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Posts posted by appl-

  1. I got moved to tears from 04:07. what are those beautiful guitar sounds???? I'm just screaming so hard. Help.  

    Huge fan of DIR EN GREY but they are literally kicking DIR EN GREY's balls. lmao. Here is no Vkei band who could sound that good and be compared to DIR EN GREY.  



  2. I love "Starry Night" and "super star" so much. It's perfect for parties and i want to see this performing live. 



    i still hope they will keep changing things (even they can't change a lot maybe). their logo writes "xs s m l xl xxl". maybe they will try other music on every  stage? idk to be honest

  3. On 7/16/2018 at 7:30 AM, anadentone said:

    That guy on the left reminds me of someone from Nihilizm. I think he was the guitarist or bassist.

    how???? It's difficult to tell. But i would be happy to see anyone from Nihilizm. 
    i can't stop staring at guy's shoes from the right. ahahaha 2 members from Nihilizm are shoes holic so MAYBE ahahahahahah

  4. It is obvious that they can't tell us something!!!! Genki can't even use his previous name!!! Koichi's tatto says that his all art was taken away!!!!

    Everything is just so messed up and bad.... 

    After all i'm not mad at them even i was one of that person who couldn't enter first 8P-SB concert and had to leave Japan next day.  

    To be honest... I was expecting only fashion show or something like this. But they dropped some MUSIC. At first listen it confused me but now this song has grown on me and i can't wait to see what will happen!!! 


    By the way, people were buying merchandise before live like CRAZY even they didn't knew what 8P-SB actually is. 

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