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Everything posted by digi

  1. digi

    that looks so pretty geki~! I'm trying to get used to using my tablet as well. It's a lot harder than most people think :x
  2. digi

    That really sucks. Anyone who does that is just an imbecile. I hope the bastards that did this get their asses handed to them. (and that the guitar and other equipment get found)
  3. Congrats~ 8D If I had money, I'd buy the shit outta everything :'D
  4. great~ Wouldn't mind giving this a listen once it comes out :x
  5. digi

    It definitely sounds a lot more interesting :'D If I can find it somewhere, I'd probably give the Italian version a try first. I'll have to look around for it
  6. digi

    naoki is adorable as always unff
  7. digi

    The Black Sabbath movie sounds pretty awesome 8D I might just check that out.
  8. digi

    Soooo i'm no longer blonde (also arith is officially the prettiest person ever)
  9. digi

    Welp, I have to take a family member trick or treating for about an hour, but after that I'll probably just crash on the couch and watch some horror movies. I'm thinking about just watching a lot of the older movies though. (the old Jason/Michael Myers/Freddy movies etc) Since most of the newer ones put out today bore me :x
  10. ugh this is so good Go grieva, go! On another note, I'm lovin' that look, and the background as well.
  11. digi

    I don't even remember what my first song was heh I've been into them since forever :x I can't really choose a favorite album or anything, though. It's all so good~ yeah, the la dispute fans on here are virtually, non-existent, so it's real good to see another :'D
  12. digi

    I think this will be good for them, considering kiwamu is good at turning bands to shit. (at least, some)
  13. digi

    Have fun here~! Nice vkei bando list~ Also, yay for la dispute! I love them ugh
  14. digi

    Not bad. I think I might grab this if I manage to save up some cash :x
  15. jesus fuck my ears have been traumatized In the trolling context, that uwakimono SADS cover is rad. But that's really all. Maybe it's because I am biased, who knows. With that being said, this release in general isn't that bad. I wouldn't mind giving it a full listen sometime, but all this wubwub bweebwee vkei shit is just overall, unappealing imho.
  16. The Uwakimono song previews aren't TOO bad but, that SADS cover is just...ugh that was terrible.

    1. nekkichi


      the sads cover is fantastic tbh, best way to say "suck my oshare dick" to kiyoharu's vk scene legacy. I doubt that dir en grey covering 1994 kuroyume with their growlomatic deathcore magia can ever come close to being that insulting

    2. digi


      You have a good point, but music wise, I still think it's pretty crappy. At least it was more interesting than most covers I've heard :P

    3. digi


      Also, I feel you, wonrei. That gave me the biggest mind-fuck.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  17. oh god someone please stop this atrocious bugger from covering SADS
  18. digi

    Damn. It was worse than what I thought.
  19. digi

    Aww damn..
  20. Pretty rad that they're releasing it through itunes w00t
  21. awesomeeee~ Why all the live-only releases tho?
  22. digi

    I'd have to pick amber gris. Snoozy and Roll is simply perfect. 1. Plastic Tree - Kuchizuke 2. Sandwich de 120 pun? - Shoujo Umbrella 3. Hotel Shinigami - White Horror 4. Dir en Grey - THE DEEPER VILENESS 5. Ageha Biscuits - Maho Tsukai Carrie 6. Lanus Dune - Murder case...Rainy afternoon 7. Idenshi Kumikae Kodomokai - Mahou Shoujo vs. Mecha sensei 8. La Dispute - King Park 9. Mu Mu - me*ga*ne 10. Poisonous Doll - ZONE This list is once again, really diverse. Not my favorite though. You can kinda see my dorky angura nerd showing through this list :x Anyway, I'm going with Plastic Tree on this one.
  23. awwyiss I've becoming really fascinated with them lately.
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