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Everything posted by inartistic

  1. inartistic

    If his condition was real in the first place, I wonder if this isn't a bad idea...? If someone thinks they're better, but they're actually not...
  2. inartistic

    Wow, that's an old name for me
  3. Good idea, forwarding it now...
  4. inartistic

    I'm excited
  5. Metamorphose re-recording is already released as privilege CD, and Silent To My Pain re-recording will be privilege CD for this mini-album. So I think that's all the re-recordings they've done (eg. no future one-by-one cashgrab). But I agree the song selection isn't very good. I HATE Call Back, but it's a representative song during lives, so oh well... I'm most excited for Silent To My Pain. Just hope they don't fuck up the mastering/mixing
  6. inartistic

    Come on Kaoru, you can't just roll out of bed and take a pic
  7. inartistic

    Well you sound like a royal cunt
  8. inartistic

    Does he ever play electric guitar anymore? & is he as popular in Japan as he used to be? More popular?
  9. inartistic

    I'm sure it's about $15. I can go to the post and get an estimate tomorrow, if necessary
  10. Selling these items by 凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD- / LIN: LIN - Chaotic Resistance Nationwide ver - $10 LIN - Chaotic Resistance Kansai ver - $10 LIN - Chaotic Resistance LIVE PV - $15 LIN - Chaotic Resistance Sacred Xanadu PV - $15 LIN - Metamorphose RE-RECORDING CD - $20 LIN - official offshot photos (set of 5) - $5
  11. inartistic

    I like their singles Excited!
  12. inartistic

    Smells like “fake major” where they're technically major but still have no push and no fans, and it's not a really big company, and it only lasts for a few releases...
  13. Hey! A second single which sounds good! Maybe I'll try to buy it
  14. inartistic

    That's completely random But cool!
  15. That's the crazy thing: they ARE unremarkable. I'd tried them a few times in the past and always found them super boring. Then this single came out, and I really loved it. So of COURSE I went back and tried older stuff from them, but it's still super fucking boring and sucky (even the single right before!). But w/e, fluke or not, this single was great
  16. inartistic

    It always mindfucks me a little bit to think that Japanese fan mobilization is completely different compared to the west --- I wonder why PSC/A9 let the contract expire. PSC didn't re-offer? A9 declined? Mutual agreement? There's dirt there and I want it!
  17. ↑ I agree with you that it's somewhat pointless to discover the truth here. And like you, I love the legend of KISAKI and the scene that blossomed around him―whether or not he's a really good person is somewhat irrelevant, as I'll never spend time with him. But, that being said, I think it's still important to dig into this. When it comes to VK, we're the historians; no one else cares about this shit! So if we find something interesting, I think it's part of our duty to investigate and record it, just for history's sake. It sucks that digging into KISAKI is often from a witch-hunt point of view, and as a fan, I don't like that... but I think it's important nonetheless . --- I'm really convinced that the bands are real. Hopefully somebody can figure out the remaining ~tape mysteries~... and maybe when pigs fly, KISAKI will step in and give the *real* truth 8D
  18. inartistic

