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Everything posted by digi

  1. digi

    Hello there~ Buck Tick is awesome, aren't they?
  2. digi

    Hello I've been looking for Lubis Cadir lyrics, but I'd especially like romaji lyrics to their song "I wanna sleeper". I was going to do a vocal cover of it, but realized I don't know half of what it says orz ;w; Any help would be appreciated greatly heh
  3. digi

    the dhalis set list is so niceeeeeeeee -cries-
  4. wtf is up with these band names i don't care though, because it's Ban and Ban is special
  5. lmao only 5 months of activity :x
  6. hahahahaha my grandfather died AND my parents are getting a divorce. Of course, this all happens within a one day time period. Seriously, what the hell :<

  7. Well, my grandpa died last night. My only grandpa ;< It really sucks because when we came to see him, they didn't have the curtain closed or anything, and they were trying to bring him back and that just did me right there like i juST SAW SOMEONE TRYING TO BE BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE.

  8. digi

    omg molleh let me love you, child
  9. digi

    pls love me nah but srlsy guys i curled my hair
  11. digi

  12. digi

    oh yeeeee just what i needed some fresh beepboops
  13. I'm becoming increasingly excited to hear more of THE BEETHOVEN heh

    2. Umi_Niwa


      where did you hear them? I didn't find anything :/

  14. digi

    Of course they will
  15. digi

    dat web design. That guitarist Seiya is a qt though.
  16. digi

    Well, fuck. Good for them I guess. I hope they don't suck anymore.
  17. Sharaku had the worst voice in the history of music, but I still love Metronome. I guess I have a thing for flour faces.

    1. Tokage


      he doesnt tho, i can think of at least 3 people worse than him lmao

    2. digi


      I guess it's not the worst. In GalapagosS and some FLOPPY songs, it wasn't nearly as high pitched and annoying but it's still pretty bad lmao

    3. Tokage


      dude from Elektel-Shiki is much worse tbqh

  18. I like that look. Doesn't make up for their music though ;x Unless they got significantly better over the past couple releases.
  19. digi

    Lubis Cadir - I wanna sleeper
  20. digi

    Welcome here~! Your music list is great the god and death stars ftw Plastic tree and 9GBO are super nice too~
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