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Posts posted by yakihiko

  1. am I the only one who have 死にたい  album on the number 1? :'( lol


    I pretty much enjoyed "したいだけでしょ?" single.  Track 2 needed a few more time to get enjoyable but it's ok now.


    Roji is Chameleon Drumer :D

    Both arts would fits good in my room's wall.

  2. @@Duwang @@anakuro I knew the title typo wans't strange, but I never got to hear it, so that's what happened.

    I also got VRZEL's Dear Omen free CD and thought that was pretty cool.

    That's what my pm was about, if you had like this song in special or if you are a fan of them :)

    do you have twitter?

    @@plastic_rainbow I would say that for me, 螺子 and MONEY are my love in DADAROMA songs :D

  3. This thread was created based on Lycaon's this one is for the BORN lovers or for the ones that liked the band during a certain period. No haters allowed!

    Here you can actually post pictures from your BORN collection, your favorite looks, talk about your favorite songs, releases, videos and random scans and pictures.

    BORN is my favorite, and always will be!


  4. CfBjTnFUYAAjIWF.png


    2015.4.2 setlist

    1. 無題

    2. 能力者

    3. 神殺し

    4. 燃ゆる東京


    6. Wonderland

    7. 27

    8. 狂犬病

    9. 青空ギロチン

    10. my head bursting open call a doctor

    11. ハゲ散らかしたジョニー


    1. つつみ込むように (cover from MISIA)

    2. sPeakEr(cover from CPS)

    3. ハゲ散らかしたジョニー

    4. 燃ゆる東京





  5. Their 「遅れてきた狂犬 - 2MAN LIVE」has been update with the artists' collaboration, and it's very interesting ones.


    7月15日(金) Re: & ダックスフンド

    (with Develop One's Faculties)

    7月16日(土) Re: & マルチーズ

    (with Minus Jin-Say Orchestra)

    7月22日(金) Re: & ドーベルマン

    (with THE GALLO)

    7月23日(土) Re: & チワワ

    (with Chanty)

    7月29日(金) Re: & 土佐犬

    (with More)

    7月30日(土) Re: & 柴犬

    (with SCAPEGOAT)

    8月5日(金) Re: & シベリアンハスキー

    (with THE BLACK SWAN)

    8月6日(土) Re: & ダルメシアン

    (with emmurée)

    8月12日(金) Re: & パグ

    (with えんそく)

    8月13日(土) Re: & パピオン

    (with Neverland)

  6. "physical conditions", so they are kind of going hiatus to help Yomi's voice to fully recover and they will not care about how many years this takes? I like this Courage! Maybe Avex will try break contract with them because of this long hiatus, or push Yomi without being 100% okay, or the others will do releases with their side projects to help this to keep alive. Nobody knows.

    I only wish this guys can do what they were able to do on the past again, maybe this will become a reality on 20th.

    Last point, did someone knows if they will continue til the end of this tour?

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