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Everything posted by Elazmus

  1. Elazmus

    ^ this is the REAL source of DIMLIM anxiety lolll although this sounds great I'm excited!
  2. Elazmus

    Good news :))
  3. LOL ok well it sounds alright, having them all together is still better than nothing!
  4. Elazmus

    Wow this is interesting :D
  5. Elazmus

    I can still tend the rabbits, George? I di'nt mean no harm, George...
  6. Elazmus

    This song is really nice throughout actually wasn't expecting it!
  7. I have a lot of love for this band too hope it's good !
  8. cuzzz they broke out THE P I N K P A N T H E R THEME and everything !! what in the fuck, at least that prop shit doesn't looks like it cost anyone any extra funds! anyone know - do they just not have enough material for the live set? Is this regs for them? I KIND of like these guys but I didn't think their band concept was doing shit like this lol!
  9. Elazmus

    NAZARE is sitting right with me lately, I gave that 無慈悲な蒼空 track from earlier a few more listens and got more into it. THIS sounds pretty great too, the rhythm gt. and ba. part (is the same as all of their music but) sounds kinda cooler in the context of this song. Uhhh and "breakdown", can't argue w it.
  10. Elazmus

    It sounds musically not bad but this section(s) of the song is less than exciting... the video is all such nicely composed images though all the camera angles are goooood.
  11. Had to look for a long time to realize Shou isn't wearing half-rimmed glasses lol
  12. The song is passable, more so without watching that terrible video lol. Honestly Lycaon had a Mortal Kombat song on each of their last 2 albums, and now there is a limit to how disappointed I can be by this lol. the MK 11 roster is the REAL dissapoint...
  13. ガラシャ sounds really cool !
  14. Elazmus

    That would look amazing! but with our luck it would get caught in the stage lights and set him on fire...
  15. Elazmus

    Cool it's about time !! also "rhinestone lip liner" lmfao
  16. Elazmus

    人間飼育係 is what I'm here for !!!
  17. Elazmus

    That kind of sounds like an electronic cover of a Satsuki song, (like with bleeps covering the vocals part as well) lmao It's pretty cool though and I'm priiimed for this single...
  18. Elazmus

    What happened? Am I in the wrong place...?
  19. Blonde Karma it's been a long time, lad !!! Still falling off this melody though, idk if it's on his end or the production's but it must be during the recording itself... I think it sounds pretty nice overall though, they sync up a little more from section to section I'm looking forward to it. Those who dislike the cover, I know it's just Deep Dream but is that what makes it bad? I think it looks kinda cool, the smartphone and dualshock controller is an odd arrangement though...
  20. Wow here I am liking every preview on it 😮 !!
  21. Hmmmm yeah the preview is badly just cut together without any pause or fades... but hey I can't wait to hear 教典, 傷痕, and 飴と鞭 !!! Weird to see this go up with only 2 days till release lol
  22. Elazmus

    need more sqwaaaks but oh god it's too wonderful
  23. Elazmus

    I cut my hair the other day and realized all my pictures are old and my hair isn't black at all anymore 😧
  24. Synth is on steroids. Fuck yeah tho I didn't think I even cared for this song but I was wrong
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