    Is there some summary somewhere of their decade-long album/PV productions?
  19. Someone predicted this exactly in the last thread Anyway, I'm not surprised, and good for them. Ains has good buzz around it, so they will be somewhat popular no matter what. Their costumes should look really good as well, meaning that more overseas people will stan for them too. And their last releases were good, so I think they deserve it. Good for them.
  20. 【EVIDENCE OF EXISTENCE】 Here's the evidence that I could find of these bands being *real*: - https://twitter.com/KISAKI_OFFICIAL/status/297370748589338624 KISAKI played recorded versions of songs of Levia~LAYBIAL~SHËY≠DË at his 20th anniversary live. It's not really “proof” of anything, but this was a history live, so there should have been someone who was a fan of the bands that were ripped off (VICE∞RISK, 業, Levia[non-KISAKI]), and who would have noticed if KISAKI was playing those songs... - As someone else mentioned, on 2007-11-19 in his HOLIDAY blog, he mentioned meeting ex-Levia member 美憂, who is married and has a child. - https://twitter.com/KISAKI_OFFICIAL/status/154273353094537216 On 2012-01-04, he posted in his Ameba (now deleted) that he met Levia members again. Most of them married with children now. He also posted a pciture of 美憂's child this time (also on Twitter ↑), as well as a picture of that guy's shop. (Google/Tineye didn't return any results when I searched the images). - http://music3.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/visual/1066131643/ Earliest web mention of these bands that I can find is on 2ch in 2003. So at least we know his *canon* band history included these bands way before BEYOND THE KINGDOM. - Again, not proof of anything, but the canon lineup of SHËY≠DË features 紫緒, who was in HISKAREA. I automatically doubt that KISAKI would make up a fake band with a known musician in the lineup, if it weren't real... - 松本 博, the owner of Wakayama livehouse OLD TIME at which Levia supposedly performed a lot of oneman lives, actually commented in BEYOND THE KINGDOM about seeing KISAKI's junior-high band Levia as regulars who were popular. So that seems to confirm a lot for me, unless they faked that comment (I already checked―the 松本 博 is real.) --- 【REALLY WEIRD STUFF】 This one is sort of reaching, but bear with me. Check out the cover of the Levia “滅びの序章” demotape again (which was copied from the Levia[non-KISAKI] “滅びの序章”, remember?). Now check out this image by hyura again. The image on the left. I know it's near the LAYBIAL sign, but it's only 3 members (LAYBIAL had 4), and LAYBIAL didn't play a live on 1994-09-21... but Levia had 3 members and did play their first live on 1993-09-21. So could that picture be of KISAKI's Levia? And if so... looking at that supposed Levia[non-KISAKI] scan, couldn't you see KISAKI on the left and the other two guys on the right (compare the eye-makeup, the hair, the chokers, the suit jackets)...? - I can't claim anything from this, but you have to admit that it sort of looks like Levia and Levia[non-KISAKI] are one in the same, at least from comparing those two pictures. That would be the ultimate mind fuck if that were the case, because the Levia[non-KISAKI] demotape has 5 tracks which, as far as I know, aren't stolen from anything... --- 【CONCLUSIONS】 Personally, I think Levia~LAYBIAL~SHËY≠DË were *real*, since they've been mentioned for so long (at least since 2003), way before there was a book about KISAKI or he had some “legacy” of being a 15-year-old genius who was playing oneman shows. Also, I can't imagine KISAKI and FOOL'S MATE would be so bold as to fake a comment from the owner of a livehouse who knew Levia. And finally, I don't think KISAKI was lying when he posted about meeting ex-Levia members... but if he was, then he's been purposefully sprinking those things throughout his blog for 7 years which just seems to be way beyond his level of thinking IMO. So like I said, I think the bands are *real*, but I'm not sure if the demotapes ever were... I see a couple of possible scenarios: 1. The *canon* demotapes were *real* but were also fake/stolen (even at the time of their release). 2. It's been so long that KISAKI has no clue what his early bands released, so he just made it up for BEYOND THE KINGDOM. In that case, there are *real* demotapes, but probably completely different from the *canon* ones. 3. There are *canon* demotapes are also *real*, but KISAKI's been seeding the net and auctions with fake copies, while he maniacally holds on to the only real copies that are left. In that case, the titles are still stolen from other releases... (This would fit in nicely with the crazy theory that Levia is the same as Levia[non-KISAKI]!) - So I guess my posts didn't really give any clear conlusion, but I hope you've gained some more evidence to make your own (or at least see that the situation is even weirder than some simple lying).
