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  1. Like
    colorful人生 got a reaction from Gesu in What are you listening to 2?   
  2. Like
    colorful人生 got a reaction from monkeybanana4 in What are you listening to 2?   
  3. Like
    colorful人生 got a reaction from monkeybanana4 in What are you listening to 2?   
  4. Like
    colorful人生 got a reaction from vkboytotransgirl in What are you listening to 2?   
  5. LOVE!
    colorful人生 reacted to violetchain in What are you listening to 2?   
    Man, his voice just keeps getting cuter.
  6. I feel ya..
    colorful人生 got a reaction from Gesu in DELUHI new live DVD "THE XING OF DELUHISM" release   
    : /
    I want this, but shelling out ~6,000 yen with additional service fees and local + domestic shipping for DVD quality (which unfortunately isn't unusual.)
     I'll have to wait until it pops up on Mercari or ClosetChild before I bite. 
  7. Like
    colorful人生 reacted to Yukami in DELUHI new live DVD "THE XING OF DELUHISM" release   
    DELUHI new live DVD "THE XING OF DELUHISM" will be released at 2020/02/05.

    ~ OPENING SE 〜
    2. Rebel:Sicks, Shadow:Six
    3. Freedom
    4. flow snow
    5. WAKE UP!
    6. シェイド(Shade)
    7. Ivory and Irony
    8. The farthest
    11. G.A.L.D
    13. Frontier
    14. s[K]ape:goat
    15. Baby play
    16. F.T.O
    17. Departure
    18. Remember the rain
    19. Vivid Place
    20. CODA
    21. Orion once again
    22. Two Hurt
    ~ ending ~
  8. I feel ya..
    colorful人生 got a reaction from vkboytotransgirl in What are you listening to 2?   
    As much as I love ViViD, nothing comes close to how impactful this song was for me. Goosebumps.
  9. LOVE!
  10. LOVE!
  11. Like
    colorful人生 reacted to Gesu in What are you listening to 2?   
  12. Yikes
    colorful人生 got a reaction from platy in How to make Visual Kei popular again?   
  13. Like
    colorful人生 got a reaction from Rahzel in Last Thing You Bought   
    Just cassettes 😎
    Flamingo Funk Vol. 2 (White Shell) Luxury Elite - Blind Date/Rose Quartz waterfront dining & 猫 シ Corp. - With Love 愛を込めて PowerPCME - Kmart 1989-1992 (Translucent Blue Shell) Midnight Television - Self-titled Diskette Park - Reading Room Saint Pepsi - Empire Building If everything goes smoothly, I should have 中原めいこ (Meiko Nakahara)  - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LOVE FOR YOU. It's a bit more of an obscure release, b/c it's just a ballad compilation and it's not on vinyl. I'm expecting the tape to be in rough shape as it's 30 y.o, but I knew going in. I have a couple of 30+ y.o tapes myself that still function, so I'm cautiously optimistic. 
  14. Like
    colorful人生 got a reaction from karai · ebi in random thoughts thread   
    I feel like some of my best moments of exploration (musically) for me are the ones where I get completely thrown out of my element and neurons just fire off trying to hear something familiar. That internet frenzy/journey where you get the "familiar" things piecemeal and have to immerse yourself in new stuff is really stimulating, but that process requires time that I'm constantly having to shift around b/c life. While not trying to sound r/imverysmart here, it's hard to find other people who appreciate the granularity and variability that music has. I'm not just talking about the music theory or "sound quality", but culture and lyricism -which by the way, includes more than just diction (which can be one of those make or break things for some people), but ideas. I find most people paint you as "liberal" (which while accurate by definition, is now packaged with political leftness) or an "oddity" if you show interest at my level. (not saying either term is bad, but it's that snap judgement stuff that is bothersome)
    Going from "niche" places like certain video game music and visual kei to finding appreciation in the main "bastions" of hip-hop, jazz, bluegrass, folk, etc. (and explore diff. sub-genres/"flavors" w/in them) was the best thing I ever did. Beyond making things more exciting, it has (as I've mentioned in other posts) helped me build connections easier. I just wish that enthusiasm or interest in exploration was reciprocal, but maybe i'm expecting too much. 
  15. Like
    colorful人生 got a reaction from vkboytotransgirl in What are you listening to 2?   
