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Status Updates posted by yakihiko

  1. Happy Birthday Taira Kazuhiro ☆

  2. I stopped seeing Naruto during the war and now he is Hokage and have a son that will have his own movie.

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      since the first tome/episode, we know that he will be an hokage at the and...

  3. I'm mentally dead! I was stuck on traffic and get late on University, and guess what? They forgot to notice me about a Job Interview that was having place for students there! So, I to make a full interview IN ENGLISH with one of the company owners. I even told my email wrong. Hopefully they are backing next week for a part 2

    1. Tetora


      Hope you get the job brah.

  4. I'm DEAD...I just need food and a bed now.

    1. Shir0


      food, bed [1] + VK!!!!

  5. Someone who bought Coldrain's VENA and not using the numbers/code inside?

    1. Tetora


      Didn't buy any of their new stuff, it good?

  6. MEJIBRAY lives never disappoint!

  7. I can't stop smile when seeing hiLo's promote picture.

  8. Happy Birthday Sei, best of wishes!

  9. Happy Birthday!

    1. jduv86



  10. I just wake up, so no chat party to me. Make sure to let me know when we have a next one (/•o•)/

    1. paradoxal


      Awwwwwwwwwwwww <3 I'll surely let you know when we'll party again! :3

  11. Happy Birthday Pho! :)

    1. hiroki


      happy birthday Pho!

  12. Happy Birthday @Original Saku and @ShanethVarosa 

    1. doombox


      Happy Birthday, guys! :glitter:

  13. Happy Birthday Yuuya :)

    1. Yuuya Miyagi

      Yuuya Miyagi

      sorry for late reply ! thank you  !

  14. アナクロさん、おめでとうございます( ´ 0 ` )ノ

    1. anakuro



  15. goodbye BORN, you always were the most important band in my life and will always be. Independent of the good or bad times you were always there to keep myself raised.
    I still feel ridiculously sad to know they are leaving and I have never saw a single live face to face.

    Thank you for all.

  16. ザアザア and DADAROMA,... Why you do this to me guys? I'm not there  :'(

    1. doombox


      *cries with you. :lolita_sad:

  17. admins are red, mods are blue, may your day be full of Teru.

    (/'o')/ HappyBirthday K \('o'\)

    1. doombox


      This and the picture you posted are perfect. You know me too well! Lol. Thank you so much. ♡♡♡☆

  18. I'm in a Purple Stone x DADAROMA repeat mix since early morning, is almost my sleep time but I can't stop.

  19. Happy birthday Bee sama! :)  Enjoy your day!

    1. beni


      yakiiiiii /o/ Bless you, thanks a bunch! ;;

  20. Happy birthday freesia, have a fabulous day \(^o^)/

    1. freesia


      Thank you! Same to you! :D

  21. Happy Birthday Elazmus, hope it to be a good one:)

    btw, do you get gifts today and tomorrow?

    1. Elazmus


      Haha I doubt tomorrow but probably the day after! And thank you :)

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