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About tetsu_sama69

  • Rank
    「Vk Treasure Trove」
  • Birthday 10/04/1986

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    music, video games, and generally being excellent

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  1. Today was the last straw for me at work.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mamo


      No not malpractice. But you might be able to sue them and draw unemployment if you're in the U.S. that is. I must warn you though if you do decide to it will be a long drawn out process and there's no guarantee that you win, unless you have good evidence.


      If you have something documenting that they approved it than I would talk to a lawyer and see what your options might be. But unless you want to attempt to sue then I doubt there's much else you could do besides draw unemployment like I said. 


      If you don't want to do or deal with that legal process than I would just count my losses, draw up a resume, and seek employment elsewhere. 

    3. Mamo


      For reference @platy:


      Professionals who may become the subject of malpractice actions include:


      medical professionals: a medical malpractice claim may be brought against a doctor or other healthcare provider who fails to exercise the degree of care and skill that a similarly situated professional of the same medical specialty would provide under the circumstances.

       lawyers: a legal malpractice claim may be brought against a lawyer who fails to render services with the level of skill, care and diligence that a reasonable lawyer would apply under similar circumstances.

       financial professionals: professionals such as accountants, financial planners and stockbrokers, may be subject to claims for professional negligence based upon their failure to meet professional standards when providing services to their clients.

       architects: an architect or construction professional may be accused of professional negligence for failing to meet professional standards in the design and construction of buildings and structures.


    4. tetsu_sama69


      Yeah I'm sending letters to the labor board in my state and to the BBB but I don't expect money back. Just want someone with some kind of power to know there is bullshit afoot. I can't get myself to go back into work however. I can't go back in know they're just going to gloat over fucking me over for taking a vacation for FREE.

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