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Everything posted by Elazmus

  1. Elazmus

    they decide for me i am a puppet
  2. Elazmus

    (Feat. the exact bong slider that all of us and anyone any of us has ever known has at home) really they look divine thou~
  3. my itunes is eternally infected with PDCD (playback-duration cutoff disease) send prayers por favor

    1. nekkichi


      my ( redacteD ) is also eternally infected i feel u x

    2. Shmilly


      The only idea I have is closing iTunes, deleting iTunes Library.itl and iTunes Music Library.xml and restarting iTunes. There should be nothing here anymore so force it to rebuild the library by going Add to Library and pointing it to the iTunes Media folder. To be safe you can always backup the itl/xml files first.

    3. YuyoDrift


      Huh I thought that was just me lol

      I guess I’ll look into it and get back to you.

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  4. Elazmus

    This link isnt loading for me for some reason :[
  5. Elazmus

    well that looks, and kind of sounds like a fuckin UVERworld music video lmao. but I can't fault the song, not that I love it but there's really nothing wrong with it!
  6. Elazmus

    I have heard the whole first half of this before tbh. The latter half sounds better, like a less interesting band in the same vein as DoF or Chanty.. I really liked exist, I hope I'm a little more into the rest of this :[
  7. Elazmus

    .... That's why I said "what I COULD SEE of them as people"... I'm talking about the personality you see through someone's art of course, not their day-to-day character off the job :P.
  8. Elazmus

    Tzk's voice doesn't take naturally to this in the first place, but he's so incredibly subdued in these songs that I honestly can't hear any of the sounds I love him for. I'm down to give due credit to ANY type of music he want to make, as long as it sounds like HIM doing it. this doesnt, this sounds like someone who cares if they come off retarded, and doesn't roll around on the floor making noises like a sick cat in a garbage disposal. roadster is awful. in most of this it sounds like Tsuzuku has decided to sing like he doesnt know how, so as to make Koichi sound less incompetent and Koichi is STILL incompetent by comparison. I really hope they can just transition him to producing and backup vocals like in MEJIBRAY. Starry Night is the one we heard a sample of, I don't think it's bad. It's simple and all but it makes better use of the sound pack they seem to be using and is GENUINELY kind of cute. a little more so than the MV they released earlier. maybe this is making them happy I think I always appreciated what I could see of these guys as people.
  9. Elazmus

    "JOKER IS FUCKER A GO GO" You know they sat through the rest of Lynch's album anyway.... Hazen Blood is my favorite, alongside I HATE YOU because we all know we were missing this Is Ai gonna have the same haircut forever?
  10. Elazmus

    it keeps getting better lmao
  11. I like it, but I'm gonna ask this... is this sound REALLY much more old-kei-influnced than their usual work? It's kind of ALWAYS been their thing so I expected them to ride the gimmick harder seeing as they felt the need to release it under a different name. Maybe if there was a video it could have helped, no gipes with the quality of the single though they sound great.
  12. Elazmus

    this. they gave like a SOFT "yes" to being in a band once when they were drunk maybe...
  13. Elazmus

    song is awesome I'm kind of surprised!!!
  14. Elazmus

    oooooh here we go boys!!! not even REALLY a screw fan but i love things that i remember
  15. Elazmus

    So how does one read XLLL then... 405050? XD I forget how the numerals that high up work
  16. I like it a lot, weird tone to the whole song. Is this recording weird btw...?
  17. Elazmus

    WOW Tenten, doing some of THAT voice haha sounds good though I like it ! That look looks better in video tooo
  18. Elazmus

    They DO look fucking great!!
  19. Elazmus

    So far I've failed to have any memory of Mamireta's songs other than Tebetai... but going through it again, do they not already have songs like this? Lyrically I just thought ALL of their songs were about this...
  20. Elazmus

    The first two covers make me think of the Majula graveyard from Dark Souls lmao
  21. wow that intro is strong!! I kind of hope its a longer track length
  22. Elazmus

    Mhmmmm I really want them to keep trying because expanding their audience would be great but I'm happier knowing it isn't on the single. I was waiting for an album (of any kind at this point) because they have so much material now and it's been a few years lol..
  23. Elazmus

    Ah I see! Well that's cool then, more material !
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