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  1. Like
    digi reacted to paradoxal in [Band battle] Lycaon vs. Calmando Qual   
    I didn't want to take part in this until I saw this.
    If one has to see the band live, listen to through their whole discography 50 times and be a fan since 2001 just to notice the variety in their music, then I really doubt the band is so great after all.
    I doubt that you haven't seen Lycaon live AND listened to their whole discography at least a gazillion times AND been their fan since Yuuki was born. So, I guess you aren't competent enough to say that you like Calmando Qual more than Lycaon, because you aren't an expert in Lycaon's music too.
    Sounds pretty stupid, right?
  2. Like
    digi got a reaction from Tetora in [Band battle] Lycaon vs. Calmando Qual   
    Are people actually getting all up in their feels over this or?
    People like what they like, it's no use arguing over "which is better" because you're never going to get anywhere with it. 
    With that said, I chose CQ simply because I like them more than Lycaon. I've tried countless times to get into them but they just don't appeal to me that much. Don't get me wrong, they're great at what they do, but CQ is just a favorite of mine in general. 
  3. Like
    digi reacted to Zeus in Roast the library of the person above you (LAST.FM USERS ONLY)   
    HAHA YOU LISTENED TO GAROOGAMESH YOU N00B. And GALEYD is your currently highest played artist? C'mon if I wanted to look at you listening to derivative power metal I'd much rather you listen to DragonForce. Then I'd actually have something to laugh at you about. Now I just feel sad because you wasted your time on a DELUHI copycat (which in turn was a budget GALNERYUS).

    You also use last.fm tags? It's like the most useless things in the world, unless I'm looking for a band tagged "skullfuck revolver metal", "demon burger", or "AIDS". Then it's indispensable. But the fact that you spent so much time categorizing bands to expand other people's knowledge is so trivial. You don't even give me these great tags to work with. How am I supposed to find anything tagged indie? That's like, not specific enough bro.
  4. Like
    digi got a reaction from togz in Hello!...again?   
    aww yiss I loved that cover so much *____*
  5. Like
    digi reacted to togz in Hello!...again?   
    yes PLASTICZOOMS NNNNGH their Maniac cover was quite pleasing to the ears.
  6. Like
    digi got a reaction from togz in Hello!...again?   
    Well then, welcome back? 
    It's nice to see someone who also likes PLASTICZOOMS ;o;
  7. Like
    digi reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    I guess you've seen them if you'e into splatter films, but a few recommendations anyway:
    Blood Feast
    Two Thousand Maniacs!
    Color Me Blood Red
    The Wizard of Gore
    The Gore Gore Girls
    All made by Herschell Gordon Lewis, known for making Blood Feast, the first ever real splatter film. All these are early examples of splatter films, but amazing classics nonetheless. These are mandatory if you're into splatters.
  8. Like
    digi reacted to Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    Rubber's Lover and 964 Pinocchio are rad!! If you like such movies, and especially Tetsuo, I strongly recommend Electric Dragon 80,000V. It's an amazing/hilarious flick directed by cult punk director Sogo Ishii and starring the always excellent Tadanobu Asano. Interesting tidbit: the harsh noise-rock soundtrack of the movie was provided by their (the director's and actor's) own band Mach 1.67.
    Also, Eraserhead is amazing.
  9. Like
    digi got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    Went through this whole thread, and there are lots of films I need to check out now thanks to you guys! I'm huge on horror/exploitation/experimental films, but I suppose I don't really have much to recommend. I'm more into splatter/slasher/shock films more than anything, so I guess if I were to name some faves, they'd be Rubber's Lover, 964 Pinocchio, Color Me Blood Red, and even the infamous Guinea Pig series. 
    Rubber's Lover and 964 Pinocchio are both by Shozin Fukui, and are both considered to be cyberpunk films, along with movies like Tetsuo: The Iron Man etc, but I still consider them horror nonetheless. Plenty of surreal effects, graphic violence, bizarre shit and the like. I love 'em.
    Color Me Blood Red is the only non-japanese one on that short list, but there are many other films I love that are non-japanese of course. 
    I wouldn't really recommend the Guinea Pig series to anyone, lol. Even though it's on my favorites list, I still think it's cheesy as hell, but great at the same time. Somehow, I never really thought the effects were all THAT realistic, but I guess that's because I've became desensitized to gore movies over the years.
    Some other honorable mentions include Eraserhead, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and of course, Halloween. 
    Eraserhead surely isn't a typical horror film, but it's depressing as fuck. It's probably one of the only movies out there that have made me feel disconnected from the world around me throughout the course of watching it. All around great.
    I don't even think I need to talk about the other two movies I mentioned. They're just plain great. In fact, I don't even know why I included those in just "honorable mentions" but whatever.
    With that said, I'm open to any recommendations you guys might have~
  10. Like
    digi reacted to Tokage in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    I feel like music should first and foremost be about the art. Exploring your own creativity and giving a voice to it and all that. Being able to make a profit off your music should just be some form of happy coincidence, it shouldn't be the main driving point... Of course, the majority of musicians probably does not share these same ideals. It's sad. I know it's probably more difficult for some to combine a daytime job with a musical career than for others, but it's not impossible.
    Also lel if you wanted to make a profit then maybe you should do something to make yourself stand out instead of being generic deathcore/metalcore band #845038450
  11. Like
    digi got a reaction from hitsuji-hime in Howdy. ♥   
    Welcome, and nice taste~
    I wasn't expecting to see some Da'vid on there, but I was pleasantly surprised. They're quite lovely~ 
  12. Like
    digi got a reaction from Umi_Niwa in How much do you follow your favorite bands? (Questionnaire)   
    1: Do you buy multiple versions of releases, or buy at all? 


