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Everything posted by colorful人生

  1. colorful人生

    One thing I forgot to mention was a recent article I read (which kind of spawned off the whole iTunes removal "debacle" prior to WWDC) that said CDs had vastly less sentimentality attached to them in the West because they're really just plastic vessels (using that word a lot tonight) for digital files. Hence, why CD interest is falling out at a rapid rate. It kind of makes sense considering how sterile/uninspired CD releases can be where I'm at v. the attention to detail when it comes to Japanese CDs. I wonder if it's the art, but I'm not sure because I have plenty of American CDs that are pretty decent. I haven't bought a CD recently to know if it's gotten worse, though. TL;DR: CDs themselves really become "untouched collectibles" at a certain point, but the attention to detail in the rest of the case makes a difference. I feel like that detail is becoming more uninspired with the information/art more available online. Another thing I didn't mention on my main post was the impending rollout of 5G network infrastructure, which would increase the viability in offering more lossless streaming/downloading services for mobile (though not necessarily a magic solution.) I didn't really mention this, because for most people, Apple Music's 256kbps is enough. Also, the conversation starts to segue into dealing with other parts of the world & other areas with low internet speeds where they don't have the infrastructure to benefit from this.
  2. colorful人生

    CDs have just recently faced a downturn last year, but they still make up a huge chunk of music sales. There are lot of factors at play here, but Japan in particular has this "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality with a lot of things (fueled in part by gerontocracy.) I can't speak for the Japanese (there's likely an MH topic on this as well), but to my knowledge, Japan has this unique fixation with old physical media (and cultures outside their own.*) It's to the point where I'd doubt interest will fade away without the physical media literally degrading first. Also, it's kind of imbued in Japanese culture to dislike illegal downloading to the point where it's largely avoided (also the fact that said sites are mainly in English.) I certainly think Japan will follow suit with with the West in streaming adoption, but it will be a staggered one. I think Japan's larger music industry will fight tooth-and-nail to keep "piracy-proof" solutions around, whether they use "m-cards" or some other physical vessels to distribute digital downloads (like those weird micro-sd solutions.) It's really hard to imagine a post physical-media world, not only in Japan, but everywhere else as well. There is definitely concern that if we went all digital, these providers like Spotify could "poof" artists/music out of existence and no one would be able to do anything. Hell, even Apple has been guilty of zapping (really obfuscating, the files were still there) mp3s "out" of user's libraries if they had an iTunes/Apple Music equivalent. TL;DR, I don't really know what will happen. I can't approach this topic from an "audiophile" point of view, because audio quality is not the main impetus for most people when it comes to purchasing music/services. But just having music just be "accessible", which is certainly great, kind of makes me feel dead inside... It's this weird dilemma we'll all have that newer generations might barely think about in the future... Or maybe there's a longing for it, a revival of sorts born out of interest and sentimentality like the vinyl boom. * Just noticed this was kind of a blurb. I'm really just alluding to the rampant "collector culture" in Japan. Someone more familiar with this could expand the topic. ** To my knowledge, rather than having a "vinyl boom", Japan has had a sustained interest that's recently spiked. *** Forgot to mention the "handshake economy" which fuels a lot of CD sales in the idol industry. That could easily be substituted by a "digital lottery" of sorts. **** Oddly timed update, but I found a good way to summarize this: Many of the Japanese indie bands I follow are actually going the way of digital + streaming nowadays to spread their music. Streaming also pays without having to initially invest in CDs and physical goods, which is ideal for smaller bands who just want their SOUND out there (YouTube is also included in this.) CDs however, are a no-brainer for IDOLS as they generate revenue off of some sort of imagery and personality. Idols include Visual Kei musicians, K-pop + J-pop idols, Anime musicians + seiyuu, etc. All of these genres/scenes are reliant on CD sales because they are extensions of their image. Only changes at the top of the Japanese CD industry (AKB's, Johnny's, major anime) can change the ones below it, like Visual Kei. Until there is some foolproof medium that generates as much revenue as CDs do when it comes to image and advertising potential, they won't "move on".
  3. colorful人生

  4. colorful人生

    They went full-on CHON in that solo bit. But seriously, this is pretty great listen. I'm a sucker for any and all prog rock, but the track was really playful without giving up a lot in the "heavy" department. Easily my favorite of theirs by far.
  5. colorful人生

    Found the "Yukari Telepath" album ages ago via one of the /wsg/ Japanese Music threads. I've been sorting through my hard drive again and decided to revisit them. I feel like I could pick out a couple of consistent MH members on the threads, but I could be mistaken, lol.
  6. colorful人生

    Girugamesh - GO It's definitely the poppiest and least memorable of their albums, but I personally enjoyed it a lot. Given the rest of their discography, I can understand why this one in particular was disappointing at the time.
  7. colorful人生

    Sorting through my meme folder, found this OC gem of mine. This is from a school talent show that was uploaded on YT years ago, where this band in particular was covering a We Came As Romans song. Not long after I gif'd it, they coincidentally took down the video (after a few years of it being up.)