    ; _ ;
  16. LOLOL
    colorful人生 got a reaction from Nighttime Jae in ♦2020 Predictions!♦   
    DIMLIM disbands b/c the band is unstable af. Sho will move onto another non-vk deathcore band (probably in the following year) that gets super popular. ACME, contrary to their current "wE aRE VisUaL kEI" messaging, will continue to dip in the BMTH playbook and become less "visual kei" as the year progresses whilst continuing to play random anime-con gigs overseas. After two releases, everything starts to lull out before they go for one really "off brand" concept, they end up disbanding by the end of the year b/c of musical differences. R-Shitei won't get back together for at least 5 years. Mamo becomes a soloist and continues to sell clipped fingernails to gya like traditional chinese medicine.  CHOKE chokes. the Raid. and アルルカン release the same song for the 5th year in a row... -and the crowd likes it b/c of stockholm syndrome the songs aren't bad at all tbh  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Smileberry disbands b/c using barely edited stock images for album art is a bad sign late-game. Also that last music video, yeesh. Yo_shiT makes a return to visual kei... maybe to do some production stuff for ダウト. As for an actual band, a man can dream. not good enough!
    Yoshiki collaborates with a K-pop group... or a shitty J-pop group masquerading as a K-pop group. Somehow gets in close proximity of the Pope (as mentioned above) and yeets his hat off to reveal the new X album balancing on top of his bald head like the prospects of a new X album. One band being involved in a car accident or a member getting caught with weed. More visual kei vocal talent is leeched off into the utaite and vlogger world, b/c YouTubebux.  SID and Acid Black Cherry return with releases. ...
    One member leaves the GazettE
  17. 悲しい
    colorful人生 reacted to Shaolan974 in LEZARD will disband   
    LEZARD will hold their last oneman tour since 2020/03/20 and they will disband after their last oneman live at 2020/05/29 at Shinjuku BLAZE
  18. Like
    colorful人生 reacted to Zeus in random thoughts thread   
    @CAT5 dropped a dissertation for music listening and I am here for it.
  19. LOVE!
    colorful人生 reacted to CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    I love seeing stuff like this! tt.fm was great and I miss our plug/dub sessions too. The last.fm cap you posted was one of my favorite iterations of their layouts...it's a shame the site has essentially been left for dead.
    You inspired me to go dig up some of the old last.fm and tt.fm screenshots I had, and this is what I found (my first last.fm account was named "one80" and I made the account I use now, "wesurii", in 2015.):
    broooooooooooooo. I feel you on this.  From childhood, I've had an atypical relationship with music, but I think it was when I actually started producing music in my teens that my ears took on a new perspective. For a while, I drew most of my inspiration from southern Hip Hop (back when the south actually had a distinct sound), anison, mainstream Jpop (and slight bits of the oldschool r&B/funk I heard my parents listening to)...this was in the early 00's. And around 06-ish I started diving into extreme metal, noise, free-jazz, idm and whatever other genre/sub-genre I could name to make myself appear "sophisticated" and "elite" at the time. 🤣 🤣 🤣  (yeah, I was hella insecure about music tastes when I was younger - mostly due to being an outcast in both my online and offline environments, but I digress)
    Despite the vanity and validation-seeking involved in this pursuit, I developed a genuine love/appreciation for sounds and the way they interact with one another. I learned a lot from this journey, and a lot about myself especially. This process went on for some years (and is still going on, just at a much slower pace), but my tastes have begun to crystallize as I've gotten older and I no longer have the time to really sink into music exploration like i used to. It's actually interesting because in the past few years, I've even started to enjoy stuff that I neglected or avoided in the past due to "hurr durr elitism" and being a hipster in general. So now, I feel like I've come full circle in my music tastes, and that need for validation is looong gone. In fact, when I look back, the elitism that I aspired to is something I'd consider being a "fake elitist"...listening to stuff just because other ppl deemed it cool. foh. I say being truly elite is about being yourself and fully embracing your own individuality and your own subjectivity without remorse.
    In regards to reciprocation, I've befriended quite a few enthusiasts over the years, but while I've always dabbled in a little bit of everything, the music friends I'd meet always had one or a few areas where they truly specialized in. This worked for me because I could glean a little bit from everyone in my network while also offering them something in return. I was especially blessed to have amassed this network because even after my own exploration slowed down, I had friends around that were always excited to share their new discoveries or recommend stuff to me. Relationships truly are our greatest wealth!
    Kind of a sidebar, cuz i'm kinda rambling at this point, but when I really decided that I liked and wanted to be a part of MH (then called Tainted World) in 08, one of my main goals was to expose ppl to the many layers of J-rock that were beyond VK, mainstream J-rock, and even your surface-level indie stuff. Many of our younger users don't seem to realize this, but MH/TW, despite its overwhelming VK fanbase, has always been billed as a "J-rock" forum, and I made it a personal mission of mine to promote other areas of J-rock (and even J-music as a whole) at one point....and uh...was I successful? eh, to an extent. There WAS a time here when there were more indie, and more generalized J-rock fans here, but could that have been attributed to my effort alone? Nah. But alas, time changes.
    tldr: OK BOOMER!!!
    a few questions for you tho @colorful人生:
    #2. What was it that prompted you to explore music to the extent that you have?
