betty won't deserve to be there at that point, but she'll cause enough drama to stay - Kim Chi will go home earlier than most expect, b/c she'll fail at some personality challenge This season's looking great so far!
  16. That's definitely an issue. There's a difference between, like, being inexplicably turned on by large noses vs telling non-white people to not bother contacting you. Maybe you've only been attracted to white guys up until this point, but how can you exclude entire races from your pool of potential partners? Are you so sure that there's not a single dark-skinned person you'd find attractive? On the flip side, I think it's also important to be aware of fetishistic preferences. Like, do you just get turned on by typically-Asian features, or are you hoping for an Asian gf because you assume she'll be inherently subservient to you? Not that good people have to get all ten punches on their “Races I've Fucked” card... but I think it's in everyone's best interest to examine their “preferences” and ask whether they come from a subconscious racist place.
  17. I guess DEZERT's album didn't give as much inspiration as they'd hoped jkjk
  18. Is there a way to view New Content here on desktop? (´・ω・`)

    1. Chi


      its near the search function n etc

    2. inartistic


      Didn't see it there! Thank you!

  19. inartistic

    Vier/le:Zel-ark I'm the ugly producer who is inexplicably at the center of every artist photo (I actually think Après-rasage would look cool as a band name, if the meaning of the phrase wasn't so stupid!)
  20. inartistic

    Don't post in this thread often, but I was excited to get LIN's memorial box and SHOXX lucky bag!
  21. inartistic

    So is your Panic disco complete complete now?!
  22. inartistic

    Baaaaaaarf Vanikill was so bad the first time. Hopefully they've improved!
  23. inartistic

    No details announced yet, except that seine will participate. He was guitarist when Ray was vocalist, so maybe Ray?
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