    Being a jobless teenager sure has it's downsides, so at the moment I buy nothing. As for buying in the future, I highly doubt I'd buy multiple versions. I guess it also depends on the artist, though, but most releases are way too expensive for me to do that.


    2: Do you collect cheki or other non-music related items from bands?


    Not as of yet, but I'd like to have band t-shirts in the future. Collecting picks and drumsticks is also that something interests me, but I think cheki is rather pointless. I might collect a few chekis of my favorite artists, but I wouldn't go out of my way to get them all the time.


    3: Follow them on Ameblo, Twitter?


    I don't have an ameblo, but I like to check certain artists blogs sometimes. Mainly just for the purpose of looking at some cute pictures of theirs. I follow most of my favorite artists on twitter, simply because I like to read the little bits of information they post. It's a lot better than trying to read through a long blog post on ameblo.


    4: Would you follow them on the street?


    I might ask for an autograph, if the time seemed right, but as for following them around...no. I thought that was harassment anyway ;_;

    They deserve to be able to walk through the street without being bombarded by fans.


    5: Dig through their trash? 


    I didn't even know people did this. Uh, not something I'd do.


    6: Does Visual Kei or other forms of your musical taste influence your style or personal life?


    I mean, I studied Japanese for a few years because of Visual Kei making me interested in it. It has of course, made me more interested in fashion, hair, and make up, but other than that...I wouldn't say it's "influenced" anything for me.


    7: Desire to move or visit Japan influenced by music


    I'll admit that the idea of moving there is pretty tempting, but I highly doubt I'd be comfortable living there. I'd absolutely love to visit though, and hope to be able to do it one day.


    8: Do you read dirt-sheets of bands, like rumours, gossip, etc...?


     Music is my main priority, of course, but when I need a good laugh I'll read them. 


    9: Ever fantasize about being friends with band members? 


    Maybe not fantasize, but I think it'd be kind of neat to hang out with a band member here and there. I doubt I would actually go out of my way to be friends with one, though. It's just something that comes naturally.


    10: Do you want to be in a Visual Kei band (or any other kind of band)?


    I would hate to be in an actual poppy-glitzy-sparkly visual band, but I would certainly love to be in some sort of shoegaze or post-punk unit, like G-SCHMITT or nookicky (or maybe even something gothy like velvet eden). Sadly enough, I'm not skilled enough in the instruments I play to do that, so I'll continue staying a fan.

  13. Like
    digi got a reaction from Senedjem in ぱみ。‏(pami)(ex-Syndrome-->zechs) will commence solo activities   
    This is great.
  14. Like
    digi reacted to Senedjem in アヲイ(awoi) will disband & 2 new CDs release   
    the bands i like are breaking up therefore the scene is breaking up
  15. Like
    digi reacted to paradoxal in Show Yourself (again)   
    I decided I could post a few old lolita pics of me. These are from 2009-2011.
    October 2009 when I just got a new jacket!!
    Tsukicon 2009 @ Helsinki, Finland.
    Blingbling swag lolita in July 2010, probably the hottest day of the summer (~30C) and I just had to wear lolita... You can't imagine how hot I felt with all those motherfucking extensions and gazillion layers of clothing.
    This is a pretty casual coordination from May 2011 and it's the last time I ever wore lolita ;__;
  16. Like
    digi got a reaction from lakts in Hello =D   
    Welcome here and enjoy your time at the forum!
    Your taste in music is really great btw. Buck-tick, Deshabillz, Jigokue... 
  17. Like
    digi reacted to CAT5 in Show Yourself (again)   
    I felt like taking selfies today - nappy hair and all. I look high in one and angry in the other lol. ;3

  18. Like
    digi reacted to Ikna in Show Yourself (again)   
    Aw, thank you very much. X3 Siouxsie is indeed my "fashion idol". She is so stunning and her looks are inspiring.
    You are welcome and thanks. Everybody seems to like my eyeliner skills. Now I wish I'd be able to make my eyebrows symmetrical (on this photo one of them are thankfully covered, hah)
  19. Like
    digi got a reaction from Biopanda in Help me identify these band/member photos~   
    Photo #5 is Arisu Arisugawa from Missalina Rei. That's all I know ;_;
  20. Like
    digi reacted to Ito in Show Yourself (again)   
    Am I doing this right?

  21. Like
    digi reacted to Ikna in Show Yourself (again)   
    One month old pic, because I am sick at the moment and look like shit >_<

    Also agree, Hyura is kawaii as fuck <3
  22. Like
    digi got a reaction from Ikna in Show Yourself (again)   
    My armpits and I say thank you~
    I was actually just trying to hold up my hair to see how it looked, but I liked the pictures, so that happened :'D
    Also, might I add, Hyura looks stunning as always~
  23. Like
    digi reacted to hyura in Show Yourself (again)   
    You look beautiful, digi! : o
    Also a little bit like you're advertising deodorant. XD Dem perfect armpits~
    We recently bought a fuji instax camera and between lots of random shots of cats, cars and action figures a novelty appeared:
    Official Hyura cheki.

    I look chubby, despite hitting underweight recently.
  24. Like
    digi reacted to RpgRiser in Show Yourself (again)   
    Okay okay I'll say it in another way xD
    You have very beautiful eyes
  25. Like
    digi got a reaction from RpgRiser in Show Yourself (again)   
    I wonder if that was meant as a good thing, haha ;o;
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