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Everything posted by inartistic

  1. inartistic

    Oh no... Makes me miss his elegant BAISER en Soi look... Guess we all have to grow up sometime tho
  2. I think, uh, these guys aren't exactly as famous as their feature credits might sound, but it's pretty cool nonetheless. I wonder how NOAH bumped into this project...!
  3. Yo, I love TBS and JIN, but OUSIA (the song) is in no way “breaking out of his shell.” Part of the middle breakdown, or w/e it's called, is straight up lifted from 虚しき「生」の寓意≒「死」の真意 lol I mean, I'm into it!―he can write the same 12 minute song every year and I'll love it each time―but I hope he keeps striving for something that's actually new, 'cause this ain't it
  4. I've always admired that visual kei, as a “genre”, can accommodate many musical styles
  5. Doesn't this supposedly happen all the time among VK guys? I wonder what this dude did to get caught and/or piss off the girls enough that they reported him I hope the other AIOLOST members didn't have big plans for the band, lol
  6. Tbh... I'm glad he's apparently in remission, but cancer often comes back or is found in an additional location, so to have such an event is a bit morbid imo. Anyway, I wish him luck and hope he stays cancer free.
  7. Update: little HEARTS. privilege is re-recording CD 「Monochrome -vanished ray- Acoustic Version」 (+ cheki). That one has been purchased and will be shared. Someone is possibly buying from PureSound (3 track live CD), and will share if so. fiveStars privilege (new) is a live DVD from last year. (HMV privilege is a totebag, and live privilege is a photoset.) So still hoping someone will buy from fiveStars (live DVD), ZEAL LINK (live DVD), or PureSound (live CD).
    1. yakihiko


      It was released in the began of this year... I wish I could hear it... XIIDAofJAP and VRZEL

  8. Ditto! I think a lot of this ties into Japanese culture at large. It's a pretty gross aspect, and one I wish that more foreigners understood before throwing all their emotions into this shit
  9. I hate your ugly face, I hate your bad smell, I hate your warped mind, & I hate your existence
  10. Do you want me to help you get one of the other versions? Yeah, it would have been nice if they'd announced the privilegs before allowing preorders! I think you could cancel your CDJ order if you really wanted to, but it's a pain.
  11. Looking for people to coordinate their purchase of LIN memorial box 「the end of corruption world」 and share the privileges with each other. Basically, if you buy from a specific store below, and share a scan/rip of your privilege with the people participating, we'll share our privileges with you. ¡Also!, for any store that requires shopping service, I'm willing to place the order for you through my shopping service and pay the service fee (tho you'll have to pay for the CD + shipping to your house, obviously). Here's the store/privilege list: ● PureSound - 3-track live CD ● BrandX - 5-set of comment DVDS + photoset already purchased, will be shared ● ZEAL LINK - first secret live DVD ● little HEARTS. - re-recording CD (unknown song) already purchased, will be shared ● TOWER RECORDS - new song CD 「for Lapis...」 already purchased, will be shared ● Like an Edison - re-recording CD 「As If Forever Exists. Acoustic Version」 + cheki already purchased, will be shared --- Sorry if this is the wrong place to put this, mods~
  12. inartistic

    Prob has something to do with how spread out we are?
  13. Is anyone looking to buy Kamaitachi's one-day revival live DVD? I have an extra copy ><

  14. Hey Trombe, did you understand what this means? [2大棚ぼた]①SNSなどで役立つ「ホーリーネーム」贈呈。②「ぬるめの紅茶」贈呈。 I don't know what 大棚ぼた means. For #1, ホーリーネーム has “ライブ” written above, but the sentence still doesn't make sense. #2, I have no idea, unless they will distribute tea at the event somehow???
  15. This was the same lineup that recorded griever, so I guess it will be the same
  16. inartistic

    I'm hoping for: DERAIL - Vital vision Veill - 骸の残像 and PRELUDE:IV~an illusion of iridescent~, if it has the obi (I don't mind the broken case)
  17. inartistic

    ^ Go for it, I'll watch
  18. inartistic

    Oh, I wonder why they don't call it a best album. Good for them anyway. Are 宵花火 and 時の色 new songs? I'm not that familiar with their discography
  19. inartistic

    I wonder why they're doing crowd funding. They're popular enough to do without it, right? But anyway, I guess it's cool that they're doing something new
  20. inartistic

    The only thing I've noticed about Japanese bands on iTunes (etc) is that their pricing is just as strict/shitty as CDs. If a CD averages out to 300 yen per song, digital copies will have each song for exactly 300 yen. And never a discount for buying the entire album―it's the same price as buying each song individually. So I'm sure they make a killing on digital sales. Maybe someone can add to that?
  21. inartistic

    Oh, I was expecting much worse vocals. Not bad for vk imo; just weird that he's making his voice so high, like you would expect from a Smileberry type or something. Anyway, preview sounds alright. I'll check it out if it's shared
  22. inartistic

    That's the best strategy (if you don't mind waiting a while to hear a release)
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