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Everything posted by Elazmus

  1. awesome PV! the duel in the courtyard lmfao
  2. Elazmus

    Both songs sound pretty good (Nigrum we've heard in entirety at least), mostly I'm happy with the fact that Jey is staying in his lower range more often. His vocal quality makes him one of my favorites still
  3. Elazmus

    jesus they both sound glorious throughout ....
  4. Elazmus

    This is awesome. Idk what even to think of this song but the BAND is really cool.
  5. Elazmus

    Their production and camera work make them sound so much lamer than needs be.... This easily could have been passable with better instrument recording and more filter and harmonizing the vocals. I don't think he's so much worse than the rest of them that he deserves to be called the one and only problem lol, he's not good tho.
  6. Elazmus

    Much more impressive preview imo! haha does their logo also have a giant "M" on top of their mouse ears and gloves? Still looking for an "apple" somewhere lmao I forgot about this, bummed that it's likely not Futaba but great point!
  7. Elazmus

    but still good news!
  8. Elazmus

    Two of my favorites but this is true^
  9. Elazmus

    Why are they telling us this? True they're gonna look stupid when this creature continues to go to their shows and blog about it. What's the point though? If they were guilty of being belligerent at venues you can ban them from there, but I guess the rumors were so juicy that NB wanted to make this person stay home and go on writing more....
  10. Someone please help me identify this manga character that Tenten keeps sharing on his story. I'm so intrigued for some reason..


  11. Elazmus

    +for the loafers
  12. they should have just replaced him without making an statement lmao. give a new guitarist the name Ui and never publicly acknowledge it. credit him for any and all the composition work of the former.. XD he wants to disappear so badly? - E R A S E H I M -
  13. Now I'm curious. If you sign to a VK label, do they have a stock of their own costume/fashion pieces for their acts to use/rent? Or do you need your manager to find thrift or costume rental outlet? Or maybe your label would hook you up to the outside source that they have a deal with? Hmmm.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Sex Pot Revenge was a big clothing line that made a lot of clothes for Oshare bands in the early 2000's, like An Cafe. Alice and the Pirates is another one that does lolita stuff: they made the costumes for Versailles' Prince / Princess single (Jasmine's crown even says the brand's name in gold letters!). I also believe Versailles said in an interview that it's super difficult to clean their costumes because they're oddly shaped / elaborate, so they don't 💀


      Other than those two, I figured the scene in general hires amongst a group of designers since a lot of bands have a similar-ish look or aesthetic depending on the type of niche or locale they perform in.

    2. Elazmus


      @Peace Heavy mk II ah yeah I remember I used to look through Sex Pot Revenge's online catalogue!!

    3. helcchi


      DRESS en DORIS (http://d0ris.com/costume/works/) and Rion (http://rion-rose.com/works.html) have custom-made the costumes for almost every vk band in existence

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  14. I don't think it's full suit kei yet thankfully lol, they just needed to throw some blazers on to switch up the other items that I think they've already worn XD
  15. Elazmus

    This is my favorite toned down variation of Tokiya's lookk
  16. Elazmus

    one of their best song and probably the best video they've done!
  17. Elazmus

    Are the design's on Tenten's jacket from a sci fi or horror manga or something? I didn't notice them before they look badass lol
  18. I hope they're happy even in disbandment it's confusing to people...
  19. is it a... mobile only site? Oh well thanks for saving me the wasted effort loll
  20. where do you register on this site 😕 ? can't see anything for it
  21. Elazmus

    the GazettE D'espairsRay* -Oz-* UnsraW* 12012* MEJIBRAY** Sadie** DADAROMA** Nega* Awoi* Deathgaze* Nocturnal Bloodlust * = disbanded ** = indefinite hiatus it's tough to do rankings because a lot of these bands were or are around much longer than others, but this is how I think to do it ^
  22. Elazmus

    The Black Swan unfortunately is already disbanding their frontman Jin is most famous for a band called NEGA from yester-decade if it interests you. Hey but keep an eye on the news section here, there's new bands sprouting basically every few weeks lol! Dir en Grey do a lot of acoustic and "unplugged" versions of their songs and then releases them on the 2-disc special editions or bonus track slots at the end of their albums There's a good number of them now!
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