    1. JRD


      I had to go on twitter to see this. I guess I'm going to AX this year.

    2. ajisaii052


      Think is gonna be exciting. ACME is also on of my fav bands.

  9. colorful人生

    Underwhelming. In many of the songs he's trying to force more gruff in his vocals in an effort to be edgier/more "vk", which really doesn't lend to his voice. They sound enough like a classic Jrock band to where they might as well go all the way in (which doesn't bode well b/c that's what the LADYBIRD is.) I have a feeling if they try more visual kei concepts, they'll continue sounding like a cover band. On the other hand, Tokiha sounds a lot like Kou (ex-CLOWD), so if they work out the kinks they might have something.
  10. colorful人生

    Shoutouts to my cousin who's a nurse at one of the Sentara hospitals. The collective hospitals (mainly the general one) just took in all the victims/injured (to my knowledge) of the latest U.S. mass shooting in Virginia Beach. I'm not sure if it was on her shift, but they were certainly busy today. Fucking hell, can people not suck for once and NOT kill people over their disgruntled asses.
  11. colorful人生

  12. colorful人生

  13. colorful人生

    My tastes are all over the place, but I can give two examples: One glaring example is related to classical music. I don't really like anything in the "classical" realm (especially Russian classical) other than certain French classical composers (Satie, Ravel, Debussy, etc.) I like the calmer, whimsical style, everything else I find kind of grating. I have a much more diverse interest in Jazz (which has crept its way/has influences other genres I like.) I much prefer bluegrass over country, but I do listen to 70's/80's country (John Denver and George Strait.) Can't stand most modern country hits/ "hick-hop", which runs rampant on my local radio stations.
  14. colorful人生

    Throwback to "Plastic Post Paper - nurd" (This is what's exactly on the lyric booklet): we are the "nurd" so we brend the "22" by the "fortune" we are the "nurd" so brend the "soap" by the "honey bee" we are the "nurd" so brend the "new wave" by the sexy. i'm a honors in my school. in my home. in my parents and all thig. i was tired and sad. she said your nurd boy. my father was hit my cheak. hit my belly and he said . . . lick my penis by your small rips. the thistort my life. but your kind to me. because i love so much. but i did sex with your mother. oh no ! i want to make your mother's children. you may make a baby. 2nd is you. so i want to a destroy your family. and beautifultime is start of me. Here's another track off the same album, which I physically own for some reason:
  15. colorful人生

    Acid Black Cherry - Re:birth (Also, every Janne Da Arc MV) vistlip - ORDER MADE Neverland - Evergreen UVERworld - Gekidou girugamesh - Inochi no Ki D=OUT - ONE LUNA SEA - gravity DIE IN CRIES - Nocturne MoNoLith - FADE OUT xTRiPx - glitter baroque - ila. NEXX - METEORITE ARK bis - DAYS 凛 - world in flames Administrator - Promise There's too many to count, tbh. * Ok, I should probably stop now.
  16. colorful人生

  17. colorful人生

    義の空気 -> Righteous Air (Righteousness' Air) -> Yoshi no Kuuki -> Yoshi's Cookie If I had a better grasp of Kanji, I would totally go the Japanese pun route. Take some egregiously "deep" name that sounds hilarious when spoken.
  18. colorful人生

    Same dude.
  19. colorful人生

    ( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)
  20. colorful人生

    Bread Elton John Chicago Air Supply Dan Fogelberg The Doobie Brothers Stevie Wonder Eagles Fleetwood Mac America Commodores Earth, Wind, and Fire Michael Jackson Jacob Collier Nathan East Pat Metheny Group Kenny G Dr. Lonnie Smith Andrea Bocelli Camp Lo Nas J.I.D Denzel Curry Cise Star Periphery Bring Me The Horizon I See Stars Jamie's Elsewhere Palisades ERRA Oceana Plini Chon SALES Mew Real Estate Mac Demarco NU'EST BTS GFRIEND WJSN Oh My Girl Mami Kawada Kaori Utatsuki KOTOKO Aimer dream Annabel/Seraph 1986 Omega Tribe Yuuki Saito Crowd Lu FM-84 The Midnight Night Tempo ECO VIRTUAL
  21. colorful人生

    Check with your primary doctor about the cause of the clenching/bruxism (can be a range of things from stress, anxiety, sleep apnea, etc.), but I'd also see a dentist if they'd suggest a night guard to mitigate your clenching/grinding. You don't want to end up w/ TMJ disorders (like @saishuu mentioned) b/c they suck, but additionally, clenching/grinding can eat away at the tooth enamel which can lead to all sorts of issues.
    1. nomemorial


      wow, what??? did not expect this. bummer.

  22. colorful人生

    I haven't listened to Tyler before IGOR, but the instrumentals (and rap) is completely up my alley. Lately I've been bouncing between J.I.D and Denzel... ...and holy shit, is RICKY a great track. I'm really excited for "ZUU". The MV for 151 Rum came out 2 weeks ago. It's not a new track, but I still listen to the hell out of DiCaprio 2.
  23. colorful人生

  24. colorful人生

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