  21. 【DISPUTING THE MYTH_CEO DEMOTAPES】 Let's start talking shit: - 1. 滅びの序章 (green / black) ● This tape was never in the canon discography. The canon discography does have a “滅序章” (notice only two characters missing), but that one is supposed to have 5 tracks. ● Levia[non-KISAKI] has a demotape called “滅びの序章” which had the exact same cover. Rarez Hut actually sold it: http://www.rarezhut.net/product/levia-%E6%BB%85%E3%81%B3%E3%81%AE%E5%BA%8F%E7%AB%A0 ● Remember, on my copy of the grayscale version, the insert appeared to have been longer originally... well, as posted here, Levia[non-KISAKI]'s tape had an insert that was longer (with member info + tracklisting)... I wonder if KISAKI had this Levia[non-KISAKI] tape and just ripped that part off and used the remaining insert for his fake demotape??? - 3. 「KELOID」 -Not For Sale- ● This wasn't listed in the canon discography (only a version with 2 tracks was), and is clearly modern-made/fake. ● The track used for the demotape is familiar... hold that thought - 4. 「KELOID」 ● Again, clearly faked, as per inkjet printing and such. At least the cover/tracklisting matches up to the canon discography, but as pointed out, the tracks are stolen from a VICE∞RISK demotape. --- 【IT STARTS GETTING WEIRD】 OK, so here's where it gets weird. “「KELOID」 -Not For Sale-”, the *semi-canon*, faked demotape that KISAKI sold me via auction. That 2:40 track which is completely different from the “「KELOID」” version... Champ mentioned that she traded somebody for some SHËY≠DË demotape rips... I traded for the same rips with that same person. ...The Levia “「KELOID」 -Not For Sale-” version of KELOID is the same track as SHËY≠DË's FUNERAL from the “DARK SIDE” rip which I traded for!! ...And as Champ pointed out, FUNERAL by SHËY≠DË is actually FUNERAL by 業! !_! ?_? So just by pure coincidence (...??????), KISAKI sold me a fake Levia demotape which featured a track by 業, and someone traded me for fake SHËY≠DË demotape which featured the same track by 業. Coincidence? Or maybe KISAKI mixed up his fake files? Either way it's interesting... - Also, I'm quite embarassed to admit it, but I thought I'd figured out what Levia - 滅びの序章 (the actual music on the demotapes which KISAKI sold me) was stolen from, but I can't remember now @_@. --- Still more to come...
  22. 【EXCLUSIONS】 I posit, but can't prove, that KISAKI (1994 solo project) and De=prive are *real*, bringing the scope of my posts to Levia, LAYBIAL, and SHËY≠DË. KISAKI (1994 solo project) It is *canon* that KISAKI released a solo demotape in 1994 with STELLA MARIA vocalist Ray. The rest of the [disputed] canon discography wasn't known until 2007's BEYOND THE KINGDOM, but this demotape was listed on UNDER CODE PRODUCTION's website since at least 2004. That, and the fact that it features a (relatively) well-known musician (STELLA MARIA's vocalist Ray), I find it unlikely that this release/artist was faked. De=prive This is actually the least-known band in KISAKI's history. In fact, it's *non-canon*―that is, it came from Japanese VK fans rather than KISAKI himself. Since there's no reason for fans to lie about such a small band (with no releases), and because Japanese VK fans are rather trustworthy with information (moreso than overseas fans or KISAKI himself), I'm comfortable asserting that De=prive was *real*. (If KISAKI's *canon* live history is *real*, I would guess that De=prive was the unnamed session band in 1994.) --- 【MYTH_CEO DEMOTAPES】 As pointed out in previous posts, KISAKI has been selling shit (anonymously) via Y!J auctions. In early 2014 he started selling Levia demotapes, and I bought almost all of them. Here are descriptions of those, followed by an update (canon + semi-canon) Levia discography: - 1. 滅びの序章 image ● Green-tinted insert with cover art and spine, but no tracklisting or member information. Contains one track, 2:11, presumably 滅びの序章. ● I believe this is the same one that someone else purchased (although their copy was sold much later, I think). - 2. 滅びの序章 (grayscale) image ● Same cover, but grayscale. Again, no tracklisting or member information, same 2:11 track as before. ● Again, not listed in *canon* discography―according to *semi-cannon* auction description, live distributed. ● However, it does appear to be old (rather than modern-made), as there is some yellow discoloration and wear on the insert. Additionally, the top of the insert appears frayed, as if it was originally longer, but was carefully torn apart. - 3. 「KELOID」 -Not For Sale- image 1 / image 2 ● Insert is clearly modern-made―background is pixellated while text box is sharp and uses a (sort of) modern font. One track, about 2:40, presumably KELOID. ● Not listed in *canon* discography (there is a canon KELOID, but it has two tracks and different cover art). According to *non-canon*, live distributed. - 4. 「KELOID」 image ● Again, modern-made, as the insert was clearly printed with a modern inkjet printer, and creases/wear are printed images rather than physical features. It features two tracks, KELOID (5:30) and PRAY (3:57). ● This is listed in the *canon* discography, and features the correct cover art. ● Note that this tape's version of KELOID is 5:30 while the previous one was 2:40... and they're completely different songs. ● And let me just point out that KISAKI saw the same person buying these two tapes with the same Y!J account within the span of one month... you'd think he would at least use the same song in his faked demotape o-o.) - So here's our updated Levia discography, with *semi-canon* entries in blue: Levia   1993-01-10 - 滅序章     1.滅序章 / 2.PROLOGUE / 3.蒼ノ真相 / 4. Die&DEA / 5. EPILOGUE   ????-??-?? - 滅びの序章 (green)     1.滅びの序章   ????-??-?? - 滅びの序章 (black)     1.滅びの序章   ????-??-?? - 「KELOID」 -Not For Sale-     1.KELOID   1993-12-21 - KELOID     1.KELOID / 2.PRAY   1994-01-23 - My Duel     1.My Duel
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