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Everything posted by colorful人生

  1. colorful人生

    While much of my interest in J-genres were founded on VGM, early-to-mid 00's internet, and anime via CTN/Toonami (shoutouts to the now defunct "Toonami Jetstream"), it wasn't until the YouTube + Google Videos era ('06+'07) where I really discovered bands. Got into indies bands in '08 and '09 w/ bands like Cold Kitchen and OCEANLANE. It was initially hard to get into Visual Kei ('09~'10) b/c it honestly weirded me out. It wasn't that long ago (in the US) when homophobia was the norm and any semblance of makeup was considered "gay" (esp. in the south w/ like 90% devout Christian friends), and I had that shared perspective. It didn't take long to embrace the genre, and it helped me come into my own (and formulate my own opinions) in my teenage years. J-rock: No Regret Life - Sign UVERworld - Timeless Janne da Arc - ダイヤモンドヴァージン (Diamond Virgin) One Ok Rock - 感情エフェクト (I started with "Beam of Light", but I vastly preferred Kanjou Effect) Crossfaith - The Artificial Theory For The Dramatic Beauty Visual Kei: ギルガメッシュ(Girugamesh) - Girugamesh (self-titled) シド (SID) - 星の都 Royz - eve:r xTRiPx - [-Re:evolutioN-] + Siesta vistlip - Strawberry Butterfly ユナイト (UNiTE.)- ミドルノート
  2. colorful人生

    That Astronoid song is pretty gud. It's like a very atmospheric DGD (probably b/c the vocalist sounds like Tillian.) Morgan Willis is up my alley b/c of synthwave. I listen to Purity Ring and Ryo Fukui, but I'll concur that Astronoid is my stand-out of that list. I'm in the middle of deleting artists locally that are already on Spotify, and since they don't have a "followed artist shuffle" yet, most of these songs will be from my cluttered af music folder. I'm curious what random things shuffle mode will dig up... コンシャスTHOUGHTS - Summer Lady EllDorado - Refrain やなぎなぎ (Yanagi Nagi) - Little Forest MK & R.Cena - Rise ピコ(PIKO) - Maker÷Breaker the GazettE - GABRIEL ON THE GALLOWS ステレオポニー(Stereopony) - do it -instrumental- My Fairytale - グリムソナタ AAA - チューインガム 天野攸紀 - 真昼の月~PLAY I don't think I've ever listened to the last artist before, but the song is REALLY good.
  3. colorful人生

    I totally forgot this came out o_o...
  4. colorful人生

  5. colorful人生

    Art for Type-A and Type-B, respectively: This is godawful... 👀
  6. colorful人生

    aw fuc my heart
  7. colorful人生

  8. colorful人生

  9. colorful人生

    A bit of my own manga trash talk: Slave heroine deuteragonists in isekai series NEED TO STOP. I enjoy isekai b/c of RPG mechanics, but you can't tell me you're unable to inject romance to a series w/o having a protag w/ a savior complex picking up slave chicks. Also, if you have "ero-mechanics" in any part of your series, I'm dropping it on the spot. I'm glad there's been an increase in shoujo isekai mangaka, b/c most of them aren't hot garbage.
  10. colorful人生

    The video is spliced weird and the song structure is a bit iffy, but... SONG'S A BOP
  11. colorful人生

    I've been hype on her and Chanmina the past few days. Bangerssssss
  12. colorful人生

    Someone's going to bring up TXT at some point, so I might as well give my thoughts: They basically remind me of NCT Dream to some extent w/ their "cutesy and clean" vibes and whatnot. It's not bad for their first release, but I feel like using BTS as a point of comparison is not only unfair, but irrelevant imo. They're basically like every other "new"/nugu boy group, just w/ BigHit-level production (which isn't bad at all.) All the tracks on the mini are pretty refreshing tho.
  13. colorful人生

  14. colorful人生

    AESTHETIC But yea, I had no clue city pop was popular enough to be played in H&M. They have their in-store playlist here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0eeKZp7perkDfgJQt4pc6I ...which seems to have quite the assortment of genres. I don't trouble myself going to malls as much as I used to, but my observations are that the internet has pretty much bled into real life at this point. I remember being shocked that Hollister was rick-rolling people in-store in '08/''09, but now Fortnite dances are like the new sign language to 10 year-olds...Everyone is getting old I suppose.
  15. colorful人生

    I'm hearing quite a bit of BMTH - Shadow Moses (and general BMTH-ness) as well, so I think the band is heavily influenced by Western metalcore/post-hardcore acts. Naturally, I like the sound, so I kind of dig it.
  16. colorful人生

  17. Spotify suggested Clarence Clarity probably because I listen to Iglooghost a lot... Really wonky, but I love every bit of it. It's this weird amalgam of chopped&screwed + R&B (maybe Prince~ish) + IDM, idk how to describe it.



    1. Tokage


      The album he dropped last year is still on my list of 2018 faves, many of the singles that came out in between no now and the new one that didnt end up on the actual album are real good too

  18. colorful人生

  19. colorful人生

    My only gripe w/ this is the post-solo transition (sounds kinda off imo), otherwise this is pretty great!
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