     (my answer is embarrassingly simple: i was 17/18 and got shat on by a music elitist on a Jpop forum for trying to defend L'Arc-en-ciel. Dude said I was "an A&R's wet dream". I walked around mad at that for like 2 WEEKS!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 then decided lemme go educate myself a bit )
    #3. Are there any areas/styles of music where you feel more..."grounded" when listening to them than others? Like something that feels like homebase, so to speak?
    #4. What does your music network look like now?
  20. Like
    colorful人生 got a reaction from Zeus in random thoughts thread   
    I feel like some of my best moments of exploration (musically) for me are the ones where I get completely thrown out of my element and neurons just fire off trying to hear something familiar. That internet frenzy/journey where you get the "familiar" things piecemeal and have to immerse yourself in new stuff is really stimulating, but that process requires time that I'm constantly having to shift around b/c life. While not trying to sound r/imverysmart here, it's hard to find other people who appreciate the granularity and variability that music has. I'm not just talking about the music theory or "sound quality", but culture and lyricism -which by the way, includes more than just diction (which can be one of those make or break things for some people), but ideas. I find most people paint you as "liberal" (which while accurate by definition, is now packaged with political leftness) or an "oddity" if you show interest at my level. (not saying either term is bad, but it's that snap judgement stuff that is bothersome)
    Going from "niche" places like certain video game music and visual kei to finding appreciation in the main "bastions" of hip-hop, jazz, bluegrass, folk, etc. (and explore diff. sub-genres/"flavors" w/in them) was the best thing I ever did. Beyond making things more exciting, it has (as I've mentioned in other posts) helped me build connections easier. I just wish that enthusiasm or interest in exploration was reciprocal, but maybe i'm expecting too much. 
  21. Like
    colorful人生 got a reaction from CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    I feel like some of my best moments of exploration (musically) for me are the ones where I get completely thrown out of my element and neurons just fire off trying to hear something familiar. That internet frenzy/journey where you get the "familiar" things piecemeal and have to immerse yourself in new stuff is really stimulating, but that process requires time that I'm constantly having to shift around b/c life. While not trying to sound r/imverysmart here, it's hard to find other people who appreciate the granularity and variability that music has. I'm not just talking about the music theory or "sound quality", but culture and lyricism -which by the way, includes more than just diction (which can be one of those make or break things for some people), but ideas. I find most people paint you as "liberal" (which while accurate by definition, is now packaged with political leftness) or an "oddity" if you show interest at my level. (not saying either term is bad, but it's that snap judgement stuff that is bothersome)
    Going from "niche" places like certain video game music and visual kei to finding appreciation in the main "bastions" of hip-hop, jazz, bluegrass, folk, etc. (and explore diff. sub-genres/"flavors" w/in them) was the best thing I ever did. Beyond making things more exciting, it has (as I've mentioned in other posts) helped me build connections easier. I just wish that enthusiasm or interest in exploration was reciprocal, but maybe i'm expecting too much. 
    colorful人生 got a reaction from nomemorial in How to make Visual Kei popular again?   
    so like how k-netizens spam kpop fancams in irrelevant threads, we just spam embedded vk tiktoks (which is basically just that)...

  23. Like
    colorful人生 got a reaction from Gesu in random thoughts thread   
    I feel like some of my best moments of exploration (musically) for me are the ones where I get completely thrown out of my element and neurons just fire off trying to hear something familiar. That internet frenzy/journey where you get the "familiar" things piecemeal and have to immerse yourself in new stuff is really stimulating, but that process requires time that I'm constantly having to shift around b/c life. While not trying to sound r/imverysmart here, it's hard to find other people who appreciate the granularity and variability that music has. I'm not just talking about the music theory or "sound quality", but culture and lyricism -which by the way, includes more than just diction (which can be one of those make or break things for some people), but ideas. I find most people paint you as "liberal" (which while accurate by definition, is now packaged with political leftness) or an "oddity" if you show interest at my level. (not saying either term is bad, but it's that snap judgement stuff that is bothersome)
    Going from "niche" places like certain video game music and visual kei to finding appreciation in the main "bastions" of hip-hop, jazz, bluegrass, folk, etc. (and explore diff. sub-genres/"flavors" w/in them) was the best thing I ever did. Beyond making things more exciting, it has (as I've mentioned in other posts) helped me build connections easier. I just wish that enthusiasm or interest in exploration was reciprocal, but maybe i'm expecting too much. 
  24. Like
    colorful人生 got a reaction from Miku70 in How to make Visual Kei popular again?   
    so like how k-netizens spam kpop fancams in irrelevant threads, we just spam embedded vk tiktoks (which is basically just that)...

  25. Interesting
    colorful人生 got a reaction from Komorebi in How to make Visual Kei popular again?   
    so like how k-netizens spam kpop fancams in irrelevant threads, we just spam embedded vk tiktoks (which is basically just that)...

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