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Status Updates posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. now for part two and hopefully the finisher to the list

  2. Oh my god I made it! Thank you MH!

  3. Peace out, CAT5. All of our best wishes go with you and I'LL MISS YA BRUH

  4. Powered by the incompetent tears of people that complain about free music

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I don't really see the correlation between competency and complaining about free things.

    2. tetsu_sama69


      It's just a joke...

    3. Karma’s Hat
  5. robkun is a masterful vk wizard and I hope he ever stops posting so much awesome stuff

    1. Biopanda
    2. beni


      Amen. [2]

    3. robkun


      Thank you soo much!!

  6. Royz's new pv gave me a music boner

  7. Sewing is a lot more calming than I remember it being.

  8. Sorry I haven't been around much. I had a really bad week and ended up getting rid of someone extremely evil.

  9. Thank you everyone who took a look at the magical music tour~

  10. Thank you very much everyone who is giving me all these UNDERCODE feels... I love you...

  11. That was almost a week without net...

    1. beni


      Oh my god, the tragedy, seriously. Glad it wasn't a problem!

    2. Tetora
  12. The hype is always real.

  13. The magical 2015 music tour is done. Feel free to enjoy the ride~ Thank you everyone for their support and sorry it's so huge...

    1. CAT5


      I plan to check it out soon! :D

    2. Tetora


      Good stuff brah.

    3. tetsu_sama69


      Thank you! My taste is all over the place so I know it's a bit messy but I like so much!

  14. This is amazing and wonderful

    1. Spectralion


      I lost my word...

    2. tetsu_sama69


      Ladybeard has that effect on people

    3. PsychoΔelica
  15. To change to Salamander Man or keep it classy with Pink Guy...

    1. Jigsaw9


      u know dat deep down inside it's gonna be Safari Man... ;<

  16. Trying to think of who i want to change my signature picture to. But I like Lamina so much at the same time...

  17. Two good jobs in place. Of course I'm taking the better paying one and I start on Wednesday!

  18. We gotta be strong and make ORZ better than ever!

    1. fitear1590
    2. doombox


      We can do it! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

    3. beni


      Go team, go!

  19. Why is it so hard to tell if you are oversleeping or not getting enough sleep?

    1. Des


      Sounds similar to when a plant dies but you're not sure if you gave it enough water or if it was death by drowning.

    2. tetsu_sama69


      Yeah! Exactly that!

  20. Will be doing my sales review soon!

  21. will finish tomorrow after work. list almost done.

  22. Wow good job alt tabbing self

  23. You ever feel like you're just so close to losing yourself over nothing and yet if one thing happens it's just going to fall apart....

    1. Tetora


      Never give up, never give in; my fellow Tet.

    2. emmny


      pm if u needa chat or anything, i'll echo tetora in that you shouldn't give up :')

  24. -kicks the door down- HIT ME WITH A REALLY AWESOME NON-VISUAL BAND!!

    1. Tokage


      listen to Backdrop Cinderella, they're good (or used to be at least, lol)

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II


      +1 for Backdrop. Basically merry w/o makeup and no adhd medication



    3. IGM_Oficial
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