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About tetsu_sama69

  • Rank
    「Vk Treasure Trove」
  • Birthday 10/04/1986

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  • Interests
    music, video games, and generally being excellent

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  1. anyone know if there is a way to change your username on last.fm i think my sn on there is a bit confusing

    1. beni


      Last.fm doesn't give you that option. If you want a new username, you have to make a new account, unfortunately.

    2. tetsu_sama69


      Damn I didn't want to come to that if I didn't have to. I'll have to think it over if it's something I actually want to do... and new username. Thanks for getting back to me so quick!

    3. beni


      We all feel you. Wanted to change mine ever since I started using it. xD (Should have just made another account, lol) You can always just go ahead and make one but keep scrobbling on your current one and decide later. And no problem, happy to help! Also... 'hey boss?' x'D Best avi. God bless.

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