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Posts posted by yakihiko

  1. Never expected to see Daddy on a list, but I like it (song and video).

    First time hearing VAATSU now, I liked the sample.

    I hope ZON can release more this year. They sound so good.

    So much リムキャット in your list, happy to see it.

    HyunA :DUUR:

  2. How am I only seeing this now??

    I see you have good picks here like Alexandros, amazarashi and DIV.

    Btw, never expect Good Morning America to be good, I will check them soon.

    where is sekai no owari miss? XD

    beni improving herself with codes

    Couldn't resist including BENI, huh, @beni? XD (2)

  3. Really cool list, I have the 少年記 and anfiel's album on my PC, but I forgot to but on xD now I feel like I need to get it to my ears, now.

    Is super nice to see how much LAYOUT touched people, and REM SLEEP is such an extraordinary song that won me as best song this year.

  4. @@Tetora

    What an amazing list bro, really smokin' great releases in here and thank you for doing it even with your Microsoft Word bitching xD and thank you for mention me lol

    I do enjoy how you rank it, "CRAZY" and "SMOKIN' SICK STYLE".

    2015 was full of disbands, MBHI, ALSDEAD, Moran... :(

    Probably best new coming project/band from 2015 was DIAWOLF.

    I will check that UNITE's UNIVERSE and that LEZARD album, I think I forgot it.

    "Favorite Guitarist : Taizo from Kra", surprises... not :D

    "Best Vk Fan: Tetora", definitively xD

  5. @@sairensu

    Yes, some bands don't get a lot of fans like others, this also goes to XAA XAA. Dead Children and Devil Kitty's music don't worked to me.


    Number 1 is the favorite for me... and yes vistlip song, not BORN x'D

    For SCREW, this one and something BUDDHA was the one that really I trult enjoyed.

    Black Gene changed a lot since SALA left and SAN joined the band, but I still like them ^^

    Yes, it took a lot of work, tbqh I'm pretty satisfied seeing it here lol

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