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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by orangetarts

  1. orangetarts

    I picked lesbian but idk i have man feels sometimes. I like me some pretty boys. but my thing is when it comes to the actual act of having sex with someone, the thought of fuckinga guy is really...eeeehhhh to me. but I do like doing that kind of stuff with girls so...idk. Sexuality for me comes down to which gender you want to have sex with? right??
  2. orangetarts

    SEKAI NO OWARI *u* Fukase's voice is so nice and I love the fact that they've got a girl who plays piano~~ makes it cooler haha. they have a very flumpool-esque sound so i def enjoy that as well also, dickpunks but thats nothing new lol.
  3. orangetarts

    Oh I do like balzac too! im a fan of the misfits so I found them thru that. Good suggestion!
  4. This is how I am as well. There are some bands that I'll find a way to get the money to buy their releases (i.e. CNBLUE) but i definitely like to download it to give it a listen and then if I really like I will buy it. I'm also a sucker for really nice packaging, and korean bands have WAY better packaging than japanese. if im gonna spend between $35-$50 for an album, I want it to be fancy as fuck, not just some cheap ass jewel case with a pamphlet with the lyrics and maybe a few photos. It feels like a rip off!! I dont know, Maybe it's just me who feels that way. I know when I first got into the vkei music scene (which was thru anime) I didnt have a job, i didnt have rich parents who just threw money at me, so my only option was really just downloading thins when I could find them, and now that i do have some money, I try and buy a few releases of bands I really loved/love. Its all just the exposure to it is the problem, like a lot of people have said here, if we werent able to download the stuff, no one would really know anything about it and it would die out a lot quicker than it already does. But, in the same respect, I totally agree with supporting the artists when you can. It is what it is, and nothing is really gonna change, but this is how I feel about it anyway.
  5. orangetarts

    So recently I just kinda plundered thru jpopsuki in search of something different. I came across NICO touches the walls and SEKAI NO OWARI and I have to say I really love them both. More so SNO. They kind of give me this flumpool-ish feel. anyway, anyone else have some suggestions?
  6. dickpunks in drag....teehee.


  8. orangetarts

    Well, I will say that when i first entered the Vkei music scene i was about 12-13 or something and of course I wasnt really able to purchase anything online. So these blogspots (along with LJ sharing comms like tonarimachi) were how I got everything...and even now I can't always afford to buy everything (that shit is expensive man!!) I learned about so many bands and introduced those bands to more people...doesnt that count as a form of support? I dont know, I guess everyone has a different opinion on the matter and I can understand a lot of the different views expressed here (especially of those who actually buy a good portion of the music they have) but, to me, my main mission is to just spread the love and if they can buy it hooray, if not, at least they're loving the music the band has created.
  9. orangetarts

    The darkness -- it's pretty cool, reminds me a lot of cry of fear.
  10. My music folder has been fucking up on me lately Dx

  11. orangetarts

    Hello and welcome fellow potato!
  12. I am in dire need of a facial.

    1. CAT5


      How can you expect my mind to not veer off into the gutter? ;p

    2. Zeus
    3. Show next comments  39 more
  13. orangetarts

    wow all of these are really nice. Im not really a Kagrra fan so i guess i never looked at them before lol
  14. orangetarts

    Welcome to MH, enjoy your time here n_n
  15. orangetarts

    every time i order from there they take forever....
  16. orangetarts

    Fina, why arent we best friends?
  17. orangetarts

    Welcome back!
  18. orangetarts

    I just finished Sukitte Ii na yo. and it was anticlimactic im so sad. but anyway, up next for watching are Attack on Titan Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Watamote Chihayafuru Season 2
  19. orangetarts

    I need a new phone.

  21. orangetarts

    today, tenten replied to me and retweeted my tweet to him /dies of ultimate happiness. this is like....omfg.
  22. orangetarts

    The large majority of vkei vocalists are shit. seriously. even tho i still listen to them, they suck lol.
  23. orangetarts

    Just started watching A Gentleman's Dignity. It's a korean drama. but it has Kim Woobin in it so im excited *u*
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